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Old 12-14-2011, 01:01 AM   #1
Ponter's Avatar
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Exclamation Preliminary Changelog - AMUN (Let´s Test)

The version currently online in AMUN is not final. It has known issues and some features are not complete.

Please report any crash you suffer while testing and any issues you find in this thread.


Preliminary Changelog - AMUN

  • New: The game has a new and improved interface, with new features.
  • New: The game’s map has been completely overhauled.
  • New: Mini-map.
  • Modified: Warrior weapons from level 1 to 30 have been revamped (In Progress).
  • Modified: Bows from level 1 to 30 have been revamped (In Progress).

Gameplay / Content:
  • Modified: Arrows no longer run out. They have been replaced by magical quivers.
  • New: Mage’s bracelets.

Gameplay / Interface:
  • New: Quick access window for quest objectives.
  • New: Quest objectives can be located on the map via icons.
  • New: Party members can be seen under the character HUD.
  • New: Quick access button for mounts.

  • Modified: UDP protocol messages have been completely phased out. Movement data is now sent via the games main connection.
  • Modified: OpenAL-soft (sound library) has been incorporated to the Windows client.
  • Fixed: Issue that closed the client when capturing the screen.
  • Fixed: Issue with the game failing to launch if any data file was bigger than 2GB.
Ponter - Online - NGD Studios
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Old 12-14-2011, 01:12 AM   #2
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Did a few things that might have caused it to crash. I made the resolution, made the game fullscreen, took a screenshot and alt-tabbed. When I tried to come back, game had crashed. Not sure which caused it.

Also have some significant fps issues. Dropped from mid 60-80's to ~20.

Also not sure which file you need. There are two, it seems, in the folder that might be it.

Here's crash_backtrace_5684:


And here's error_log:


You should also add to the changelog that two new spell slots are in the bar.
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Old 12-14-2011, 01:30 AM   #3
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What would be awesome it's that we can have both combat log and chat box at the same time... or we know what's going on or we chat with the guys :/

EDIT: now melee guys lost their neutralization about fighting on melee: the extra accesory. now... well, hope the quivers and brazlets wont be too unbalancing.
Poptart, caza 53. Omlette, conju 50. Strawberry, barbaro en ascenso, Haven, Alsius.
Van SacKK.
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Old 12-14-2011, 01:45 AM   #4
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Awesome work you have made on the new UI. This really freshens up the whole game.
The new implementation of quest and party window is just amazing.
The new map and minimap is really welcome. I hope it'll be possible to see party or clan members in it.

However, there's some issues that need to be looked at :
- When the party is getting crowded, the party "list" gets overlapped by the chat window and the last party members icon is horizontally cut in half.
- The mounts menu always appear when mounted, even when we want to open another thing, it opens up too.
- Impossible to remove things from the spellbar
- The small chat boxes above characters when they are talking are very small so they're really useless.
- The '+' and '-' buttons under the minimap don't seem to be working

And the things I don't really like:
- The new window decorations and buttons are too big, wasting a lot of space on the screen. Also the party members list is too spaced. Corners rounded too much.
Not everyone is playing in 1080p. Please reduce the size of these UI elements a bit.
- The new chat window is nice, but its background could be a lil more opaque. Also, impossible to resize it or have both log and chat
- The scrollbars could have been improved. The old and new ones don't give hint about the height/width of the list
- Party still limited to 8 people

Concerning network lag, it's been fine even in a pretty crowded cs.
Concerning FPS, well I have 20 less FPS than usual :S I hope it's just the Amun effect....

Anyways it's really awesome, even tho not perfect yet.

I just hope it's just a first stage, because a lot of other GUI elements need to be renewed and improved.

The other realm awaits...
Now playing much better games

Last edited by Shining-Scias; 12-14-2011 at 02:03 AM.
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Old 12-14-2011, 01:54 AM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2011
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The new UI looks nice! =)

Few comments:
1) The text above peoples heads when they are selected, or when holding 'v', is very difficult to read. Using fixed pipeline if that makes a difference.
2) If Character window is open, pressing 'i' will close the window when it previously opened the inventory window. Same with 'p' for community window. Not sure if intentional or not.

