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Old 08-13-2011, 01:38 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2010
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Default Some impressions from starting a new character

New XP curve if great, 30 is easy to get to with a steady increase in grinding.

Quests levels are all screwed up, killing 15 very easy creatures is a pain when you have to spend a long time looking for them and they give very little XP, and getting a weapon 5 levels below your current level as a reward is useless. The mob levels should be normal or challenging for solo quests and the rewards one or two levels higher so you have something to look forward to when you level.

Quests that send you all over the map are a pain, in particular the ones that force you to take a longer route than needed to the destination. Ok, NGD want to sell mounts (and they do at a very reasonable price) but these quests are too blatantly trying to force you into buying one. The suggestion elsewhere to buy a premium mount as a gift was a good one.

The drop rate up to about lvl 20 is great, after that.... Last night there was an announcement for a 20% increased drop rate for (I think) 1 hour. I have ground 12 hours without a single drop in the past and I know others have had worse, 120% of nothing is still nothing. Drops could be better graded, it could be done automatically based on what folks keep or sell, with sale price adjusted at merchants accordingly. That would allow a much higher drop rate without the drop rate of desirable items changing and without flooding the already weak gold economy.

Chat is empty. Seriously, it looks like a ghost server and I have seen many new players comment on it. There are already a few threads making suggestions for this.


Players inner could do with some guidance by higher lvl's and maybe group grinding. Would be nice if higher levels got good xp for helping out lower levels, thinking conj's mainly but should be for all classes.

Last edited by standistortion; 08-13-2011 at 06:29 PM.
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Old 08-13-2011, 06:46 PM   #2
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"The quests are all screwed up". Damn right. I never understood why you have to kill easy or in the case of some quests in Ignis, Unchallenging ones. At worst they should be normal or challenging mobs.
Other quests should have hard/ very hard mobs where you would need a team. That builds communication and social interactions in game.
Well ,don't get me started on the crappy and thoroughly abominable weapon rewards. A reward should mean something to you now, not 5 levels ago. On top of that , would it kill NGD to give quest weapons with a measly 2% boost or something? Would it kill the game to give magical drops on some quests to level 30? Actually make them either the level of the quest or a couple levels higher ?

There are a lot of suggestions that could improve things and solidify the game from the get go. Several already exist in the suggestions box.

I had more to write but I think I will end it here by giving standistortion a +1 as those issues are really root and should be addressed gradually if NGD wants to reduce leakages. Jumping ain't going cure the player leakage. The game needs more meat in crucial areas. NGD's challenge is not in attracting players, it is keeping them here. With new titles coming out all the time, those weaknesses early in Regnum online are beginning to get glaring.
Quest quality improvement, reward improvement, better structured quests, and good folklore will do a lot to sure up the new player base. Of course my level cap island idea can't hurt either.

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Old 08-14-2011, 11:18 AM   #3
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I agree with all you guys said above, just one thing I would add to this..

And this is from an Alsirian point of view:

It's so easy to get 30, by a bit experienced player its almost doable in a day.. almost! But later on it gets very hard.. much more XP needed, Less quests more grinding.

In the 4 MMO's I played full time, I enjoyed RO because of the people, the small and fun community and the mature graphics but overall because of the PvP and RvR style.. Most 'Big' games give the low lvl gamers an opportunity to be able to do 'something' on low lvl too.. In regnum, you have to be at least 35 maybe even higher to be able to help your realmmates.. I HATE this, Low lvls shouldn't be forced to get higher lvl.. If they want to taste a bit of the PvP and RvR on low lvl and they would actually enjoy this then they would have no problem with grinding and questing to a higher lvl because they know what's coming to them when they hit a higher lvl.
At this point, if you enter the Warzone at a low lvl, you'll get ganked.. powned, not even have the opportunity to have fun. In my opinion this is what I have always hated about RO and exactly this is what pushed my RL friends away from RO.
Quick small summary, Make it harder to lvl on low lvl, but make it easier to lvl on higher level.. that way when new gamers hit ~30 they already did 'something' for lvling and didn't just get the lvls handed out to them.. But ofcourse, because low lvl's will have a harder time, make it easier for them on later level like I said. And let them be able to do'SOMETHING'.

