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trulyem 01-23-2008 04:50 PM

Every conju in alsius is awesome :)

They do what they can and they work hard ;)

bigjim 01-23-2008 04:52 PM

Well, If anyone played beta or when the game was first released they would have seen how fun conjurer was to play. Now with it being hard to level because of the xp we gain, the lag, all of the dizzy spells that make you a sitting duck, confuse, no wonder not many are playing the class anymore.

-Edge- 01-23-2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by misaccc
u shouldnt use a zarkit....

I prefer to send a lvl 5 skeleton king at the enemy, it really annoys them, I also send lvl 5 mummies, and lvl 5 golems ;)

Must be some Valorius mid life crisis :sifflote:
In Ignis I see everyone has a conjurer as an alt. We have plenty, some have even started healing.

Malik2 01-23-2008 05:37 PM

I think there may be two reasons for fewer conjurers in Syrtis.

The first is cyclical. I have been spending a lot of time with newer players over the last two months and most of the new mages I speak to have simply wanted to choose the class that dealt the most damage. So most of these plaeyrs have gone with warlocks. Back in July, that was not necessarily the case. It seemed to me at that time it was more evenly split between the two classes, that was my perception at least. I image that in time the two may be more evenly divided again.

Second, when more experienced players start alt characters I don't see conjs as an attractive alternative for most players becasue of reasons stated at the biginning of this thread: they are criticized sometime unfairly in the War Zone, for not healing this person or that person and ordered about sometimes rudely. And, much of this criticism particulatly on the Syrtis channel is uncalled for and at times nakedly selfish. Who wants to deal with a bunch of crap like that?

One more thing: It is unfair to criticize a conjurer with a zarkit, as a lvl 35 conj I reworked my character to support alone and managed to get killed 3 times just leaving the war zone by enemy hunters one day. No one wants to wander around like a sitting duck, at least with a zarket you have a means to defend yourself.

Leadoffhitter 01-23-2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by magnet
I'll gladly play another player's Conjurer and let him play my Warlock. Chalo, are you up to?

I can't give my password to anybody. Regnum Emperor order that to me each time I play! :cuac:


Originally Posted by magnet
I will heal you and you can get tons of kills with Elrik!

Elrik's deaths you mean? You would pay a lot in repairs after that exchange!!
(I will make a warlock and then we could play that way with your conji... or maybe not possible? Do you speak my language? :p )


Originally Posted by magnet
(I will make sure to cast Divine Intervention and give you mana too ).

Noooooooooo! Another addiction on my list? I couldn't bear it. I would have problems to control myself with so many withdrawal symptoms!! :sifflote:

Nice to read you joking again


magnet 01-23-2008 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by marchalain
I can't give my password to anybody. Regnum Emperor order that to me each time I play!

Well I'm not *anybody* :p. And you'd have my password :D.


Originally Posted by marchalain
Elrik's deaths you mean? You would pay a lot in repairs after that exchange!!
(I will make a warlock and then we could play that way with your conji... or maybe not possible? Do you speak my language?)

Don't worry Elrik dies a lot already, won't change much :P. And since I did no quest if ever I'm broke I can do the quests and be rich in no time. And the problem with my Conj is that he's lv 30 and I don't have time to level it, just like I guess you don't have time to level a Warlock from 1 to 50 :D. That would be mutual benefit :p.

And when you go back to your Conj everyone will tell you how good you are and all the ladies will want to bear your child, isn't that great? ;)


Originally Posted by marchalain
Noooooooooo! Another addiction on my list? I couldn't bear it. I would have problems to control myself with so many withdrawal symptoms!!

Nice to read you joking again


C'me on, I won't do anything bad :p.:clapclap:

Leadoffhitter 01-23-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by magnet
the problem with my Conj is that he's lv 30 and I don't have time to level it, just like I guess you don't have time to level a Warlock from 1 to 50. That would be mutual benefit.

And to 30? I can do that. ;)


Originally Posted by magnet
And when you go back to your Conj everyone will tell you how good you are and all the ladies will want to bear your child, isn't that great?

Man, do you remember that I know you? You would keep every girl in Ignis just for you, even mine!! :p


Originally Posted by magnet
C'me on, I won't do anything bad

Lol, I repeat the first sentence of last paragraph....

Man do you remember that I know you? You're EVIL like every single citizen from my realm.


