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Dragz 12-19-2012 10:20 PM

Hello to the community

I'm dragz and I just recently joined this game. I am currently on the Haven server and am on the Sytis faction (if thats how you spell it). Before anyone complain I am sorry I picked that faction but I didn't know about the inbalance. Should really check forums before I choose.

Well I'd just like to say hi to everyone and hope to see you all on haven server. If you got any tips for me I'd appreciate them.

I am a mage currently level 7 at the time of this post.

I wish everyone a wonderful day.

Wyatt 12-19-2012 10:24 PM

Welcome to the game Dragz!

If you have any questions don't doubt in posting them in Questions to the Community forum.

Have a good one!


Awrath 12-20-2012 01:59 AM

Welcome Dragz! Don't worry I still believe people should pick the realm they want, the balance issues are not your fault, just something that for the time being has no solution!

Look forward to meeting you in the war zone!

Rising_Cold 12-20-2012 08:13 AM

welcome dragz, i hope ill save some goats from you soon ;)

and dont worry about which realm you chose, its a game.
besides.. if there is anyone to blaim.. its ieti and those cookies :p

Dragz 12-20-2012 04:46 PM

Haha, Thanks for the warm welcome. Also is there a place where I could join a clan so that I can train with other people. Feel lonely as i hardly see anyone.

zona_k 12-23-2012 10:00 AM

Welcome to the Forum, that's what the clan .. over time and what you are getting, you're still growing :P

Dragz 12-23-2012 12:30 PM

I made a new account and joined ignis as i feel that I shouldn't be joining a realm thats already heavily overpopulated.

time-to-die 12-23-2012 12:34 PM

Welcome to regnum online!


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1680246)
I made a new account and joined ignis as i feel that I shouldn't be joining a realm thats already heavily overpopulated.

Well in my eyes the population is kinda fine now. But there are always peopel who complaining about it.

Dragz 12-23-2012 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by time-to-die (Post 1680248)
Welcome to regnum online!

Well in my eyes the population is kinda fine now. But there are always peopel who complaining about it.

Yeah there will always be people that complain.

Evangeline 12-23-2012 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1680333)
Yeah there will always be people that complain.

shame you joined the dark side, but now was probably the best time since you didn't level up far ;)

Awrath 12-23-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1680246)
I made a new account and joined ignis as i feel that I shouldn't be joining a realm thats already heavily overpopulated.

Welcome to Ignis! Now you wont be falling under my spear :p. Feel free to PM me in-game if you have any queries. I'll be on either Partisan, Mimic or Xell.

Hollow-Ichigo 12-24-2012 02:05 AM

hi,ill be well, says in the signature :D

Dragz 12-24-2012 08:51 PM

Thanks for allowing me to ask you for help, I am training to be a conjurer.

Currently at lvl 13 at the time of this post.

Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me so far.

Kitsuni 12-24-2012 09:36 PM

Welcome to the game, enjoy your stay. Be wary of levelling or questing when you see your gate captured.

During these times it is possible for the enemy to come kill you.

VeterKh 12-25-2012 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by time-to-die (Post 1680248)
Well in my eyes the population is kinda fine now.

i confirm this, but sometimes all realms have less population becouse of Time Zone.

and Dragz you are Welcome!

Dragz 12-26-2012 11:52 AM

What I find sad is that the older players ignore you which is rude because your just looking for a bit of guidance from experienced players but they are unwilling to help you as your a low lvl.

Rising_Cold 12-26-2012 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1681356)
What I find sad is that the older players ignore you which is rude because your just looking for a bit of guidance from experienced players but they are unwilling to help you as your a low lvl.

you prolly just ran into the wrong kind of older players
the guys that responded to this forum post are older players too ;)

its like in any MMO you play, theres nice ppl and theres terrible ppl
imo the terrible ppl are with fewer numbers in this game.

Kitsuni 12-26-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1681356)
What I find sad is that the older players ignore you which is rude because your just looking for a bit of guidance from experienced players but they are unwilling to help you as your a low lvl.

I don't think so, you probably just met the wrong kind of people. Most players I know are more than willing to help newbies.

Dragz 12-26-2012 10:33 PM

Yeah thats true, I have probably just met the bad players. However i feel disgusted about some players in this game. They were asking me to help them collect magnanites as they thought I did not know anything about them. However luckily i met somehow who told me all about them. I just wonder how people can go stoop so low into tricking new players.

71175 12-27-2012 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1681639)
who told me all about them.

