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DkySven 05-12-2008 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Miraculix
The new onslaught is great. At least we can catch hunters this way. The ONLY way actually we can catch hunters when they know how to run away. Without onslaught, even if we use all our skills in the optimal way, we cannot catch the hunter, period.

new onslaught ftw.

I agree. Valorius, are you angry that you cannot escape every time you want, or cannot catch every time you want to? Welcome to our world.

mrclean 05-12-2008 11:30 AM

Actually he can escape everytime he wants, as every other hunter with the Son of the wind + Camo BS :D

Vroek 05-12-2008 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by fean0r
Actually he can escape everytime he wants, as every other hunter with the Son of the wind + Camo BS :D

But it only works 9 times out of 10!

DkySven 05-12-2008 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Vroek
But it only works 9 times out of 10!

Yes, but knights can also block 9 out of 10!

(only it takes a "little" more spells and luck and they can't do a think while blocking so.)

-Edge- 05-12-2008 12:30 PM

I agree with Val, even as a barbarian, I don't know why the hell a perfect spell was changed like that, it was fine at 25% speed for 45 seconds, but I guess the only changes I ever see anymore are only those on working skills. When there are still about 10+ other broken skills.

I only disagree on the fact that a barbarian can outrun a hunter, which he can't, I use 50% speed all the time and ive never outran a hunter, they run 50% for a longer duration, a barbarians 50% duration is only 15 seconds.

If a barbarian catches a hunter its a (30% chance I would say)

Im not agreeing with anyone really, I think its fine as it is now too, I am just mad they changed it :p

ementh 05-12-2008 12:36 PM

I think its fine as well. Only time a barb has caught me has been when I did something stupid or didn't use the right "get away" spell combination.

_dracus_ 05-12-2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by comp
I think its fine as well. Only time a barb has caught me has been when I did something stupid or didn't use the right "get away" spell combination.

In fact Onslaught is deadly for hunter when there are 2 barbs on his trail. It means 100% time of onlsaught + the spring for 15sec. Otherwise SotW + mobility + Escapist + Wild Spirit + Dodge are enought to escape.

Note that hunters use at least 4 powers that need points in 2 trees.
Babrs use 2 powers that need points in 2 trees.

PS: Yeah I know hunters escaping with SotW are really annoying. But if a barb can hit them before the SotW, he has the powers to disable the hunter really quickly. (eg. Yoseba SC for example hits generally around 2.6k with acrobatic lvl 5, so in 2 hit the hunter is dead or you have a lot of spell that causes dizzy).

Froste 05-12-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by gph
In fact Onslaught is deadly for hunter when there are 2 barbs on his trail.

Are you saying two hunters on a barb's trail isn't deadly? They can alternate keeping him knocked down and stunfisted.

Cry me a river.

magnet 05-12-2008 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Froste
Are you saying two hunters on a barb's trail isn't deadly? They can alternate keeping him knocked down and stunfisted.

Cry me a river.

You see, some Hunters have this weird concept that they should be able to escape any situation (even if they put themselves into) and that they should be able to catch anyone before they reach some safe place. Poor hunters, they live a hard life already, with +600 ensnaring arrows from range 30 and 15% speed reduction, 15% passive speed, the God mode aka SotW, and the overpowered evasion spells (Dodge & Spell Eludes mainly). Really must be hard for them, I wonder why they are the class of about 30-40% of the active players...

_dracus_ 05-12-2008 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Froste
Are you saying two hunters on a barb's trail isn't deadly? They can alternate keeping him knocked down and stunfisted.

Cry me a river.

Why 2 hunters ? Only one is required if the barb runs ...

PS: I don't care about Onlsaught, I was just giving my 2cts But really Hunters can easily go away.

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