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DemonMonger 05-23-2008 06:46 PM

Todays update
Hmmmm i noticed that our backup speed has been reduced.....
and now we can dance....

has anyone else noticed anything?

Valorius 05-23-2008 06:53 PM

Backup speed reduced huh.

Great. (sarcasm)

And it sure does warm my heart to know NGD adds totally STUPID features like dancing sprites when there are so many non-functional skills, and the lag is SOOOOOO bad.

Seriously, i have only been able to play late at night since the update when the user count is really low, and it's STILL really, really bad.

tyrotyro 05-23-2008 06:54 PM

I agree!!!!!

BlooD 05-23-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Valorius
And it sure does warm my heart to know NGD adds totally STUPID features like dancing sprites when there are so many non-functional skills, and the lag is SOOOOOO bad.

The ones who do graphics dont work and never will in the powers.

Are you happy now?

tyrotyro 05-23-2008 06:56 PM

NO!!!! :crying1:

Pizdzius 05-23-2008 06:56 PM

Rp counter!

Mattdoesrock 05-23-2008 07:04 PM

1) RP counter - awesome.

2) Back peddling speed nerf - shockingly bad for archers.

Why? :eek:

Valorius 05-23-2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by BlooD
The ones who do graphics dont work and never will in the powers.

Are you happy now?

Nope. I'd be a lot happier if they did something like make the uniforms from realms different colors so we can actually tell everyone apart.


Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock
2) Back peddling speed nerf - shockingly bad for archers.

Why? :eek:

Hunters get nerfed over and over in almost every update, i'm used to it. This will screw over mages too though. Knowing NGD they did it 'to balance marksman'. I guess having Barbs in the top 3 RP spots isn't enough. They need the deck even more stacked in their favor.

fluffy_muffin 05-23-2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock
2) Back peddling speed nerf - shockingly bad for archers.

I hope we will have more hp and more gold from mob cause now lvling will be not funny at all. We are not designed to fight with mobs in short distance. This was very bad idea.

Domino_ 05-23-2008 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Valorius
Nope. I'd be a lot happier if they did something like make the uniforms from realms different colors so we can actually tell everyone apart.

Hunters get nerfed over and over in almost every update, i'm used to it. This will screw over mages too though. Knowing NGD they did it 'to balance marksman'. I guess having Barbs in the top 3 RP spots isn't enough. They need the deck even more stacked in their favor.

Why is every post from u about RPs?
RP shows who play most maybe :P

CumeriTarenes 05-23-2008 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Excavator
RP shows who play most maybe :P

Yes, they do, but when you look in the ranking and look which class is in top of rp rankings playing time is no matter since you can assume that people play a barb not more than a hunter.

But as we don't know how many high lvl chars of each class are there we also cannot realy say if one class is more successful in war than another when we look in the rankings. Also, even if we would know the rp ranking would not be a direct indicator of balance between the powers of classes since the rp reward system is not balanced.
And if you have a look to the rp rankings of the german servers you will see that it differs much from the rankings on onternational server.

I like the new update, I like the idea with the party quest for the celebration of one year regnum online. It is a kind of gift to the players and it also makes players testing Xymerin because they get it for free with a quest. This will encourage many players to buy Xymerin in future I think. The +50% Xymerin for the same money for one week will have the same effect.
This time NGD took a good way to increase their income, way better than fatique and calibration of xp curve.
And more money for NGD will mean a better game for all.

But also for non premium users they added nice features: a party hat, regnum points are displayed in character window and the dance function.

I personally have the same opinion as Valorius has on this issue: I would prefer to fix bugs and lag instead of adding a /dance. But I also see the positive effects of it. We are a community, and the community iw what the game makes so special. We express ourselfes by playing our characters. For this /dance is a real improvement, and I am sure it makes more players to try regnum again than a minor fixed bug.
And I like my dancing characters, it looks awesome

Good job this time NGD :thumb:

Dee-luxX 05-23-2008 09:53 PM

They havenmt nerfed the back up speed:


Originally Posted by Ponter
Hola a todos! Con la actualización del día 23 de Mayo de 2008 se mejoró la animación de los personajes en modo "Caminar".

Acorde a dicha animación, se varió levemente la velocidad de desplazamiento en dicho modo, lo cual corrige un problema previo que hacia que los personajes caminen más rápido de lo esperado.

Esta modificación no altera la velocidad del estado "Correr", pero si disminuye levemente el desplazamiento de los personajes al retroceder.

Nos resulta de interés observar durante unos días las alteraciones que puedan ocasionarse en "batalla", e ir recopilando el feedback de uds. a fin de ajustar los valores si fuera necesario.

Dejo abierto el tema para que posteen sus impresiones en relación a este tema, exclusivamente.


Basically they have improved the animation for "walking" and with that they had to reduce the movement speed. Many have already stated the problems to leveling and pvp so we'll see.

Valorius 05-23-2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Excavator
Why is every post from u about RPs?
RP shows who play most maybe :P

I defy you to prove that "every post" from me is about RP.


