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Old 08-24-2011, 07:46 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 37
Archefiend is on a distinguished road
Default Easy tactics guide

A little nice thread about some easy rvr tactics . Some of them will be meant for hunters because I'm hunter myself. You can say that tactics are dumb or totally useless/impossible to perform. Its your opinion after all.

1.Walking into enemy teritory

An unmounted walking formation. Performs simple- most knighs in front 2 at each side. No knights at rear. All other classes inside the shell of knights, except for hunters who scout surroundings at all sides and rear.
To avoid ambushes in open and protect all clases from hard dmg. If enemy charge they will be easely dispatched by all ranged classes and barbs while knights hold the line.
Nearly impenetrable if enemy attacks front line. The chances of not reaching destination you were heading are 0,00001%.
Its slow. Plus try walking all that way by foot. If enemy ambushes from rear (thats the bad hunters fault for not doing their job) its pretty vulnerable by nukes and barb mass ccs.
Overall rating:
Not needed. I have never seen ambushes at RO rvr armies on foot, so it will be a waste of time.

1.2.Mounted Phalanx
Similiar to original turtle but with few exceptions. All knights are at front, while other classes behind. Hunters not included, they must be at castle alredy scouting enemy forces.
Same as the first one. If knight is knocked off horse he still have armor and he can soak up dmg.
Faster and safer movement than on foot. Safer because you will propably ride past enemies.Also formation is widely spread and you cover biger ground by it.
If assaulted by large enemy group unmounted you may encounter some nasty problems when everyone is knocked down. Also need to watch your back at ALL COSTS because if someone gets knocked you may simply be unable to see it because mounts are fast.
Overall rating:
Useful.Almost everyone have mounts and most ppl at rvr travel by them.Its not rare or uncommon that mounted parties get ambushed.

Yes in wm we now have the things we call teles who can carry 10 people to the teles caster desired fort. This will be short and quite simple.

1. Always check how many ppl are at place. Teles can carry 10ppl at a time and theres 45min(sorry for early mistake Im not wm) cooldown for them. So if you want to use them check if theres enough ppl who can cast and use them so that all would go to the desired location.

2.Try not to split when using teles, it will weaken your army(party) and make it harder to recover.

Obvious. Travel distances faster and safer.
Provides fast movement to desired fort. Can make nice defencive moves or ambushes to enemy forts when they dont expect it.
Long cooldown and limited people count who can pass through.
Overall rating:
Good. Can be useable and pretty handy in hot situations.

1.4. Skirmish
Most often used formation. Group is scattered around large area making it less vulnerable to lock nukes and barbarian killing spree.
None. Just the formation of brainless mob.
Less ppl killed if some are assaulted. Needs totally no coordination between players, just run in a little bit further distance than others
Just imagine if someone would put ambush posts with hunters who stalker others? If they die they just respawn at castle/fort. Your forces are cut a bit down while closing to fort/castle while theirs is intact.
Overall rating:
Give it by youself :P Mob stays mob after all...

Overall tips when walking in enemy territory:
If walking on foot dont charge by yourself. Rather wait when warmasters use Horn of the wind so you move like one group.

Let the stronger players enter teles first. It will make stronger foothold at desired location

Always look whats behind you, maybe your comrade is in trouble.

With little practice and coopereation you will easely adapt these little tricks

2.Fort capturing

2.1. Regrouping near forts and class placement
When you have reached fort in around 350m to it regroup.
Whats regrouping? Thats that nasty little patience time when people gather near fort and wait for all others.
After regroup now need to decide from where you go. If your behind fort split in two groups- each one comes from different side. Warriors in front all others behind.
Warrior focus- bring down the door, other warriors.
Archer focus- KILL EVERYONE ON WALLS! If noones there focus on ccsing enemy warriors and watching your back for enemy reinforcements.
Mage focus- support warriors with healing AND GOD DAMN IT DISPELL(saves the day, really), locks try to nuke enemy warriors and cast DoTS.(just dont get too close) Also,warlocks, keep close with markses when I say you that they may save your hide, I mean it. Also for mages- dont attack walled enemies nor try to bring down gate, its suicide in most cases.

2.2.Fighting at the fort/castles door(attack on other realms)
On the upper is described your placement. Now action if your outnumbered or all you can manage is bring down gate. In cases of outnumberation theres little more to do than wait till they charge out or keep your position and gather zerg. Do not attack forts if outnumbered! Its just...*****. Just go to other one and try take that one if you all are so impatient. In cases when you manage to bring down door but are pushed back- hunters its your star hour Just go under camo and sneak in, others retreat a bit back so enemy cant reach you. Meanwhile hunts, capture the fort and annoy enemy to death (litteraly) If they are still inside.
In case they have been foolish enough to run out. capture forth, those who retreat, hold position. Conjurers and knights your star hour. Cast auras and heals at madening rate and hold enemy while hunters strike from back. Dont get flanked at all costs, you will be doomed then. If this fails hunters rush back to forth and buy your realm time. How? Mount tower on which one is flag(or simply mount towers) At forths with longbow and parabolic you will actualy hit enemies at gate. If they breach it, camo and avoiding/ annoying tactics to buy time or recapture it later.If you feel like spending money upgrade forth to guard captain, it also buys little time. Meanwhile what others need to do? Rush,rush like hell so that hunters efforts are not in vain.(or cast tele)
Just hope you make it

2.3.Recapturing fort/castle of your own realm
All is like in upper text there are just some differences if you cant manage to take it at 1st wave. If you manage to break door but cant get further, retreat. 2 Hunters sneak in while other hunts go to choke points(choke point- place where enemy will likely come with reinforcements such as bridge etc.) and prevent reinforcements to join enemy. Others rgp and go charge the ol good fort/castle.You already know what you need to do.