Why i think i know who is that. But anyway welcome to ignis, and if u need help u can pm one of my toons (in Signature).

l33t_supa_h4x90r 12-27-2012 09:26 PM

Changing realm like that was kind of a stupid decision. When I entered syrtis a while back, I also had no clue that it was "overpopulated" (which was far closer to the truth then - Horus of 1-2 years ago - than it is now, with syrtis constantly losing). So I thought of joining ignis too, but I couldn't be bothered to grind again, even though I wasn't very high lvl. Then I learned about Ignis constant night invasions, and I thought that it was a narrow escape for me, since I consider that kind of game style pathetic. Still - nobody would've cared anyway. What I'm trying to say is:

It's not up to you to fix the population imbalance. You should have picked the realm that suited you best. In the end, the difference your presence will make will probably be minuscule, even if you're the best RO player the world will ever see.

Moreover, by the time you reach the warzone, things will have changed. By then, the dominant realm might be Ignis again. This is how this game works.

Besides, the current dominant realm is probably Alsius. Then Ignis, and then the constantly devastated Syrtis. :hat:

JainFarstrider 12-28-2012 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dragz (Post 1681639)
Yeah thats true, I have probably just met the bad players. However i feel disgusted about some players in this game. They were asking me to help them collect magnanites as they thought I did not know anything about them. However luckily i met somehow who told me all about them. I just wonder how people can go stoop so low into tricking new players.

There is a solution to this. It is called the 'Ignore' command. The Glorious 'Ignore' command allows you to ignore any character from your realm. Simply follow the instructions.

1) Press 'enter' to get to your chat or console
2) Type in /ignore
3) Press space
4) Type in the name of the character (remember to spell it right! Capitalization shouldn't matter.)
5) Press 'enter' to submit your command

Your command should look like this
/ignore name

After you have done this, private messages, friend requests, and chat messages will no longer be shown from that character!

You can do this to as many characters as you want. If you feel like hearing what they have to say again simply repeat the 5 steps, but instead of typing /ignore, type /unignore

You may already know all about this command, but I wanted to make sure that you knew of this wonderful command that NGD bestowed onto us.

Your Friendly Ignis-Buddy,

Oh, and hopefully you know the command '/reset_powers'? You kind of need it.

time-to-die 12-28-2012 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by l33t_supa_h4x90r (Post 1682136)

I agree with you,

VeterKh 12-28-2012 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by l33t_supa_h4x90r (Post 1682136)
Changing realm like that was kind of a stupid decision. When I entered syrtis a while back, I also had no clue that it was "overpopulated" (which was far closer to the truth then - Horus of 1-2 years ago - than it is now, with syrtis constantly losing). So I thought of joining ignis too, but I couldn't be bothered to grind again, even though I wasn't very high lvl. Then I learned about Ignis constant night invasions, and I thought that it was a narrow escape for me, since I consider that kind of game style pathetic. Still - nobody would've cared anyway. What I'm trying to say is:

It's not up to you to fix the population imbalance. You should have picked the realm that suited you best. In the end, the difference your presence will make will probably be minuscule, even if you're the best RO player the world will ever see.

Moreover, by the time you reach the warzone, things will have changed. By then, the dominant realm might be Ignis again. This is how this game works.

Besides, the current dominant realm is probably Alsius. Then Ignis, and then the constantly devastated Syrtis. :hat:

lol lol lol

Sirtis loose 1 gelf and whining lol

for me - i choose Ignis couse my Friend playing in Ignis, and after i try to play Sirtis on Raven. My GMT time playing GMT+2 - at this time zone when i play Syrtis most EMPTY!!!! Ignis - have more population at his time i play. After merged Raven whith Horus - situation the same. WHy i need to play in EMPTY realm?

so wtf the night invasion? for me its morning :)) Sirtis invade at 12 am - 14-15 pm GMT+2, Goats near be this time.

ppls play realm what thei want.

JainFarstrider 12-28-2012 11:39 AM

Majority of my log-ins

Log in in early afternoon at CS or Samal
Me: Hey all
Everyone Else: Good Night

Pretty much the day's conversation. I guess not many people play in my time-zone.

VeterKh 12-28-2012 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by JainFarstrider (Post 1682424)
Majority of my log-ins

Log in in early afternoon at CS or Samal
Me: Hey all
Everyone Else: Good Night

Pretty much the day's conversation. I guess not many people play in my time-zone.

+1 - i try to say this!

you need to learn wich realm playing hard in your time zone.

Quincebo 12-29-2012 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by VeterKh (Post 1682430)
+1 - i try to say this!

you need to learn wich realm playing hard in your time zone.

Start playing in a realm with a slight underpopulation balance would be more challenging to me then joining a realm that is constantly the overpopulated one.
I started playing in 2007, on Ra...and i don't want to switch realms at all.
But when would start it right now, i might not choosed syrtis at all.

Besides that, for new players it is hard to check which realm is underpopulated and which realm is not.