Valorius 05-23-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dee-luxX
Basically they have improved the animation for "walking" and with that they had to reduce the movement speed. Many have already stated the problems to leveling and pvp so we'll see.

So we're even slower now? Forward speed seems unchanged. Reverse speed seems a good 30-40% slower.

I find absolutely no redeeming value to a /dance command or a 'party hat'. Just what this game needs, a WZ full of Santa hat wearing dancing Jejejejers.


I was just in Syrtis save a little while ago, and there were literally 20 Syrtis players in a big circle dancing around, not helping anyone, doing nothing but adding lag. I do not view this as an improvement.

Here's an idea, add a jump function.

Boger 05-23-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Valorius
Here's an idea, add a jump function.

And strafe left/right

Anpu 05-23-2008 11:05 PM

dance is added because of anniversary and party they are preparing as hats too.
this was the most convinient moment to implement dance, to make party more looking like party but not just moving forward and backward

One 05-23-2008 11:41 PM

Did NGD gonna remove dance thingy after the anniversary or keep it on because I just see another aspect of Guild wars with that. I've played GW for about 2 months and guess what ,they were about 90% "dancers" and about 10% players in game. Last question : did dancers gonna get fatigue?

Boger 05-24-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by One
Did NGD gonna remove dance thingy after the anniversary or keep it on because I just see another aspect of Guild wars with that. I've played GW for about 2 months and guess what ,they were about 90% "dancers" and about 10% players in game. Last question : did dancers gonna get fatigue?

2 months (ONLY!) GW and making such opinions? naughty :P

UmarilsStillHere 05-24-2008 03:57 PM

it would have taken ages to animate it i think theyll leave dance in =)

and have they decreased move speed i noticed it for backwards but not forwards (if they have) why we were allready slow?

ncvr 05-25-2008 12:24 AM

I didn't see a decrease in the movement speed for moving backwards.

Only in walking (which now looks really wierd with a staff btw).

GIGO305 05-25-2008 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by aardvak2669
Rp counter!

rp counter? ummm seriusly is this in the game because i cant find it and im realy realy desperate for one. :confused:

ncvr 05-25-2008 12:58 AM

Press C....
It's under the xp bar on the character window.

Angelwinged_Devil 05-25-2008 05:37 PM

I wonder how the backward forward movement will look now :p.

Valorius and cumeri: read bloods post, they have different departments, the animation/gfx teams doesn't work on balance/bugs.
No coding, but there are some grahical bugs there though, not something which hurts

spartan27583 05-28-2008 09:28 PM

Lag is still pretty bad for killed by a hunter lvl 50 because the game lagged...and the next thing I knew I was dead...

I crash way more often now, especially whenever I try to log out...

I see the "end of the world" (where you can see monsters, but not the ground and if you walk onto the white "ground" you fall and end up floating in the sky) more and more often...

I gave up leveling anything...too bothersome...


The dance function was a nice touch, I admit...

The RP counter was something I wanted so :thumb: to you NGD.

And the Xim I got from the party quest would be useful for my marks if I ever lvl it.


You could have just given a lot of xp (about 40k would be good...)for that quest, a lot of gold (100-200k), and some kind of class-specific weapon as a prize and gave every player in the game 1400 xim...

Those kinds of xim giveaways could have been a good way to attract new players to the game, players who may be turned off by the fatigue system...

On top of that...there is a chance that once exposed to premium, players may want more of it...and may be willing to buy it for themselves...
In other words...xim addiction...

So...its been a mixed bag so far...hopefully NGD will introduce an update to increase the xp recieved per monster, keep /reset_powers free and unlimited, create more in-game events with xim prizes, reduce the lag, get rid of the bugs, and find a way to make the in-game gold actually worth something...

I hope that this is not wishful thinking...

ljwolfe 06-01-2008 02:59 AM

hahahahahah /dance. what a waste of resources. nerfing backup speed is terrible too. These clowns sure know how to drive people from the game!

Xan_Kriegor 06-01-2008 03:19 AM

I play Regnum to have fun... the warzone is fun:thumb: ... the grinding isn't:thumb_down: and now it's worse... and it will keep getting worse... with small new little details... and a few new features here and there to make it worse... its "worse-ness" will keep growing up slowly... there is no escape!:piz:

Valorius 06-01-2008 10:30 AM

I've pretty much stopped playing again since this last update.

I log in once and a while late at night- when the lag isn't AS bad, but my regular playing days are suspended again for the time being, at least until NGD cuts the lag at least in half. It's so bad that all i do is get totally frustrated when i play now.

Inkster 06-01-2008 12:52 PM

IT must be said the lag isnt fun when we experience it. Personally i do not get it
as much as i used to but when i do, the game nigh on impossible to play. Worst type of lag for me is spell lag. Worst example i ever had was casting a meteor, with arcane devotion running, spell cast time was about 11 seconds.

As i said, its not all the time i get it, but when i do - not fun.