And for goodness sake.. THE QUESTS NGD, THE QUESTS!
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Old 08-14-2011, 11:26 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by HuntShot View Post
This has always been mentioned in the past, I was one who always complained about this, but I have to say that it isn't really true anymore. They've alleviated the grind, it's still there beyond 50 (What to expect), but you can easily reach 40 and with just a little more time 50 now. At level 40, you can already play many different roles in war. So I disagree, you can jump into the actual RvR now faster then you ever could.

You might be mixing up a solo experience to one with friends. The game is meant to be played together, with other people. At level 35 of course you can't do crap by yourself, should you be able to?

Quests on the other hand are utter shit. Plenty of things to be ashamed about there.
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Old 08-14-2011, 11:31 AM   #5
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Tbh, it's still the same.. maybe even worse like you said since the lvl cap has been raised to 60, I still notice this and I don't think I'm the only one..

Well, you should be able to At Least get to the fort, and even if you're a let say 25 barb.. your hits would be around 90 in a fort fight on an archer. This is what I'm talking about, I don't see any fun in this..
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Old 08-14-2011, 11:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by HuntShot View Post
Tbh, it's still the same.. maybe even worse like you said since the lvl cap has been raised to 60, I still notice this and I don't think I'm the only one..

Well, you should be able to At Least get to the fort, and even if you're a let say 25 barb.. your hits would be around 90 in a fort fight on an archer. This is what I'm talking about, I don't see any fun in this..
That's more of a balance issue. If forts had a proper scaling system then you wouldn't see this.
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Old 08-14-2011, 01:20 PM   #7
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I agree with Logan , but I also agree with Huntshot. The curve is not as steep and this is a good thing. However, players , say 35 and under should have a taste of the infectious gameplay they can look forward to later on. That is why I suggested level cap island long ago.
Besides the fun effect, it also would encourage team play which means better fighters later on.
It encourages better communication, socialising.
It encourages the development of mature RvR style players who are used to pushing war and better quality war when they do hit the war zone.
It wets the appetite. Players will be eager to level and get to the endgame rather than wondering what it is all about. They keep coming back
Most importantly, it retains players at all levels. More players at all levels, we all win.

NGD has done a pretty good job improving the game at lower levels. However, they really need to put some more meat in the level 15- 40 area. Better quality quests can be one way of doing it. Immerse folklore is another .

Edit :They can even make the linkage between high levels and lower levels better through quests. An example is a mentor type quest. A level 50 quest for example could be to come back and assist players to kill each pendant holder. Doing that gains the level 50 player XP points. Quests like that can be repeatable.

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Old 08-14-2011, 01:23 PM   #8
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The problem is that they changed the experience curve drastically in the warmaster implementation without adjusting the quests.
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Old 08-14-2011, 01:34 PM   #9
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Well quests were never that important to NGD. As such the quality of the quests are questionable. With all they have in the works I won't hold my breath for anything fresh in that area this year.

I am quite interested in the achievements plan that they have though. If done well it could be an encouragement.
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Old 08-14-2011, 04:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
That is why I suggested level cap island long ago.
Besides the fun effect, it also would encourage team play which means better fighters later on.
NGD said they were going to add some kind of mini-invasion system for the initiation and inner realms, but it looks like that plan bit the dust

Anyway, I agree with you. There is a huge gap between level 15-40.
Originally Posted by andres81 View Post
The problem is that they changed the experience curve drastically in the warmaster implementation without adjusting the quests.
The experience curve has been changed twice. If I recall correctly they adjusted it when they implemented fatigue, and by adjusted I mean they reduced XP gained and also (Not 100% sure) increased the amount of experience needed to level. That was the first change, and it lasted from the fatigue update till the warmaster expansion. Looking at old screenshots of experience gained before that change, and comparing them to new ones from the same monsters, you get more experience with the current curve. So it really is the easiest grind that we've ever had.

Quests have always remained the same after all this time, but new quests have been added since then. Also look at things like RLM bonuses and now experience from players. Those things were never there in the past, so once again it shows how rewarding the current system is when compared to that one. Grind will always exist in one form or another in F2P games, but NGD has minimized the grind in Regnum considerably since release, and quite frankly I have to give them credit for that.

In a PvP based game, PvP based content comes before PvE content. That's why quests are in such poor shape.
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