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Old 03-05-2009, 06:37 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Proxy isuues, any solution yet?

I have a lot of down time at the college I attend, and would like to play to kill time.

The issue is, they use the proxy "websense" to filter and block traffic. I'm running Ubuntu and even if I set the proxy in GNOME's Network Proxy and apply system wide, Regnum won't get past the opening screen. I've tried editing the two config files (game.cfg in the main folder, and game.cfg in the "live" sub folder) setting the PROXY options:


net_http_proxy_port = 8080
net_http_proxy_server =

It still doesn't work. I've bypassed the SSH blocks as well as the IRC block using cgi gateways via HTTP to access my home server, but would love to find a simple solution for regnum. A SSH tunnel isn't an option as it's blocked unless ran within a web browser via the cgi app. I may be able to get around that by setting the SSH port to 443 so the websense proxy doesn't throw a fit the "SSL connection" is going to port 22 instead of 443.... but I'm not putting any money on that working.

I read about tsocks, but has anyone had any luck with that?
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Old 03-08-2009, 01:08 PM   #2
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If you can access an outside port through the proxy you can tunnel all traffic to another host, maybe your home machine. Then set up some firewall rules there to forward the traffic to the regnum servers and back to you through the tunnel.
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Old 03-08-2009, 02:41 PM   #3
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You say they are only using websense?
In that case you could try this:

cd folderWhereRegnumIsInstalled
cd live
./game yourRegnumUsername md5hashOfYourRegnumPassword

This way you can bypass the launcher and get the game running.
Observe, that this won't give you any updates - so you have to copy the latest Regnum version to an USB memory (or something similar) and transfer it to the computer you want to run the game on.
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Old 03-08-2009, 04:41 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by rjr162

I read about tsocks, but has anyone had any luck with that?
I had... Well, I think I had because I didn't check if UDP traffic was being tunneled too.

I opened a SSH tunnel to my home computer, then started Regnum using tsocks and it seemed to work. I had more lag than in my house, so I assume traffic was being tunneled.

Cheating the proxy and sending SSH traffic through port 443 will work, IMHO.

@misaccc: I didn't have to set up any iptables rules, and I think it's not really necesary unless you have a very custom set of rules.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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