On a positive note, since NGD have been working on the lag issues, i get spell lag less than i used to

Mattdoesrock 06-01-2008 01:55 PM

I have to agree with Ink. I myself never used to notice much lag unless it was at peak time, with ~750 - 800 users. But in the last two or three weeks I've noticed a marked improvement, probably because at peak times there are less than 700 players.

06-01-2008 03:49 PM

As Ink said, it happens at random times, but always with 700+ users, when it turns like this it's impossible to play a warlock...

Znurre 06-01-2008 06:50 PM

I don't think any ranged class should complain, as Blunt user, 90% of my skills are canceled during peak hours and ruins all the fun for me.

I understand you are having a hard time with spell lags, but still, you can actually do something else than just standing there looking funny :p

Inkster 06-01-2008 08:24 PM

i wasn't whining, read my post again

Edit: My base attack unbuffed with staff is around 70 damage, yours is considerably higher methinks

magnet 06-01-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Znurre
I don't think any ranged class should whine, as Blunt user, 90% of my skills are canceled during peak hours and ruins all the fun for me.

I understand you are having a hard time with spell lags, but still, you can actually do something else than just standing there looking funny :p

Playing both, I can assure you that casting time lag affects mages even more than warriors are affected by position lag, because it's not for half the enemies... it's ALWAYS laggy. Casting time lag is bad for warriors mostly when they cast areas.. For mages, it's always. Position lag rarely affects Mages. Those are two different problems but you shouldn't dismiss the other because you're not playing a ranged class. I find it harder these times to play Warlock than Warrior (whether it's Barb or Knight).

06-01-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Znurre
I don't think any ranged class should whine, as Blunt user, 90% of my skills are canceled during peak hours and ruins all the fun for me.

I understand you are having a hard time with spell lags, but still, you can actually do something else than just standing there looking funny :p

Well, it often happens that i'm _behind_ enemy lines with the knight while seeing me with my realm mates... the strong survive :bangin:

People would think i'm crazy, but i'm anyway :p

Valorius 06-02-2008 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Znurre
I don't think any ranged class should whine, as Blunt user, 90% of my skills are canceled during peak hours and ruins all the fun for me.

I understand you are having a hard time with spell lags, but still, you can actually do something else than just standing there looking funny :p

You're damn right i can. I can play a game that isn't a lagged out disaster, which is exactly what i've been doing.

DemonMonger 06-02-2008 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Valorius
You're damn right i can. I can play a game that isn't a lagged out disaster, which is exactly what i've been doing.

ive been playing sfront... but i do not tolerate cheaters well....
perhaps i take gaming too seriously.... :bangin:

Znurre 06-02-2008 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by magnet
Playing both, I can assure you that casting time lag affects mages even more than warriors are affected by position lag, because it's not for half the enemies... it's ALWAYS laggy. Casting time lag is bad for warriors mostly when they cast areas.. For mages, it's always. Position lag rarely affects Mages. Those are two different problems but you shouldn't dismiss the other because you're not playing a ranged class. I find it harder these times to play Warlock than Warrior (whether it's Barb or Knight).

I am not talking about casting times.
I am talking about casting times + the fact that when the spell is casted, it doesn't even get trough because of position lags...

I can even stand beside an enemy that's standing still, and still a spell can be canceled during this lag.

All ranged classes have atleast 20+ range to play with.


Originally Posted by Inkster
i wasn't whining, read my post again

Edit: My base attack unbuffed with staff is around 70 damage, yours is considerably higher methinks

Sorry, it was not my meaning to offend you.
And yes, my normal hits still are quite ok during these peaks, but I can't control the battle in any way using Mind Squasher, Knocks, Dizzy, Stun, etc.

fluffy_muffin 06-02-2008 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Znurre
All ranged classes have atleast 20+ range to play with.

Well. In last week in stone i was shooting to warjurer but i got information about not facing. And yes he was in front off me but it was bug. For real he was at my back. So when he finally disappeared i saw him 30m in opposite direction.

Znurre 06-02-2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by zielski
Well. In last week in stone i was shooting to warjurer but i got information about not facing. And yes he was in front off me but it was bug. For real he was at my back. So when he finally disappeared i saw him 30m in opposite direction.

Yes, perhaps I spoke too much about that issue without knowing it myself.
I've only leveled my warlock during these peak hours and noticed that it's way easier than playing my barb.

I've also heard other people with multiple classes state that ranged classes are way easier to play during these lags.

magnet 06-02-2008 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Znurre
Yes, perhaps I spoke too much about that issue without knowing it myself.
I've only leveled my warlock during these peak hours and noticed that it's way easier than playing my barb.

I've also heard other people with multiple classes state that ranged classes are way easier to play during these lags.

Archers aren't affected too much because most of their spells are instant. The problem is big for Warlocks (it's like casting without Devotion, but with it...), less for Conjus (but still the reaction time is not what it used to be). For Warriors my problems are the position lag/error and instant spells like Trip canceled by running out of range...

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