2.4.Battles on open ground
Alleluya markses finally your element! If you outnumber them just charge. If numbers are quiet a similiar counter formation easy- markses hit from distance while others come closer with knights at front and conjus supporting them. Note to barbs- Charging here requires precise timing! Charge at the wrong moment and you will be cannon fodder to markses and all others. So be patient go behind damage takers and charge at the right distance. Special note- If you think that can, try to flank enemy (mostly hunts), and attack from sides, back.(If barb manages this feat then i say wow. It is possible and if they manage, pray, because you may be masacrated.)
Well in cases your force is outnumbered-bad for you, try to make to bridge choke point and kill them there. Or if bridge is too far, spread in wide area.( so some will survive and can hold bridge for rgp.)

2.5.Battles in forest and rocky terrain
Pretty easy I would say. This is the place were should use skirmish, cause in close clusters -

1.Is hards to stay

2.You become more vulnerable from ambushes. Dont use roads cause enemy uses them too and you can enter some nasty encounters.
This wont apply to zerg :P If encounter small groups who run away dont chase them.(splits the group) Just go further to your goal whatever it is.If engage enemy zerg retreat a bit, regroup, and use trees for advantage(hide behind them buff up, charge out at right moment). Also this territory is quite good for barbs because they simply hide behind tree and strike with maddening dmg afterwards.
For hunters- use camo. Attack from flanks or rear.
Marksmans- keep as far as possible.
Knights and mages keep in close clusters.

Rocky terrain
Available on ignis territory only. Tactics are easy- use mounted phalanx and regroup regulary behind rocks. So in such way you avoid detection. If encounter battle-use rocks. Charge out at right moment. Keep in mind that enemy use rocks too so by any means, dont make a rock wars were all people sit behind rocks. If enemy refuses to move, flank them(from one side, all group) If small enemy group(2-3 people) run away, dont chase them-thats time loss.Also this territory is better for marksmans because theres more free space.

General tips:
Marksmans should use every higher ground they can find. Just get up there and rain enemies with arrows!

Hunters- always have scouting and camo at max! Always have reveal at least 1lvl!

Knights- spam your auras as fast as you can! If you will be dizzied or confused it will be too late.

Barbarians-use terrain. Play smart. All game isnt rushing :P

Conjurers-always have revive at least lvl 1! Will save someones life believe me (also warjurers).And have DISPELL!

Warlocks- dizzy, some mass spells are very good, but dont forget about DoTS, soulkeeper(very good spell use it on barbs ) and DISPELL!


3.1.Bringing down gate
Ok first- arrive to gate. Second- get in your places. Kill guards first, then warriors assault gate. If enemies come outside its mage job to kill them(and also support warriors). Archers focus on walls and other annoyance like conjurers.

3.2. Getting gems
Ok bringed down gate(never do that from other side or split groups for attacking each side- tottaly useless because enemy is at advantage then).If gems are at gate to dragon all keep close ignore enemies and run. rgp there kill everyone, take gems and protect gem carriers. Run through gate ignoring enemy, and try to slow down pursuers(dont be afraid to die.) Dont stay near gate they just keep respawning there.In case gems are on altars you can

a) split in two groups
b) be in one group and pick gems in order
Decisions are up to you.

End of 1st part.

Thank you for reading 1st part! I divided the whole guide in 4 parts. If you like this guide I will write the next one. Name of the first part- Basic advance tactics. Name of second- Basic defense tactics. Third- Advanced tactics for offense and defense. Fourth- Special hunters tactics for avoiding enemy and be a pain in the ***(censored edition)

Last edited by Archefiend; 08-24-2011 at 06:49 PM.
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Old 08-24-2011, 07:59 AM   #2
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nice guide! well done!
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Old 08-24-2011, 08:10 AM   #3
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My eyes... use Enter and Tab more times. Wall of the text

WM teleports have Cooldown of 45'

Last edited by Lekarz; 08-24-2011 at 08:27 AM.
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Old 08-24-2011, 09:28 AM   #4
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Really nice, go clean this thing up, make it readable like Lekarz says and post it in Questions for community its a really nice thread just the way you made it makes it so spoiled.
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Old 08-24-2011, 06:59 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Archefiend is on a distinguished road

Sorry about the wall of text I usually don't write a lot. This is just a result when I get tired from grinding, never had intentions to write a guide and it actually ended so big in my mind that I had to divide in 4 parts!

Hope the thing is readable now. And btw you want the next parts or not? The fourth part is actually really epic one and shows the a REAL HARDCORE usage of hunters and their skills, but that will be the last one I will write(It will try to make videos were you will see in action how it looks in game), if you all will want next parts....
Ps. Why should I place it in questions of community?
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Old 08-25-2011, 12:10 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Archefiend View Post
Sorry about the wall of text I usually don't write a lot. This is just a result when I get tired from grinding, never had intentions to write a guide and it actually ended so big in my mind that I had to divide in 4 parts!

Hope the thing is readable now. And btw you want the next parts or not? The fourth part is actually really epic one and shows the a REAL HARDCORE usage of hunters and their skills, but that will be the last one I will write(It will try to make videos were you will see in action how it looks in game), if you all will want next parts....
Ps. Why should I place it in questions of community?
Ofcourse, why not.. this is a forum after all right? Hehe ;p

Because Questions to the Community mostly get visited by people who need help, and this is a guide so yeah.. makes sence right?
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