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Mellion 05-01-2009 05:36 PM

war zone = war = dead enemies

Vaylos 05-01-2009 07:13 PM

While I haven't done much more than help assist with realm defense in WZ, I'm coming from a long history of RvR from DAoC. There was no mercy back then and for good reason; the enemy showed no mercy either.

Point is, there is not guarantee that if I'm spotted, the lowbie will run back and get his friends to track me, and result in my imminent death. I haven't ventured much out of our homelands yet, but if I get sniped by a hunter, I do warn my reamlmates, and give my location, and let them go deal with him.

If I see a newbie (someone still in their 20's or less) then yeah, I'm gonna probably do my best to try and kick em out. Whine and complain as they like, but the WZ is "different." If you want safety, grind inside the wall where its safe. If you want a code of conduct, chances are you'll be the only one following it in the long run. If you're in WZ you can expect a fight, be it from me, or anyone else in Alsius or another opposing realm depending on who you're with.

Just be thankful it's not like DAoC back when the midgard zerg would roll through the lands with 20+ large on a fairly constant basis, taking out loners or small groups with no mercy before deciding to go pummeling the central keep. I cannot count how many times my poor nightshade was rolled by two or more full groups. Doesn't help that I was spying/scouting them for the alliance, but that's not the point *cough*

Moo122334455 05-01-2009 09:54 PM

i sometimes kill low levels and sometimes i dont, it all depends on how i find them and what mood im in usually. sometimes ill come up on camo and notice them just training and just keep going. but usually im not trying to hunt then as much as i am trying to roam around randomly from bordom. but still its a hunters job to want to annoy levelers and stuff, so theres nothing wrong with killing them.

n4gh4sh 05-01-2009 10:06 PM

Warzone is for war. If some1 doesn't understand it, he's a looser. When I played on Ra, there was enemies attack every hour (that was the time when there wasn't any possibility to grind inner realm after about 38 lvl). It's natural that hunters hunt. The challenge is to defend from them. Solo it could be hard. In a small team you have a chance. So if you grind in wz, don't do it solo or you accept you can die from an enemy in every minute. Have your eyes on your back. This is warzone. It's not for cowards and crying children. If you don't take it as it is, cry alone to your monitor and keyboard. But if you accept the way it is and you can't stand enemy alone - don't fear to tell where he is in the realm chat. In most cases some1 will try to find the him and chase and kill him/her like a phucked beach (read PL "burą sukę" ^^) - especially if nothing happens in wz (read: Horus server) at the time.

Nightchill 05-02-2009 11:39 AM

meh, all thise code of conduct topics are boring the hell out of me. you have enough, hell even too much good inner realm places where you can level to 50. grind there if you want to go unhurt

_dracus_ 05-02-2009 11:47 AM

It's funny I used to think like that. Wandering in WZ and not killing people that were below "easy" to me. However You won't ever get thoses kind of respect back.

As all said, in WZ everything not of your realm is ennemy to you. Now I don't spare people (or really on rare case).

Inkster 05-02-2009 01:54 PM

To the origional poster of this thread.

From when i was grinding up in the warzone i was killed countless times by lvl 50's

My advice to you is to ignore them, carry on grinding until you are lvl 50, then get your revenge on them thats what i did.

You have to remember this is a game of war, when you hit the warzone gate first time you are given fair warning of what lies beyond the gate.

I made the mistake more than once of letting an enemy player continue to grind
only to find a large group on my tail led by the person i left to grind, therefore ill kill anyone i come across

Southern_Filly 05-02-2009 03:23 PM

A came upon a low lvl noob grinding, he bowed and i left, letting him live. I knew he would go get his buddies but i was bored and looking for a challenge. 5 minutes later he was behind me with 3 others my lvl, eventually they did kill me and it was a fun fight. What upset me was that the little noob i left alone then danced on me AND tea bagged me like he had defeated me on his own. It was a long time before i let another noob grinder live. Chalk that up as a lesson learned ;)

Konstantin 05-02-2009 06:38 PM

Dont kill noobs, dont kill afkers, dont kill grinders (coz they dont have full mana/health), dont kill at altar... too annoy.

Try to hunt and run 30min+ in enemy wz while search for enemys and see some grinding/afk noob and you kill him too. This is wz.

Angelwinged_Devil 05-02-2009 09:42 PM

no it's not nice to kill an unchallenging on almost no hp
no it's not nice to kill someone not at his computer
no it's not nice to kill someone grinding
no it's not nice to annoy
no it's not nice to hunt down those who showed you respect with a zerg
no it's not nice to dance on a players body

there are a lot of things that aren't nice to do, sometimes I can let a low level player grind in peace if I know for sure that he won't call an army upon me, or I'll have to kill him for me/my groups safety, you can't make a code of conduct like this and expect everyone to just follow it, it would be nice if the war zone were a bit more civilized sometimes, but maybe only for a time, all this spicy action and evilness is what gives the game a bit of dirt and some more interesting aspects than sugar sweet pinkyness (or whatever).

In the end the war zone is an anarchistic place, there exists no rules (other than the eula but you know what I'm talking about) it's a free for all rvr area and in the end it's up to the player to make the choise and play as he wants to play to the extenct of freedom the game gives him

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