GIGO305 01-23-2008 09:05 PM

thats prety much it

Originally Posted by ByteMe
I've been playing a conju that just made lvl 41 tonight and here's why conjus aren't playing as support anymore. During the entire lvling process they get rewarded for fighting, zarkits and hard hitting spells. A conju get almost no xp for trying to help allies level. Now when this conju hits the WZ they continue to play this way and fight instead of heal. At level 39 I retrained to be pure support, HA major mistake! For two days I followed groups around and kept them full of mana and health. Most in the groups lvled during this time. My XP moved, but less than an inch. I went back and retrained and can now level non-stop and my XP flies up! Until conjus are rewarded by supporting leveling allies, they will continue to play as a warjurer.

just my 2 cents...

conju are suposevily the worst fighting class but when we fight we get huge rewards so ppl complain that i steal their xp so ill leave the whole healing thing for when im lvl 50 because i can heal and give mana but i usualy get less than 20xp total and 3 RP in a whore fort war that i healed revived ect like crazy i didnt let ppl past by me withput buffing them so i did a few experiments and realized that conjus shouldnt dedicate them selvs to healing till lvl 50 but should stiil be able to atleast revive by lvl 20

GIGO305 01-23-2008 09:14 PM

reason why we have a zarkit

Originally Posted by Malik2
I think there may be two reasons for fewer conjurers in Syrtis.

The first is cyclical. I have been spending a lot of time with newer players over the last two months and most of the new mages I speak to have simply wanted to choose the class that dealt the most damage. So most of these plaeyrs have gone with warlocks. Back in July, that was not necessarily the case. It seemed to me at that time it was more evenly split between the two classes, that was my perception at least. I image that in time the two may be more evenly divided again.

Second, when more experienced players start alt characters I don't see conjs as an attractive alternative for most players becasue of reasons stated at the biginning of this thread: they are criticized sometime unfairly in the War Zone, for not healing this person or that person and ordered about sometimes rudely. And, much of this criticism particulatly on the Syrtis channel is uncalled for and at times nakedly selfish. Who wants to deal with a bunch of crap like that?

One more thing: It is unfair to criticize a conjurer with a zarkit, as a lvl 35 conj I reworked my character to support alone and managed to get killed 3 times just leaving the war zone by enemy hunters one day. No one wants to wander around like a sitting duck, at least with a zarket you have a means to defend yourself.

thaths why we have zarkits and other powers to defend our selvs since u guys dnt defend us and as a well known conju in 3 realms i get targeted so i cant send tremor, i hate being in the back like a wuss and i think its un fair that warlocks can steal our zarkits for ever untill they die, i think the conju should be able to send it away or get it returned for the remaining time by using that spell that makes a bond between the conju n somon that shares damage taken and use that on my zarkit so if it hurts me its killing its self :clapclap: but conjus should have a way to get rid of it by clicing on it and using that spell

GIGO305 01-23-2008 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by mann2411
gigo im sorry but thats bullcrud
wow you heal every time at war thats what you were built for you might not get as many rps/xp but consider this
what about hunters we waste a hell of alot of mana tracking do we get rps/xp? no
what about knights and all their aura protective spells im sure it wastes some mana of theirs (dunno if they get rps for this please give answer if you know) they dont have to use these you know
what about warlocks as said before their giving out mana and buffing up people for which they could be using that mana for spells in which they could get more rps
what about marksmen i lost count the amount of times theyve frozzen a target so i can get a few spells in while they could have just killed him thereselfs
what about barbs the best of em run to the slower people during hunting/traveling and give em a onslaught yet again no rp gain for this and just wasted mana

seriously conjurers that think the way gigo does should just get over it

every class does things that they get little/no rps for

so gigo if your still thinking the way you do now refusing to heal i say no one track for gigo or take him hunting, knights dont give him protective auras, warlocks dont give any mana or buffs to gigo after all he's the expert with all of the heals and buffs in fact warlocks just dont get involved with gigo unless your the enemy, same goes for marksmen o and barbs dont give him any of your dmg bonuses or onslaughts and any conjurers who disagree with gigo dont give him heals or buffs either

i never seen this, knights only think obout army of one to protect them selvs and those domes are usualy from mages, and ea i seen a huge amount of hunters that try to be maskman with a pet if i play my role when i have to heal reviving but since you call ti a role why dont knights use protective spells and i seen some barberians without warcryss at all warlocks with no tremor acrchers in the back waiting for the enemy to come to them or wariors to move up im doing my role but where is yours!??

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