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Old 05-12-2009, 08:55 PM   #1
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Default When a knight can use auras ?

As a knight, I have some Auras which are used to protect one or more allies.
I tried to use it as beter as I thought but it seems that its not always a good thing
Today, for example, we where fighting in wz, and someone asked me not to use Deflect barrier(3). We were fighting, so I didn't have time to chat about why but it seems that was not a good thing to do.
Someone could explain why it might be a problem and when I can use auras ?
May be it is linked to the fact that my aura lvl is 3 atm ?
Is this restriction, if any, is the same for all others auras ?

Thank you in advance for for any advise
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Old 05-12-2009, 09:42 PM   #2
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My guess is that your lvl 3 aura was getting in the way of a lvl 5.
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Old 05-13-2009, 03:34 AM   #3
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Also, there's a limit of 3 positive auras that can affect a single player. So lower level auras can be harmful by blocking a slot that more effective auras could have used. For example, I really hate when someone casts, say, Stars Shield or Shield Wall(1) and it prevents me from getting Mana Communion.

If the choice is between your Deflecting Barrier(3) and nothing, feel free to cast. Otherwise you must coordinate with other knights/mages in the group to use auras effectively as a team.
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Old 05-13-2009, 06:21 AM   #4
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As a lvl 42 knight I just use deflecting barrier(5) and heroic presence(5). When you use an aura you must use it to max level you can (either 4 or 5 otherwise it really waste an aura). Just check that the same aura isn't active and that there isn't too many aura already active. My rule for myself is one aura at a time so either I give blocks either I give armor to my mate.
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Old 05-13-2009, 06:48 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Gringot View Post
As a knight, I have some Auras which are used to protect one or more allies.
I tried to use it as beter as I thought but it seems that its not always a good thing
Today, for example, we where fighting in wz, and someone asked me not to use Deflect barrier(3). We were fighting, so I didn't have time to chat about why but it seems that was not a good thing to do.
Someone could explain why it might be a problem and when I can use auras ?
May be it is linked to the fact that my aura lvl is 3 atm ?
Is this restriction, if any, is the same for all others auras ?

Thank you in advance for for any advise
It is most likely because they didn't want you to cancel someone else's lvl 5 barrier.

If i were you i'd only cast your lvl 3 barrier when there are no other knights around.

When you lvl up and have barrier on lvl 5 i doubt that anyone will complain about you casting it then.
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Old 05-13-2009, 01:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by gph View Post
As a lvl 42 knight I just use deflecting barrier(5) and heroic presence(5). When you use an aura you must use it to max level you can (either 4 or 5 otherwise it really waste an aura).
Heroic presence (1) gives an armour equivalent to your allies as a Caution (5)... the difference (40 p.p.) is the exact equivalent to Caution (3) (pretty standard on many warrior builds).

Shield Wall (1) gives the equivalent to a 3 lvl 15 weapons dmg resistance passive, or to a material wall (1) (last time I tested mind you)...

Bottom line is, check if any aura you want to cast is already up (go near the knights ^^), otherwise ask if you can (due to some misinterpretations many ppl think that if it's not on lvl 5 it's just for RP leeching)... or cast it and remind them it's only active on a 10 feet radius...
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Old 05-13-2009, 07:23 PM   #7
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Thanks to all of you for your replies.
All of these make sense and I understand now where was the trouble.
See you soon on ROL and may be under my lvl 5 DB or Heroic protection
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