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S_N_I_P_E_R 09-11-2009 11:10 AM

I am looking forward the the changes when they arrive, my main char on horus is a barb and as most of you who play there know, i'm not on that server much. I agree that barbs got overpowered, but as they are now they are not even a distraction for enemys as they die so fast. I would appreciate some elemental/magical defence in the near future (maybe frenzy to work with magic as well a physical damage).

UmarilsStillHere 09-11-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil (Post 803101)
if he's close he could go near the state of being overpowered but being far from the enemy he becomes a practising bullseye

I wouldent mind that, IF it was acctualy possible to get close, dancing archers and a barrage of CC spells make it near impossible most of the time.

In close combat a warrior should of cource be 'overpowered' compared to the other class's hes a warrior ffs its what hes ment to do, and complaining about it is like moaning that archer are overpowered compared to warriors when they are standing 30m away from each other.

Once a warrior get near you thats it, you should be at a huge disadvantage right away, not start dancing about out meleing the melee class's.

Angelwinged_Devil 09-11-2009 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Umaril (Post 803148)
I wouldent mind that, IF it was acctualy possible to get close, dancing archers and a barrage of CC spells make it near impossible most of the time.

In close combat a warrior should of cource be 'overpowered' compared to the other class's hes a warrior ffs its what hes ment to do, and complaining about it is like moaning that archer are overpowered compared to warriors when they are standing 30m away from each other.

Once a warrior get near you thats it, you should be at a huge disadvantage right away, not start dancing about out meleing the melee class's.

nono you don't get my point, there's a huge gap between when a warrior (specially barbarian) is not in range and when he is range, a good warrior will kill a ranged class if he gets close, remember playing your barb at lower levels? He can still deal out some pretty huge damage for a guy his level. Yes it's a problem for him to get close but when he's there he's the king.

In my opinion a barb should be able to setup to chose where he wants to be strong in three areas, it's a long time since I thought like this but I still have the same opinion, what I'm trying to say is that the three things he should be able to chose between is
something else (I think I placed speed here)

being strong in something will make him less strong in the others so the barbarian can fit his playing style, if he gets totally offensive he will probably have a hard time getting close Just as an example.

UmarilsStillHere 09-11-2009 08:13 PM

Epic Hunter/Barb balance, revealed!!!

Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil (Post 803438)

All the attack and defence in the world wont do you any good if you cant hit anyone.

So a member of INQ said that Vultrex was hunting in west wall forest, so I moved from Cs to go try take him,

I found him near a tree, as I hit him he camoed, so I can confirm with my own eyes that it would seem normal hits are not stopping camo some times.

Then he attacked me, I ran at him, he turned and started to Run, onsl 1 and Spring 4 (pretty much the peak of most barbs speeds now) were no were near enough to catch him, I assume he had maxed passive and maxed mobility, he did not use sotw escapist etc...

He turned once he had distance shot a bit more ran a bit more... Later on the beach... Hes still way ahead and has already camoed, and attacked again then ran off, again, (1SP one evaded norm and 1 resisted ensnare) gained more distance ensnared again...

After this he camoed again (nice way of seeing how long this went on...) I tried to leave as I had given up, he attacked AGAIN I gave chase a bit he ran off I logged off.

Didnt land a single hit other than that one at the start, awesome.

Im sorry but the whole idea of a class thats this faster than other class's is totaly Imba, before the onsl nerf Hunters were near as impossible to catch, after it they may as well be totaly impossible, and if they are using a max speed build as well with Ensnare giving -speed to a chaser then ... well as above...

Dont deal me that Bs about needing a million barbs or some stupid number of players to kill a hunter, no other class has the gift of needing 10 people to kill them if they try to run away. People in realm chat when told about Hunters have said its very strange to have a "solo" class in a team game and I agree, it totaly throws balance. To late to scrap the whole class now though...

And no annoying warriors are not the kings in close combat, archers can strafe about shooting you from 5/6m away without taking a hit, mages can fire off one of their million CC spells run off a bit attack untill your near again fire off another of their million imob/knock/freeze/ spells run off attack from distance again wait till your close beetle, attack you as you run around helpless right in their face CC you run away...

