View Poll Results: what is ballance (first read the story) and is this ballance update done?
a equal ammount of buffs, casting time, effectness to al classes...
8 |
28.57% |
what the ballance update brings us is ballance
5 |
17.86% |
2 buffs for one clas 8 buffs for the other
3 |
10.71% |
a unbuffed fight between 2 diffrent classes should end up in a 50/50% win percentage
8 |
28.57% |
a fight that ends up 50/50% win chance no matters that person A. casts 4 buffs more then person B.
5 |
17.86% |
none of these options, please post your ballance opinion
Barya, Cuchulainn, Dannboy, El_Naso, fritsz, Greyman_tle, IgnisGlomp, Manuka, metsie, ncvr, Sem10n, Truewar, Znurre
13 |
46.43% |
4 |
14.29% |
No, there still needs some nerfs/rethinking about buffs/ballance
Cuchulainn, Dannboy, Greyman_tle, IgnisGlomp, mariqri, ncvr, New_barb, panicshow, Sem10n, Shizuo, SirHiss, Znurre
12 |
42.86% |
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