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Old 04-17-2010, 03:36 AM   #1
DemonMonger's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Edge of the Abyss
Posts: 2,066
DemonMonger is on a distinguished road
Default <Smiles>

A simple thought slowly slipped away.
Before long night had turned to day....
But as do so tides rise and fall,
All is a constant yearning.. a bekoning call.
A driving force from which one cannot flee,
Something everlasting through eternity.
Memories moments and plans abound,
What do they mean when they're lost not found.
It takes two minds and two hearts to start the game,
And if only one's present no worries no shame.
But don't lose your focus on what is now the past,
You can't walk away from what you cannot grasp.
And if your eye and your heart were given to another for long,
It's not possible now to sing the I'm leaving you song.
For the shadow of what was... has long been vanquished by the ever present light.
Correct your thoughts and set straight your sight.
<takes a bow>

Last edited by DemonMonger; 04-17-2010 at 05:06 AM. Reason: "takes" "minds"
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