Angelwinged_Devil 09-12-2009 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Umaril (Post 803456)
All the attack and defence in the world wont do you any good if you cant hit anyone.

no it won't but you're using a pvp example to say that it's strange to have the hunter class like it is in a teamgame

though I agree with you hunters ARE too fast, and I didn't like the onsl nerf either.

also I think that something haven't really been taken into account yet, when onslaught was changed people forgot the 20% speed and what other effects it would have

One would assume that the maxspeed is now 170 (no official answer though) also spells haven't been changed, BUT the distance one would move from a slower target becomes greater, yes the percentage is still the same but the difference is something else

before the 20% update
normal speed 100
hunter with wild spirit speed 115
difference 15

after update
normal speed 120
hunter with wild spirit speed 138
difference 18

3 speed, no it's not much, but add sotw or mobility on top of this, I don't know if the new speed from two spells are calculated with the speed before modified speed or the one after. (gotta test this)

the general idea behind this is that the faster class will gain more distance faster than before which in this case is the hunter.

I still think that a barb should chose between defense, offense and speed, remember that you won't need that much speed to catch a mage and you can't set yourself up to be effective against all other classes :)

Kaixo 09-14-2009 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Znurre (Post 801696)

Please tell me Whirlwind is bad once again.

For me it's bad, I prefer all the other areas. It has long cast, low damage, duration and the same problems: you have to arrive, be able to cast and people can run.
Let's say you manage to cast just in front of your enemys to take advantage of all the duration, they don't move and you stay alive (no barbs-marks-etc hitting you, an army of conjs at your back...), archers could cast low profile and bye bye whirlwind, conj has steel skin and sanctuary, knight uses AoO, etc. You can add to this mix also defensive auras, cure auras, etc.

I think there are more situations where it is more useful for your allies if you cast other area and do 1000+ damage+effect to a group of enemies in one hit.


Originally Posted by -Edge- (Post 801647)
Sorry but I have to say I've started using Rage of the Earth extensively, and although there is a bug with the range (From my testing it looks like 6 range in an arc infront of the character) it is an amazing spell.

But I usually always land it, it is a great spell. Please take into consideration that 0.5 second casting time and 10 second knockdown make it great just as you are nearing your target, or when it nears you. It is a very useful spell when I am being charged by other warriors, they are spear bound, and usually they get the first hit, but with RotE I can land a 10 second area knockdown almost instantly. 70% chance also isn't entirely promising, but it is still a very high chance.

The spell lacks +100% weapon damage, but that isn't needed in my opinion. It would make it too strong. Honestly, this spell is amazing now, mostly because of it's quick area intercept ability with the 0.5 seconds. Imho this is probably the second best area out there, for any weapon since it is a shared t

When i tested i had problems to hit mobs just in front of me, i never saw a range of 6 or an area except in the animation. Perhaps it has changed with the new updates, but almost all the barbarians of Ignis that I know shared the same opinion. If you want to control a group on enemys you are better using deafening roar.


Destabilize is also very very useful as it has 100% weapon damage. Meaning you can do a cheap piggyback right after a normal hit. (65 mana is very flexible.)
If that is the use...


Once again, I think you overlook exactly how amazing it is to have a spell that can be used by any weapon. The reason you never even see those other arc areas is because they are bound to their weapons, and they are honestly not worth it.
That's the best thing of this tree, it can be used with all weapons, but it is contradictory because points here usually are less points in weapon trees if you want to keep unstopabble or a good rank in tactics.

Kaixo 09-14-2009 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by chilko (Post 802742)
I know I shouldn't say this but i just can't control myself.
It would be nice if you had some more information or actual knowledge about our game systems to make this kind of claims...

Actually, as they are right now in our test versions, warriors became just too powerful again, without balancing any powers.

I doubt very much that the only reasons of the low playability of the warrior class are technical. If i stay watching people shooting in wars it's not for technical reasons. And it's clear that if you are changing the way to use a range class there is more there than technical reasons.
Here i wrote one analisys of the low playability of the class:
Problems with money, more dependence on weapons that other classes, slow leveling, more difficulty using it with controls in different weapons and more coordination requirements, more dependence in other classes, worse areas in the game, balance problems with other classes, less survivability, underperforming in hunts, wars, etc, etc, etc.
Those are not technical.

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