Champions of Regnum

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Signatus 08-01-2008 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kailer
Yes, for two months. Then, anyone in any country in the world will be able to access this server. This is only to ensure that the initial community is English speaking.


Interesting to say the least.

I won't make a fuss about this because NGD is using the language differences to justify it, but it's at least a questionable issue. London is closer to Lisbon then any other capital, except Madrid (but not by much, but even then I rather go to Barcelona)...

I was going to start a discussion about how Portugal and Spain have obvious influences in Central and South America but only to acknowledge that language is part of a culture and that culture is, as always have been, European.

But the matter at hands doesn't justify it, it's a decision made by a private company. Good luck with it.

Che, suerte! ;)

padreigh 08-01-2008 07:52 PM

No bloody way i lvl 150lvls again. NO.

Twinkle1 08-01-2008 07:58 PM

Nice idear NGD but i dont think i will be using it for a cupple of resons, although i understand the reasoning for this move.
I dont want to start from scratch lvl ing char's i have spent hours grinding.
I also like the comunity on Ra and have made many freinds internationaly and enjoy playing with them ( including enemy ) :biggrin:
could be an idea to offer people a char move to new server.

It may also be an idear to maybe have the servers as is for realms and add a new one for war zone linking all other servers to warzone server.
in this way all the worlds comunitys would be playing one game together as should be.
and each new server you add can be dedicated to a spacific language, giving everyone a friendly place to start from.
or even a seperate server for each realm with a war zone server linked .
the genral census at the moment is that very few people will swap so it will be pretty empty except for the new people starting on it .

Does this mean that the english part of the forum on Ra will stay or be taken off to be put on the new server ?

backe 08-01-2008 07:59 PM

It's a bit late now, isn't it?

Oh well....I will say the only way I'm going to move (considering fatigue) is if they mirror accounts over to the new server, which will never happen, so I guess I'm on Ra forever.

My question is what is going to happen to the english speaking community that have been on Ra since the beginning? Why would you alienate the english speaking player base that has stood by NGD for so long? With this change, I can't see why any new english-speaking players would bother to join Ra, thus dooming the english speakers on this to a forever dying community.

I suppose I feel a bit like a dinosaur at this point....but hey, that's progress:ohill:

Adrian 08-01-2008 08:08 PM

Hi Community,

The Ra English community will not be modified or alienated at all. Everything will be as usual. The new server will also use this forums, so there will be no changes at all. There will only be new users to come with this new world.


Valour 08-01-2008 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kailer
Hi Community,

The Ra English community will not be modified or alienated at all. Everything will be as usual. The new server will also use this forums, so there will be no changes at all. There will only be new users to come with this new world.


Nice to see a new server but I hope that it doesn't stop more English people like myself to look into playing Ra, it's nice to speak to someone from your home, though I enjoy speaking to anyone.

I wont be levelling more chars, i've worked hard on my current ones ^^

phoenix_jackson 08-01-2008 09:22 PM

Hmmmm...... Please don't flame me.

With my little experience with some spanish speaking people, I find this new server more attractive. First, they don't talk to me if I speak english. They don't even talk to me when I speak some broken spanish. Not even an effort to try to understand. As I would hope that they could give it a shot as we try to understand Gigo's english (which I find enigmatic sometimes). Then the fact that I am mostly left alone when I try to join them in hunting. I already pressumed that it's because of my inability to understand their language. Little things more but finally, there was a post about english speakers forcing others to speak english. Even to the extent of claiming that RO was based on the spanish community, hence; we are forced to learn the language.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the fact that I slowly learn another language. That part was fun. But as I said, I am forced to speak the language inorder to deal with the little time of gameplay I do everyday.

True, we have made friends and strong bonds in RA. Won't we have the same on the new server? True, I might lose from my clan in RA. That alone is painful to me. True we have to start over. Sometimes it is good because some people tend to create alter chars out of boredom from grinding. And won't we all end up the same? True, some people have spent a lot of money. That, I can't refute.

An upside, if the new server launches, most english speaking new-comers (people call them "noobs") will go there. That means lesser stress for those who complain about noobs running around out of control. Good news to the experts and masters who don't remember they came from level 1.

Godofsilver 08-01-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by theotherhiveking
message for Znurre and the others in the Valhalla clan.. Tell me you WONT move to the new server T_T

I don't plan to move, but It's not like I have any level 50s to leave behind :sifflote:

Valorius 08-01-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Solarus
Nice.....but I don't want to level again....going to 50 with the current fatigure, etc....isn't for me. I'd like to go there...but the leveling...GAH!


Originally Posted by padreigh
No bloody way i lvl 150lvls again. NO.


Originally Posted by Eli2
Starting over again, with the new mob distribution, 10% fix, fatigue, new experience curve ...
NO WAY! :no:
If i want to grind i rather play Diablo2(/3 when it comes out) its just a lot more fun.


There is no way in hell i'm lvling a character to 50 under the current fatigue rules. The first time was bad enough.

If i can transfer my character, and those of my guild mates characters, sure- i would GLADLY switch over. But there's just no way in heck i'm going to lvl back to 50 all over again. (let alone trying to find all the items i've been lucky enough to get so far!)

IF NGD allows player characters to transfer to the new server i will go right away. If they don't, i will stay at RA until the english speaking community dies there, at which time i will simply stop playing.

e30G 08-01-2008 09:47 PM

This is progress indeed! Congratulations NGD in creating the new server. However, I wish you would allow account migration for the international users who are now at Ra. All you need to do is copy the existing characters into the server and each server would operate independently from each other so whatever you do with one character in one server won't affect the other character in the other (much like whatever you do to your character in Amun won't affect the one in Ra). Of course it would be nice if you would reset the RP scores in the new server so everyone will start with a relatively clean slate. :)

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