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Old 01-29-2012, 12:24 PM   #1
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Default What is balance?

First of all. Sorry i made topic in wrong section. Move if neccessary.
Now we have main question:What we should understand under balanced RvR in this game? So basically all the balance discussion on the forum is useless without the actual vision of balance by NGD. So... may we have it?
I heard draconic gem makes people stupid. Now i see it is exactly so.
lol fail \ iFail \ I Am Multirealmer
Good bye RO, the poor players.... have fun
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Old 01-29-2012, 12:27 PM   #2
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Short and sweet? No.
Dizzy thumbs, itchy fingers
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Old 01-29-2012, 01:02 PM   #3
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Balance is the best possible fun (gameplay) for everyone. How strong and efficient classes are compared to each other is an important factor there, but comes in second, the most important thing is fun. Since this game is RvR centric, slight imbalances for PvP might be necessary to achieve a better RvR gameplay.
My opinion.

Either way, you need a vision of classes, too. Most are quite clear and don't need further specifying by NGD, just hunters are the big question mark. What are they supposed to be? Not just any vision will do, it needs to be a good one that makes sense. Yes, NGD should provide it (so that I can take it apart :P), pretty much everyone on these forums has already posted their vision of hunters, it's time to decide.
Winning a fight doesn't make you a good player, having fun losing one does.

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Old 01-29-2012, 02:46 PM   #4
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Balance is,
when every class can win against each other one in a PvP
.....(without running behind trees, rocks etc),
when every class has a spezific and useful part in RvR,
when every class has the same possibilities for getting rlms / drops of bosses,
when it is fun playing every damn class.

Referred to Regnum Online, this is almost impossible :d:d.

(If you ask me, this most important changes would be: Normal heal + regenerating, Lightning + Ice Wind + Fire ball being dependent on Intelligence; Sotw a hunter-only-spell; hunters able to camouflage with their pets; resistence spells of barbarians should be knight-only somehow.)

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Old 01-29-2012, 03:31 PM   #5
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yeah-baby is an unknown quantity at this point

Balance is,
when every class can win against each other one in a PvP
.....(without running behind trees, rocks etc),
when every class has a spezific and useful part in RvR,
when every class has the same possibilities for getting rlms / drops of bosses,
when it is fun playing every damn class.

Referred to Regnum Online, this is almost impossible :d:d.

(If you ask me, this most important changes would be: Normal heal + regenerating, Lightning + Ice Wind + Fire ball being dependent on Intelligence; Sotw a hunter-only-spell; hunters able to camouflage with their pets; resistence spells of barbarians should be knight-only somehow.)

says it all,but why havnt we got this?

is it not profitable to do so?
is it not possible to achieve due to class restrictions?
is it not a priority to NGD after 4 years?

how can any balance be achieved anyways,now we have beacons,it diminishes the role of players who use cc spells.
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Old 01-29-2012, 04:59 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by yeah-baby View Post

says it all,but why havnt we got this?

is it not profitable to do so?
is it not possible to achieve due to class restrictions?
is it not a priority to NGD after 4 years?

how can any balance be achieved anyways,now we have beacons,it diminishes the role of players who use cc spells.
Because it is hardly impossible.. Even Blizzard, a company with 500 employees has a game (WoW of course) which is balanced yes. But totally balanced? Hell no, has there ever been a balanced game? Even Paper, Rocks and Scissors is unbalanced.
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Archonaut View Post
Hell no, has there ever been a balanced game? Even Paper, Rocks and Scissors is unbalanced.
I know right! Try to catch a Rock with a Paper. Rock is OP!

But really, trying to balance things out is very difficult. But if they post some ideas or take some ideas from these forums, won't be such a bad idea.

Mainly I saw was bois who had magnificent ideas, and Enio and some other experienced players, which I forgot who did them(i'm sorry, i forgot who was it )

Its impossible to make a balanced game. Also when balanced, in my opinion, all the fun would go. I think there has to be a class which is the underdog, and a class which is popular, BUT they still must have a role in ALL(well almost all) situations.
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:13 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Valkien View Post
Its impossible to make a balanced game.
it's realy easy, one class no spell, it's realy good balance ... but yeah realy borring
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:27 PM   #9
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Well i mind perfect balance. But the game which doesn't cause massive frustration can be called balanced imo. Unfortunately, Regnum is far from that
I heard draconic gem makes people stupid. Now i see it is exactly so.
lol fail \ iFail \ I Am Multirealmer
Good bye RO, the poor players.... have fun
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:39 PM   #10
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Balance is simply fairness to all classes

The games current state is a lot better then a year or 2 ago where the game was just overrun by Hunters with a complete ganking mindset & Warjurs being completely overpowered and useless to his own allies
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