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Adrian, Alenox_I, Anyriand, Arafails, backe, Beor_, Bladnoch, blood-raven, bois, craiyzee, DkySven, Dornhieb, franchismen, Gawyn_Trakkand, Gytha_Ogg, ieti, Immune, Inkster, j4np0l, Jennifer, JoseMRomero, JzJ75, Kianoni, Laeloth_Claireplaine, ListusMinimusHTTB, Matrak, Mattdoesrock, Mbwana, MrLuchi, necroferos, nedax, Pizdzius, Revolverxxx, Silent_Shadow, Snoid, sobis, surak, Toad_, Twinkle1, UmarilsStillHere, Xero_Aurion
41 |
66.13% |
Dannboy, Drokuz, El_Naso, Hamster_of_sorrow, j3lthur3, Jippy, Kyrottimus, linearguild, Pwnography, sdfkjhsdfkj, Shiriki, Skjringsaal, Thorkel, Torin_Ironfist, Wretched, Znurre, _Enio_
17 |
27.42% |
4 |
6.45% |
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