valterbla |
05-12-2008 01:46 PM |
Originally Posted by Valorius
It's just TOO MUCH speed for a group for TOO Long.
When a max speed hunter needs 500 meters to catch a damn Mage, something is seriously wrong. One or two lag hiccups (and lets face it, in regnum lag hiccups are as common as a blue sky), and catching them becomes impossible.
Totally, utterly ridiculous(and yes, i hear players biitch about this ALL THE TIME in game, so it's not just me)
Onslaught has been constantly screwed with since i started playing Regnum, and guess what NGD- you STILL aint got it right. In honesty, when it was +25 for 30 secs it was the most sensible.
+35/30 is just plain too fast.
Let me speak "wisely" xD
Onslaught was +25% speed.
Onslaught was 45 secs duration.
Onslaught is +35% speed.
Onslaugth is 30 secs duration.
Onslaught as gain 15%+ speed, but lost 30 secs duration.
So in the end, if you are not caugh by the Enemy barbarian, you are not killed and you can run easily, since you have already forever 15% speed, then you make mobility and you have 40% speed. Already more than Onslaught.
Other ways, if you make Ensaring arrow first and then run, onslaught will be 20% speed for 7 secs and then, 23 secs for 35% speed. well problaby you don't have nsaring arrow lvl 5, but lvl 3 is 9% speed less, which is good.
Sorry if i said something bad xD