In any way, welcome to Regnum
Enjoy your stay

VeterKh 12-29-2012 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Quincebo (Post 1682893)

Besides that, for new players it is hard to check which realm is underpopulated and which realm is not.

lvl up to 10, go to Main Town and ask around: i'm warrior, i need to choise... help me. And if you see more answers - you go right way.

its for example. it;s very easy.

Rising_Cold 12-29-2012 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by VeterKh (Post 1683006)
lvl up to 10, go to Main Town and ask around: i'm warrior, i need to choise... help me. And if you see more answers - you go right way.

its for example. it;s very easy.

that wont work >.< at peek hours when alsius has 20+ on, is warring like crazy
or standing at cs.. there will be no1 to answer that question in inner...

there is no way to tell if a realm is underpop or not for new players.
Only way you can know it is if you play the game daily.. and long on a day

They only way to tell if a realm might be underpop is the xpboost offerd for the 'underpop
realm' which you see when you make a new account.

l33t_supa_h4x90r 12-31-2012 07:02 PM

Just as a funny note to the writer of this thread - Syrtis is so underpopulated atm that we were given the underpopulation exp bonus. Goes to show why you shouldn't make hasty decisions. I hope you enjoy playing for Ignis though, better for me to have more free rps :thumb:

Enitharmon 01-03-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by l33t_supa_h4x90r (Post 1683952)
Just as a funny note to the writer of this thread - Syrtis is so underpopulated atm that we were given the underpopulation exp bonus. Goes to show why you shouldn't make hasty decisions. I hope you enjoy playing for Ignis though, better for me to have more free rps :thumb:

This would have been funny if it didn't sound like you actually believe this...

What changed (on Haven) in the recent weeks, is that Syrtis went from being able to steamroll anyone, anywhere, purely from having a massive numbers advantage, to actually having to fight somewhat similar numbers (if you consider the 24h population on average).

The OP did a commendable thing trying to join whatever realm needed him most, and I am certain that in the long term it was the right choice, too.
Anyone who played the last months could see that on average, Ignis were the least populated realm, even though they may not always have been "losing".

Regarding being "underpopulated", once your realm has been "farmed" at your main fort, for multiple hours straight, any hour of the day, for week after week, then come back and we can talk about being underpopulated. I might even let you cry on my (virtual) shoulder! :drunk:

Kitsuni 01-03-2013 02:19 PM

Please quit derailing every thread about Syrtis population/weaknesses/needs/etc, l33t_supa_h4x90r.

When you have suffered invasions 24/7 for about a month straight, and your enemy realm has had 15 draconic gems in the span of two weeks and gained over 90,000 Warmaster coins for all of their players (each), then we'll talk. :) Tigerious himself posted a thread on this and it was quite rediculous.

If Syrtis is underpop now, they deserve it for absolutely BREAKING the game for so long, and running more than half of the populations of the other realms off the server causing the game to be a virtual ghosttown until Champions of Regnum update. I'm sorry but bad behavior can't go unpunished forever, even if "legal".

Do you have any idea what it is like to have your only available grind spots farmed by a handful of draconic gem hunters?

What Alsius is doing now and what Ignis (night crew) has done in the past pales... no, its microscopic in comparison.

+1 to the thread creator for following his heart and chosing what he wants, That is how it should be.

Monthser 01-03-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsunie (Post 1684833)
If Syrtis is underpop now, they deserve it for absolutely BREAKING the game for so long, and running more than half of the populations of the other realms off the server causing the game to be a virtual ghosttown until Champions of Regnum update. I'm sorry but bad behavior can't go unpunished forever....[/b]

I am sorry to say that you are completely wrong, Kitsunie. No realm is to blame for over or underpopulation.
I dont think Alsius deserved to be undepopulated nor Syrtis or Ignis. No one is to blame for that. If you want to blame someone you could blame the mechanics of the game, new updates or whatever but not the players. Each realm has its goods and bad players.
Furthermore the reason why now Alsius is "overpopulated" is because many Syrtis players -who you seem to dispise so much- are playing now in Alsius. Not only Syrtians but Ignis as well.
As soon as those players get bored in Alsius they will be back to its former realm. Some of them switch continuosly realms.

Hollow-Ichigo 01-03-2013 02:40 PM

I like cookiesssss. :banana:

Tamui 01-03-2013 02:46 PM

I'm sorry Kitsunie but I don't agree with you. Syrtis don't deserve nothing. Do you think we can stop them from coming to forts so the enemy can have chance? Do you think we could have stopped them from invading during that 24/7 invasions from Syrtis. I don't think so.
About the dragonic gems; we wished for it the first time to see what it was. After that everyone got greedy and no matter what you say no one will listens to you.

ieti 01-03-2013 03:08 PM

Most of old Syrtis players was against daily invasions and tried to stop that. Well everyone knows that can not work. So some left, moved or become more inactive. Me including. This happened to Ignis too, so nothing new here.

