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Old 06-04-2007, 09:28 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2007
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Maryoku is on a distinguished road
Default I'm done with this game!

I've decided to delete this game a not play it again. The reasons are that some of the users make rude comments and won't leave me alone. I thought this game would have been a good distraction from my busy life but I guess I was wrong. So while you loosers sit there starring at your monitors while life is passing you by, I'll be laughing at your sorry asses and actually getting some from my girlfriend unlike you pathetic virgins! You can all just go to hell! Except for a small group of players like Booo, Refetan, and lochness, I won't miss playing this at all. Later and have a wonderful life, if you can call what you people are doing "having a life"
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Old 06-04-2007, 09:31 AM   #2
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Thanks for telling this! So interesting. Tell us more!
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Old 06-04-2007, 09:43 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Originally Posted by Maryoku
I've decided to delete this game a not play it again. The reasons are that some of the users make rude comments and won't leave me alone. I thought this game would have been a good distraction from my busy life but I guess I was wrong. So while you loosers sit there starring at your monitors while life is passing you by, I'll be laughing at your sorry asses and actually getting some from my girlfriend unlike you pathetic virgins! You can all just go to hell! Except for a small group of players like Booo, Refetan, and lochness, I won't miss playing this at all. Later and have a wonderful life, if you can call what you people are doing "having a life"
hey you should really watch how you say things especially in a forum, i wont disrespect you because i am not that type of person but i will tell you this,

We all have a life and wheather you like it or not this game is just played on our spare time that we take time to play it, another thing dont judge a book by its cover because if you have manners you would have at least said it in a nice way that you was leaving regnum online and you started by calling every user words... you are doin us a favor by leaving actually.. we dont want people like you in this wonderful community.

Good Bye.

p.d: why did you not switched realms and tried a different environment in the game.
if people make rude comments etc take screens and report it, its that simple, dont leave because of those rude people.. just try another realm and see how it goes there.. but if you leave then its your decision, but this game has nice people in it you just got to know where to look at..

send the report to that e-mail address Abuses@ngdstudios.com.ar

Last edited by Wyatt; 06-04-2007 at 10:11 AM.
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Old 06-04-2007, 09:51 AM   #4
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Hey don't limit your pleasure because of a few stupid people....
If you go through life like this you will become a very sad uptight person..
Laugh it off, shrug it off, and enjoy yourself...

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Old 06-04-2007, 10:17 AM   #5
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Humm wonder where he has been playing I can honestly say I know of only two rude poeple on this game . While I wont say anynames they know who they are. But after the bad mouthing you just gave us that you never met I wonder if rude don't beget rude????? personally I know most realms love new players and mostly hard working ones. could it be someone pissed you off in the realm you was playing and this just lead to a bad feeling . if so try another realm . BUT AS FOR NOT HAVIN WOMEN all I can say is you should be half as lucky and you might have a sunnie personallity .

poeple don't responed well to words of hate peace and my your life be full of happiness
ask not what your realm can do for you but what you can do for your realm
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