- Impossible to remove things from the spellbar
Dragging seems to work to remove spells for me, but the right click didn't work.
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Old 12-14-2011, 02:08 AM   #6
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Buff timers no longer shown under health/mana bars? Why? This will bother me.
Would also like to keep the ability to see both the chat and the combat log...

The "+" and "-" buttons on the bottom edge of the mini-map do nothing that I can see. Same with the globe icon at the top right.
The "Help" window's "X" and "Back to the Game" buttons don't work, pressing H is the only way to close it.
Should the - and + keys correspond to the new bar spaces?
The pet command bar is now awkwardly off-center from my own skill bar... and I can't move it. It's weird :/ Also... why does pet's mana go down as mine goes down now?

Since you apparently did some work on parties (haven't seen for myself yet), might there be some on clans?

Not sure if anyone noticed but there is now an option in the "User Interface" tab that will let you have 2 skill bars up at once. Nice.

That's all for now. Looks good for the most part.
Edit: And scias apparently covered half of what I just said. Well, just in case you missed it, there it is again.
This is a lie.

Last edited by Immune; 12-14-2011 at 02:25 AM.
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Old 12-14-2011, 02:25 AM   #7
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Just did a test on Amun.

I'm quite disappointed with those changes, visually better but from war player point of view a regression.
  1. Health bar + character name of other players are uneccessary big.
  2. Borders of dialogs are too wide, wasting a lot of space on screen.
  3. Title bars of dialogs aren't transparent enough, cluttering the view.
  4. Spellbar is wider by 2 slots, but it is still impossible to lock spells on each slot, bummer.
  5. Animated face of the character on the top left is useless, each player will see it HUNDREDS of hours, we know how our own character looks, an option to hide it is mandatory.
  6. Health/mana bars cannot be moved, it would have been much better to place them in lower part of the screen, making easier to look at log/chat/health/mana during fights
  7. Health/mana are less readable than they are on old interface
  8. Spellbook and other dialogs are centered by default when you close and open them...
  9. Colours are a bit too "playskool", red/green/blue/etc...
  10. The whole game is running at much lower fps as it should.

This is my first impressions.
Keep up the good work, but please think about core players who are using the UI for hundreds (or thousands) of hours.
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 12-14-2011, 02:38 AM   #8
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Liking what I see, except for the FPS drop :s I fear some players without gaming PC's may not be able to function in war anymore
Meatshield, Seinvan, Sunday, Smash
Sex Machine
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Old 12-14-2011, 02:41 AM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Overalll u have done a great job so far. From my first test this are my suggestions:

-Spellbar lock
its a bit confusing that spells can only be removed from spellbar by drag and drop if a window of one the right buttons is opened
the quick info of the chat tabs is wrong
-Log position
i dont like the mix of log and chat: in hot battle situations its vital to keep track on the combat log AND general chat for teamwork
-Quick Mount button
please add a favorite mount selection, otherwise the button takes too much time, because most players have more than one mount
-Extra quickbar
i'd like to have hotkeys here too, not only for the main bar
-Char Status
mana and heath bar are too tiny
-Quest "Path of the Warmaster"
target NPC button does not work
-Quest reward
the warmaster coin icon is too big and blurred

How to find the new Mage’s bracelets?

EDIT: Without a border at the health bar at the selected enemy the proportion of damage already done is harder too estimate now.
I hope first they work to fix the actual gameplay. They rush too much to expand the game, without taking time to fix their own errors, balance and bugs.

Last edited by Manuka; 12-14-2011 at 03:01 AM.
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Old 12-14-2011, 02:42 AM   #10
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Very nice job with the new UI, Ive had pretty much the same probs as scias mentioned and i aggree that i would like to keep the battle log and chat showing together. Other problems i faced were the horse button not casting/dismounting the horse, do we have to assign the mount to it somehow?

The other is that i can't get into the noble house at fis bec an invisible wall blocks my path. reloging didnt help either. anyone have this problem?

Other than that GREAT JOB NGD
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
~William Shakespeare
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