In fact i'm uber happy with situation now. It is more challenging and lots more fun than before. Keep it up guys!


People that moved to fix balance can return now.

/me winks at awra :rolleyes2:

We miss you dude...

Hollow-Ichigo 01-03-2013 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by ieti (Post 1684848)
return now.

/me winks at awra :rolleyes2:

We miss you dude...

he is my girlfriend now, hes never coming back, MWAHAHAHA:pumpkin:

l33t_supa_h4x90r 01-03-2013 03:32 PM

You do realize that those rankings have about as much to do with population balance as the rp rankings have to do with skill, right? That's just an indication of who farms the most - I wonder why the blue campers don't appear t be doing so well on there. The fact that Alsius invades multiple times a day probably means nothing to you though, since you're not on the receiving end. And don't give me that "we were farmed for hours on end" goat whining when you've opened portal so many times since the update - the combined number of openings for syrtis and ignis is probably 2 orders of magnitude below the number for alsius in just the last month. And in case you hadn't noticed, the rewards for portal openings >>>> the rewards for an aggers farm.

And just for the record: I don't care what Syrtis did in the time from May till December, since I wasn't playing.

AariEv 01-03-2013 04:49 PM

Disappointed at the attitude some players have in this thread (and on these forums in general).


Originally Posted by Kitsunie

Kitsune, everything you've typed is emotional, biased, flawed, and ignorant. You blame Syrtis for overpopulation and making the game a "virtual ghosttown" when Syrtis as a whole is not responsible.

The simple fact is that if any realm has a much higher population compared to that of the other two, that realm will "abuse" it's numbers. Over the years playing this game, I've seen it with each realm. In actuality, we can't really call it "abuse" because they're doing nothing but playing the game and looking for war..... in a game which thrives on war.

Furthermore, every realm has a handful of players who just don't give a fuck. Players are stupidly blaming Syrtis as a whole for constantly invading when, in actuality, it was merely a handful of players who deliberately chose to continue taking advantage of other realms for draconic gems and WM coins. If the situation was reversed and Alsius or Ignis had the extreme advantage, I assure you that there are players in your realms who would do the same. Not all players have the same noble ideals that a few of us have.

During that time, there were quite a few main Syrtis players who quit or refused to invade...some major players even got together on the Syrtis forums and agreed to stop participating in invasions. Many of you don't know this, but the threads are still there. The real issue here is the fact that there's a realm in this game that's much more appealing to players in general compared to that of other realms. That is the source of all population issues and hatred towards Syrtis. (That and the fact that we have famous loudmouth ignorant players who like to make fools of themselves publicly. Those players do NOT speak for us as a whole.)

Continue to condemn Syrtis and it's players (both new and old) for actions in which most of us weren't responsible if you want. It's understandable... but it's also idiotic and immature.

Evangeline 01-03-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Aarisewan (Post 1684870)

Furthermore, every realm has a handful of players who just don't give a fuck. Players are stupidly blaming Syrtis as a whole for constantly invading when, in actuality, it was merely a handful of players who deliberately chose to continue taking advantage of other realms for draconic gems and WM coins. If the situation was reversed and Alsius or Ignis had the extreme advantage, I assure you that there are players in your realms who would do the same.

Time to condemn you instead for saying that xD, in a dragon cave, a realm votes for a wish, when someone invades there are alot of people on for that to happen and that lot of people will be at the cave voting for the wish, voting for the wish wasnt taking advantage of other realms, people were just playing the game with all it had to offer for the achievers of a successful set of invasions, back then it was ignis night invasions, then it was syrtis morning invasions that you are talking about, and now its alsius turn i guess, it will always happen so why cry about it like children ? just play the game with what it has to offer and have fun

my initial point on this reply was at you saying that only a handful were taking advantage of the situation to get draconic gems and wmc, well you are deeply wrong every1 that invaded voted for it, the wish that is chosen is chosen by everyone and everyone helped with the invasions, why start conspiracy theories? you are not jesse ventura:P

Edit: finishing reading all you said and this quote :

Not all players have the same noble ideals that a few of us have.
please share some of those ideals with us, i am actually curious to know them, i must be one of the people who dont have them, since only a few do


(That and the fact that we have famous loudmouth ignorant players who like to make fools of themselves publicly. Those players do NOT speak for us as a whole.)
i think this advice applies well to you on this post you've made @.@ the part of players speaking for "us" as a whole

i apologize for the harsh way of saying this all but after reading your reply on this thread.... i couldnt stay quiet about it @.@

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