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View Poll Results: Te gustaria que Exista un comando "-reset_class"?
Me gusta esa idea, ojala la incorporen
-master-, Arane, Billystein, Caldagar, calfrelo, Charlie-zaa, cor2006, elquereparteelbacala, equisca, gstnjs, Just_Belmont, kinho, Lorther, Luichi, matias2506, matrix18, N30-Z3r0, Old_Zeno, R-B-N, Sayos, tatunaty, Tenax, tolost1, Tronfi, VJ, Zapato, Zeno
27 |
45.76% |
Nahhh.....Deja de postear pavadas
Abazigal, ALBIN, Branoxio, Butterfly, Cabox, CaliopE, capienzo, chilko, Cierzo, criscas27, Daggy, Dinilysia, Dividido, Drasky_Vanderhoff, eves, eze18, ezeromx, Gondwana, Herpam, InsektO, isildur, Lestu, MarioOfPersia, MrPickwick, nahuee, OSIRIS, Peladexxx, pspet, richard315, serginho, surak, Vallo
32 |
54.24% |
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