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Old 03-10-2009, 09:00 PM   #1
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Default To the elves of Horus

I moved to Horus a few months back because I am tired of not understanding most of the community. (syrtis) So now I have made my first lvl 50 on horus. However, now that I can understand everyone, they drive me crazy!

Because I can't get my opinion out in realm chat, I shall do it here.


You are our leaders weather you like it or not. All those below you will look at you as the more powerful soldier. Please start acting like leaders! Getting mad at noobs will not make them understand. It will only detour them from being positive and confident. If your bored, stop looting and go help lower levels get higer. If you see someone doing somthing totally noobish and stupid, FIND A BETTER WAY TO TELL THEM!

We are all fusterated, but getting mad will only make matters worse!


You are on the cusp of greatness. But you are not yet powerful enough to handle everyone and everything. Even 50's can't do that. So don't get to thinking you should be listened too like your the expert. IDC if you have 10 lvl 50's on RA, Horus is a totally different animal, and your tatics in RA just won't work here. (for the most part) You should shut up, and listen to the more expierenced players when it comes time for war or invasion. Just simply, shut up.

TO THOSE 30th-41st

You barely even belong in war or invasion. But we have so few on Horus, you help is appreciated. But your ideas of what to do are not. Ask questions to learn by all mean, but do not expect anyone to follow you off into battle just because you said CHARGE! Don't complain, just take your licks and keep grinding. You really can do nothing for us except being cannon fodder. IF you start wailing your opinion around during wartime, you WILL disrupt what we are trying to achomplish.

TO THOSE 29 and below

You need to be training, not goofing off in the War Zone. Not chatting all day long spamming the chat log. yes, you wanna see what its like, fine, just go and see, then go back to your training. Don't stay too long, because every second YOU spend NOT training, is another minute WE will spend suffering from being outnumbered.


Stop being impossible, start working together. Only good things will come from it. Ignis has invaded us how many times? Stolen our gems?

Anyone sick of this yet???

TRAIN SRYTIS....for the love of the elven gods (alt. ones too) ....>TRAIN!

there, see now, I feel better already! lol
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Old 03-10-2009, 09:53 PM   #2
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I don't agree with it that only high level people should do leading things. The best is to listen to players you know, even if they are level <40. Also, more than once we won a war because of low level(25) people doing their jobs well.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 03-10-2009, 10:22 PM   #3
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I agree with some of yours statements, because it can be annoying to see "unexperienced" ppl talking about what to do and when should we attack, but I also think no one has the right to make other ppl grind just because the realm is underpopulated. Furthermore, you cant make lvl 50s stop grinding for precious gold, only to help other ppl lvl; I know they would be helped a lot, but we're just lazy :P
About the lvl 50 players being leaders, dont be so sure about that. We may have accomplished the max lvl avaliable, but that doesnt mean we are the most experienced players. Everyone can grind easily with boosts to lvl 50, and yet be totally noob at the WZ.
About the Ra veterans part, I think we should never ignore them, because those are the ones who hold more knowledge about WZ and tactics, since they have been playing this game for a long time and can give great tips from which you can learn from.
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:53 PM   #4
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I used many general terms so I understand your feedback. However, you just wanna keep on losing, then do it the same ole' way we've done it now forever. The chaos needs to go away....its that simple. I've heard every single person I've talked to complain about being invaded, and not being able to do it back to them.....so, its time for some changes.

Yesturday, we could have cleaned the Ignis realm of gems. But noobs running up, others shouting at them....IT GETS US NOWHERE>

We need real leaders to come forward....and noobs to shut up.

And no, just because you are from RA, doesn't mean your expierenced. Just like the previous example of 50's leveling up and being noobs in WZ. Its not the same war on Horus, tatics need adjusted a little bit. So veteran RA players are NOOBS here until they learn how its different.

I'm not saying ignore anyone!

The time to talk strategy for a fort war or invasion is LONG BEFORE the battle even starts. If we are going into an invasion attempt. We need 1 or 2 clear cut leaders. Everyone else ONLY talks when its something important.

Nobody wants to hear what you had for breakfast, we want to hear Ignis gates crashing.
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:56 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
I don't agree with it that only high level people should do leading things. The best is to listen to players you know, even if they are level <40. Also, more than once we won a war because of low level(25) people doing their jobs well.

I have never been apart of any fort war or invasion where a 25th lvl won the war for us.
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Old 03-11-2009, 05:12 AM   #6
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thats why horus fails, because people like you decide to tell everyone how to play a game any way they like.

good luck.

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Old 03-11-2009, 06:14 AM   #7
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all i want is for the fighting and bickering to stop, its crazy trying to follow what everyone is doing when people are shouting and spamming the chat

my main point, is higher lvls are the ones who will make a difference in battle, so shouldn't they get the right to lead?

and everyone else, just shut up and do your job, don't get mad at "player x" because he is a noob and doing somthing stupid

on the other hand, if your a noob, don't get mad cause maybe you don't get healed or rezzed when the enemy is hot

we follow one voice, thats the point, one person, and everyone sticks to his/her plan, if it don't work, someone else try

Once again, this is for horus, not RA. Also, this is only during times of invasion or major fort war. BUT THERE IS WAY TOO MUCH ARGUING GOING ON IN REALM CHAT. If you have a better idea, then say it. Don't just put me down cause you disagree. Say what you think should be done to turn this around.
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Old 03-11-2009, 06:27 AM   #8
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what he is saying isn't exactly a lie! it can be hurtful but it's the truth! Syrtis(Horus) Needs to clean up it's act! we have alot of bad habbits that need attending to!
as for our lower lvls alot of them don't grind! ive seen players who were around when i started on horus but are still lvl 25-30 yet they belive they are a leading force in our realm!
One of the biggest things that angers me is we have people who have good grinding habbits but have only been in this realm for like 2 weeks and try to barge in and take control!
as for lvl 50's helping lower lvls! i think this is a important thing to our realm and any realm having a lvl 50 conj look over a group of 4-5 lvl 15's helps create stronger players and helps keep players into the game due to them creating friendships or looking at the higher lvls as mentors! and wanting to be that strong and enjoy the game!
also every realm have players that straight up useless and don't care about anything but personal glory!
Slayer Of Light 50(Barbarian)
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:38 AM   #9
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IMHO Lostican raised a reasonable talk. At the moment I write this message Ignis open their portal.
And this shit will continue until everyone in Syrtis will understand ONE simple thing. Seek the reason of your problems inside you. Look at YOUR own play, what is wrong in it. Find your disadvantages and work to clear them. If everyone (or even most part) will look at their own war abilities, chat will be silent...

Of course, _Syrtis got no organisation. It's chaotic_. If every time someone tell this one magnanite dropped in my inventory, I could have a good magnanite staff already. Everyone knows but nothing's change.

Also, do you know third problem? Game lags HARD at the time of enemies nearby and i can do nothing with that. My comp is modern and pretty powerful. But the first frame of my invasion movie shows 100% hp, and next one shows a sad grey window with accept button... =(
I have paid to NGD much more money then I ever paid for game in my life. I expect better quality.

Anyway, I have no doubt i will enter Syrtis portal sometimes.
Pendalf, Alturian Conjurer (Horus)
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Old 03-11-2009, 08:29 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Lostican
We are all fusterated

Speak for yourself ^^
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