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Old 03-23-2011, 12:03 PM   #1
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Default we just dont understand

can someone take a look at these screenies,and advise us how this is happening.
we havnt been able to work out how conju's dont drop when hit with ambush,how lone warlocks can reduce our damage,we see alot of things that dont make sense,and we would like to know why.
Our clan has many many members now,and we are losing alot,they dont like how things like this happen to us,but we never seem to have this luck.we have searched our skill trees for more protection,or buff's from others.we have tried them all we think.
its making us sad that many clannies are quitting the game,they see unusual things like this,and feel it isnt fair,and they cant compete.
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Old 03-23-2011, 12:40 PM   #2
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Is there a knight around with auras? If yes this is the reason for low damages. For Ambushed mage, there are 2 layes of resist - resist whole spell or resist CC effect only. If this is conjurer who have Mind Blank he resisted only the knock effect. Sometimes Energy Barrier is up but gives random low damages in log, dunno why. For the marks - he buffed? Dunno for that i never played archer. Sometimes because of weird positioning you see people flicker, go into walls etc etc etc. They see self ok.
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Old 03-23-2011, 01:39 PM   #3
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Mages might use dispell magic to get up from knocks, energy bareer reduces (doesn't completely stop) dammage. It is hard to tell from those screens thoug...
Conjurers do have defensive means that again, reduce dammage.
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Old 03-23-2011, 04:35 PM   #4
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Hahaha I loved this one:

i caught this guy attacking alsius from inside the walls.shame the pics dont show him casting or id send it to NGD,not that they would do anything,its prolly not enough proof for them
Yes, I clearly haxxed inside of that wall, and am defending the fort all by myself by attacking all of those enemies you see in that screenshot from inside of a solid object. It would be silly to think I had just dropped down from the wall onto the small ledge there and went afk...

Are you guys by any chance the ones that keep making Ignis alts named "I hate cheaters" and xxx "is a haxxor" and then spamming people in PMs and throwing war banners with lists of "cheaters?"


Last edited by VandaMan; 03-23-2011 at 04:58 PM.
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Old 03-23-2011, 07:38 PM   #5
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Can I just point out that Wes the Great is a knight, and there for has a passive resist for knocks out of constitution and I believe there is an actual passive skill fo rit. The cc's not working on conjus or any other class (besides knight) is probably DI, if they are alone I believe there is a buff that helps them resist cc's. The damage reduction is probably pylon and or auras, plus there are many types of different resists on armor ect. For my level 50 barbarian I reduce archers(mostly hunters) normal hits to 11, with an aura it goes to around 5 or 6.

I see nothing wrong with the screen shots besides the fact that Wes is a lucky bastard. Maybe it is good for people to find a new clan other than being grouped with people who dont know anything about the game.
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Old 03-23-2011, 08:44 PM   #6
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Screen one: Attacker has bad gear, attacked person has good armor against piercing dmg, maybe also defbuffs or auras.

2.: The barbs have already been very close (attacks in the log), the warriors can have up to -40%+25%+30%=+15% speed, your passiv speed only gives +7% so of course they are faster than you.

3.: Any new buff as Caution or sth from a knight. Its not in the log but i belive sudden strike was casted before and went off, you use it later on.

4. Mind Blank. Or a very fast dispel from an ally.

5. Obviously an energy barrier, broken by the last Ensnaring Arrow. There is always some very small dmg bypassing it from autohits, tear apart is reduced to 0.

6. Same as 5.

7. Evasive Tactics reduce dmg from bows with few or no boni a lot. But your screen doesnt prove anything anyway, we dont see your 180 dmg your talking about.

8. Explained by Van.

9. Cant see how he casted camo in 2s, dont belive it. Tracking is bugged and can easily be avoided by hiding behind objects as stones, reveal wont hit you there too.

I cant really see whats not fair about any of those things. Well beside the fact that mages receive dmg through their barrier but i doubt this is what you wanted to tell us. You should really check the facts before you suspect anyone of playing unfair or cheating.
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Old 03-23-2011, 10:02 PM   #7
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Those are the of the worst screenshots I've ever seen.

Anyone that knows anything about RO can tell you EXACTLY what's happening in every single one, not that even one could possibly be used to properly explain the situation.

I mean seriously, showing a log of tracks? How does that prove anything? /facepalm
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Old 03-23-2011, 10:57 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
I mean seriously, showing a log of tracks? How does that prove anything? /facepalm
Agree.. screens are pretty lame. But i totally know what the TS means. Its kinda weird to see that your ambush or whatever lands on a target and he still keeps running.
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Old 03-23-2011, 11:14 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Altara
I see nothing wrong with the screen shots besides the fact that Wes is a lucky bastard. Maybe it is good for people to find a new clan other than being grouped with people who dont know anything about the game.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:38 AM   #10
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Any chance this Tania is playing on Horus as "Tania the Huntress"?

Edit: Mattdoesrock, explain please -> lul
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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