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Old 04-21-2009, 04:55 PM   #1
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EU parliament to lock up the European Internet? - In case you didn't know


Quoted from the site
The internet as we know it is at risk because of proposed new EU rules going through end of April. Under the proposed new rules, broadband providers will be legally able to limit the number of websites you can look
at, and to tell you whether or not you are allowed to use particular services. It will be dressed up as ‘new consumer options' which people can choose from. People will be offered TV-like packages - with a limited
number of options for you to access.

It means that the Internet will be packaged up and your ability to access and to put up content could be severely restricted. It will create boxes of Internet accessibility, which don't fit with the way we use it today. This is because internet is now permitting exchanges between persons which cannot be controlled or "facilitated" by any middlemen (the state or a corporation) and this possibility improves the citizen's life but force the industry to lose power and control. that's why they are pushing governments to act those changes.
Sure, there will always be ways to go around this kind of crap... but I still find it horrible that you are considering such actions, only to fit certain interests.
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Old 04-21-2009, 05:11 PM   #2
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Not again...

Every once in a while this kind of stuff is suggested by some insane MP. Maybe another reason to really do vote the upcoming European elections.

If only I were old enough...
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Old 04-21-2009, 06:24 PM   #3
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to put up content could be severely restricted
Why? Incase inapropriate or "terrorist" sites are put up, so they plan to regulate every line of text through every forum, chat or site? As if.

cannot be controlled or "facilitated" by any middlemen (the state or a corporation)
Something WE cant conrtol, filter, and run to out specs wah wahh...

and this possibility improves the citizen's life but force the industry to lose power and control.
No it restricts the citizens life on yet another thing, health and safety have killed the fun of the outdoors for many, this would only restric people further.

Every few years some fat headed out of touch MP throws a punch at gaming the internet or some other "evil" computer based tech, hopefully the EU will just laugh him out of the building like they should... Moderating the entire net, lol Think of the cash you would need for that
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Old 04-21-2009, 06:52 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by 210paul View Post
Why? Incase inapropriate or "terrorist" sites are put up, so they plan to regulate every line of text through every forum, chat or site? As if.
No, as stated, they'll just force ISP's to not use public DNS servers, for example, and only include allowed ones in their DNS pool.
Ofcourse, sites would still be accessable by IP-address, but this could be easily solved with sofware firewalls and other crap.
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Old 04-21-2009, 07:20 PM   #5
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Are you suprised?

Don't you know only a couple years from now, maybe 5-10 years, that we will be at cyber war? Where the government will watch your every move, tell you what to download and what you can't. You already see it with file sharing. I find it hilarious that you can be put into jail for downloading movies, music, and games. Several years ago I was strongly against piracy, it put people out of jobs. Now I know the real reason you are a criminal for such actions, its just another way to get money out of us.

People sentence us when they have no idea at all what piracy even is, they are nothing more then tools with a monopoly behind them. For example in the case of music, I download albums, but I always will buy then later, because its like a collection, yet its still illegal to download music, or games, even if you own them. Bands don't even make most of their money off albums, they make money off tours and concerts.

To me its stupid, how can you be jailed for holding files, something that isn't even an object in real life, its nothing solid, just data, and it will only get worse over the years. Now crap like this is coming where Internet will be limited like everything else, only for a price. Like companies will pull out some bullshit like to visit foreign websites you need to pay extra, because the company pays a tax to that country or some crap.

General lifestyle has been improving, as more people have been able to gain access to internet, in some places it is already free, but to some people why should something be free? (I also bet on a carbon tax to "fight" global warming, if you want to have a barbecue you will need to pay a tax lol) There can always be money pulled out of every ass, in only a few years most LEDC's will have become MEDC's and the whole world in general will have internet revolving around it. Then the real fun will begin, as its a whole other world to make more money off people and put baseless restrictions on. Aspects of life will be centered on computers, and imagine a virus or breach into them, it would devastate us badly.

Originally Posted by 210paul
Moderating the entire net, lol Think of the cash you would need for that
Think of the money they can weed out of it too,

Last edited by Rated_R_Edge; 04-21-2009 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 04-21-2009, 07:45 PM   #6
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It may never come to a cyber war

Every 11 years (I think 2011 is the next one) as part of the suns natural fluxuations it "ejects" a huge blob of charged electrons, Occasionaly, these Hit Earth, the last one was 1860 something, it was a rather small one that hit west America, to start with there is something similer to the northern lights visable in the skys, one the "blob" hits a conducter is discharges into it, in 1860 this fried a lot of telegraph wires, but nothin major only took 3 years to fully restore the system,

Now could you imagine if something like that happened in this world? It would blast billions of watts into the power system melting transformers all over the world, not something easy to fix... Even harder with the panic at a large section of the planet suddenly losing every mains-electronic device, also it could cause huge dmg to world wide coms by frying sattalites, destroying GPS, making radio little more than static...

Thank god its only one in 11 years, and theres lots of room around earth... But It could happen again and I dont think anyone wants to spend the billions upgrading the system to deal with such a unlikely event, but if it did happen, it would be devestating.
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Old 04-21-2009, 07:55 PM   #7
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In short, they'll be killing Internet.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 04-22-2009, 05:33 AM   #8
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that's really bad... I'm not in europe but if it will happen there it will happen here... that's not good... the restrictions should be use in house with special programs for that... but don't in internet companies.... =(.
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Old 04-22-2009, 05:06 PM   #9
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On a Brighter Internet note, England will be Tearing up the old copper wiring to replace it with Fiber Optics (starting in 2012)
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Old 04-22-2009, 07:13 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by 210paul View Post
On a Brighter Internet note, England will be Tearing up the old copper wiring to replace it with Fiber Optics (starting in 2012)
You still have copper wire :F ?
The world will have ended by 2012 anyway.. so its pointless
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