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View Poll Results: Will you use strafing when its available?
AlsConj, Arafails, Cuchulainn, DemonMonger, DkySven, Eli2, Envy, JennyfromtheBlock, Konstantin, lGonzalol, NaturalBornKiller, PT_DaAr_PT, RegnumIrae, Seher, skip86, Skjringsaal, Snoid, theotherhiveking, _Enio_
19 |
39.58% |
ArchmagusArcana, craiyzee, dejan, fluffy_muffin, gupta, misaccc, mute, Ornu, Pelesz, shayologo28, Sicker, Znurre
13 |
27.08% |
I don't know yet
Anpu, AntibioTsu, Dannboy, Froste, Lexen, Linerex, ncvr, Onteron, Silent_Shadow, Ulmanyar, UmarilsStillHere, veluchami, von1958, Xero_Aurion, Yawney, Zodar
16 |
33.33% |
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