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GIGO305 05-25-2008 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by aardvak2669
Rp counter!

rp counter? ummm seriusly is this in the game because i cant find it and im realy realy desperate for one. :confused:

ncvr 05-25-2008 12:58 AM

Press C....
It's under the xp bar on the character window.

Angelwinged_Devil 05-25-2008 05:37 PM

I wonder how the backward forward movement will look now :p.

Valorius and cumeri: read bloods post, they have different departments, the animation/gfx teams doesn't work on balance/bugs.
No coding, but there are some grahical bugs there though, not something which hurts

spartan27583 05-28-2008 09:28 PM

Lag is still pretty bad for killed by a hunter lvl 50 because the game lagged...and the next thing I knew I was dead...

I crash way more often now, especially whenever I try to log out...

I see the "end of the world" (where you can see monsters, but not the ground and if you walk onto the white "ground" you fall and end up floating in the sky) more and more often...

I gave up leveling anything...too bothersome...


The dance function was a nice touch, I admit...

The RP counter was something I wanted so :thumb: to you NGD.

And the Xim I got from the party quest would be useful for my marks if I ever lvl it.


You could have just given a lot of xp (about 40k would be good...)for that quest, a lot of gold (100-200k), and some kind of class-specific weapon as a prize and gave every player in the game 1400 xim...

Those kinds of xim giveaways could have been a good way to attract new players to the game, players who may be turned off by the fatigue system...

On top of that...there is a chance that once exposed to premium, players may want more of it...and may be willing to buy it for themselves...
In other words...xim addiction...

So...its been a mixed bag so far...hopefully NGD will introduce an update to increase the xp recieved per monster, keep /reset_powers free and unlimited, create more in-game events with xim prizes, reduce the lag, get rid of the bugs, and find a way to make the in-game gold actually worth something...

I hope that this is not wishful thinking...

ljwolfe 06-01-2008 02:59 AM

hahahahahah /dance. what a waste of resources. nerfing backup speed is terrible too. These clowns sure know how to drive people from the game!

Xan_Kriegor 06-01-2008 03:19 AM

I play Regnum to have fun... the warzone is fun:thumb: ... the grinding isn't:thumb_down: and now it's worse... and it will keep getting worse... with small new little details... and a few new features here and there to make it worse... its "worse-ness" will keep growing up slowly... there is no escape!:piz:

Valorius 06-01-2008 10:30 AM

I've pretty much stopped playing again since this last update.

I log in once and a while late at night- when the lag isn't AS bad, but my regular playing days are suspended again for the time being, at least until NGD cuts the lag at least in half. It's so bad that all i do is get totally frustrated when i play now.

Inkster 06-01-2008 12:52 PM

IT must be said the lag isnt fun when we experience it. Personally i do not get it
as much as i used to but when i do, the game nigh on impossible to play. Worst type of lag for me is spell lag. Worst example i ever had was casting a meteor, with arcane devotion running, spell cast time was about 11 seconds.

As i said, its not all the time i get it, but when i do - not fun.

On a positive note, since NGD have been working on the lag issues, i get spell lag less than i used to

Mattdoesrock 06-01-2008 01:55 PM

I have to agree with Ink. I myself never used to notice much lag unless it was at peak time, with ~750 - 800 users. But in the last two or three weeks I've noticed a marked improvement, probably because at peak times there are less than 700 players.

06-01-2008 03:49 PM

As Ink said, it happens at random times, but always with 700+ users, when it turns like this it's impossible to play a warlock...

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