Originally Posted by marchalain
As far as I know about barbs... Yup, they get rp and xp from onslaught... Warlocks don't give too much mana, let's be serious. They ask for it mostly, and they want it now, because of mana cost on their spells.
Every single conju has been left away on hunts, we all have been in that situation.
And I don't know if it has changed a lot or not, but 5 days ago almost no knight rush to block spells and stop barbs.
Marksmans are gods now, over rest of mortals. Max damage and nice protections, they can play as ranged barbs. They don't have to care about anything but mana!
Hunters will be next gods in early-medium future. Just look who is playing that char. And they got confuse, that hurts more than permanent criticism and loop-sight over conju's work!
No class deserve to be blamed, and all of them can fail, it's us who fails! Pretending that one class plays nice all the time (or a player) is just wrong. Shit happens to all of us! Selfcriticism helps more to improve your game and help your realm than going out to criticize rest of the people, because of this or that. But big egos don't want to accept that. If they died it could not be because of their fault!
You never know what's going on in other's player char (Lag, cooldown, configs to test something, lvling template, dizzyness, etc).
But with conjis everybody has an opinion to be expressed and it gets tiring to death in long term.
On the other hand there's a lot of ppl playing conjuror as if they are warlock, and in fort wars it sucks. Sometimes it's a reaction over so many criticism, sometimes it is just they don't stop, listen and test.
Lag is getting healing awful and we got frustrated too.
We can't affect to war cause we stay stucked for several seconds. Everybody does, but, as any other class char, you try to think which skills you would need to keep alive and kill your enemy and wait until it "refresh", with conji maybe your healing target maybe rushed or went back and he is dead. After three deads you don't want to get your allies counting on healings you can't make. They won't expect anything from you if you are not there, so they will play another manner that will avoid death risk.
All conjurors (at least, those who play mainly this char) have beeing advancing all this to community on the forum, and it's true, most of the people got profit of it to blame again conjurors, and say something like: "you leech all around"; "you want to make an army unbeatable with all your buffs, and be untouchable...", as a "hit the conji campaign".
We don't get xp, nor rp if we don't max damage skills...
Well, here we are. Conjurors becoming warjurors or disappearing. Shame.
I think too many influence from archers on changes...
There's a group of players that influence much more than the rest with their comments on forums and they're listened way more than the rest of us (personality, knowledge about the game, testing work, position on ranks...). And I'm sorry guys, but maybe you unbalance the game with your influence...
P.S.- Some conjurors sucks, yes, I agree, but not more than rest of players/chars. It's just they are important on fort wars.
P.S2.- Sorry for such a long text. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. :)