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Wodin 08-29-2009 03:06 PM

RO player: Comments on warriors!
Hello community.

I address to you sometimes with awesome ideias, and with very bad ideias, that are a stupid temporary out off sense from me!

Never the less i would very much like to know if the NGD devs read about it, or if they ocasionaly come to see the forum and read a thread or another!

I see that the forum is an importante link between the community and the developers, and i see that devs try to stay apart from some discussions!
I dont know if it is good or bad, but it is a stand of position, and i respect that!

By saying that, i go to the topic subject.

I have 3 chars on Alsius Horus, and 3 others in Alsius RA. I have all classes and sub-classes, from conjurer to marksman.

I must say that i enjoy playing with warriors more than any other class. I have stopped playing with marks, hunter and conjurer not because they are weak, but because i have no fun. I play a lot with my lvl 50 barb, and with my lvl 49 knight, but i cant have same amount of damage/stay alive rate that i have with my lvl 50 warlock. So, when i am alone, i play with warriors, but when it is time to help in fort wars, i have to change to warlock.

This is not a good stand, because i am in the warriors realm. So i write this lines to try to help NGD and to have some answers to my doubts from anyone that can help me!

I play for some time (not sure how much) but since then (BETA days) the game as been changed a lot. But only with warriors the changes are not made to get them balanced.

I read an NGD thread about they'r ideias of the game and first thoughts on classes, and the way they should be populating each realm (in fact i read it in spanish forum, cause i am Portuguese, and i can understand almost all in spanish language), but those are good old ideias, that can only be effective if players choice of characters would be limited to that realm need (not a good ideia because of the free choice of character). So, the ideias should be growing and adjusting to the game.

To be more specific about warriors, i read something like 30% of population should be warriors, but that is not what happens. A good ideia as gone down the drain. How can a population with 50% warriors fight with a population of 50% archers or mages? It cant! Why? Because warriors are not efective in battles as they were in the begginig of the game!

Sometimes we must take one step back to go 2 steps forward, and warriors really need to have a close look.

I dont understand why mages have 7 skill trees and warriors only 6. I dont understand why knights have constitution in 1 skill tree (stone temple), but barbarians have to waste points in 2 skill trees to get streght (letal anatomy in blunt and versatility in piercing), that knights also have access to!

Warcries is obsolet and two hand mastery is useless. In warcries, all good powers have counter side that takes away life, protection, speed or something else, in a way that does not exist in mages or archers!

With knights, the problem is other... they were ment to tank, and they did tank until some time ago, when auras were re-arranged and army of one was made vulnerable for piercing. Know, all warriors have spears for pearcing, and all archers have piercing by arrows nature! So i ask, what is army of one good for know? To fight against mages?

Scrolls are not efective on knights, because they have no damage powers, and party's are no longer efective because auras were changed!

If i am in a party with a conjurer and a barbarian or 2, it is must likely that i only have xp when heroic presence is on, because i dont make damage enough in the moobs.

With all this crap i said, i only ask NGD developers to pay some attencion to warriors class, because i see warlocks getting stronger, hunters getting stronger, etc... and warriors are getting weaker. Long goes the days where i tried to fight anyone that come in my way when i was grinding. Know, i have to run like crazy!

Sorry for the long statement!


ArchmagusArcana 08-29-2009 04:10 PM

I agree for the most part. I was here for a long time as well....First character in fact was a knight, leveled almost completely solo with no aura leeching.

Its not so much that everyone else is getting stronger so much as they make changes without thinking of how it will mess with warriors. Strafing and +20% base speed for example, completely screwed over warriors vs archer balance, especially hunters. They can now attack us from range AND move away at full speed, while at the same time, the spells we used to be able to use to keep them in place (ribs breaker and balestra) have almost all damage removed, so its not worth it for a barb to use it when we have to both keep them in place, and hurt them at the same time.

I dont think so much that it was intentional, but a slew of events happened that kept making warriors worse in relation to other classes, and now they have stacked and built up to render the class of less use than other classes.

Taking a look at skill trees.....Archers have skill trees that have many useful spells in them so maxing one out isnt a lot of a compromise, same with mages. Warriors on the other hand, have a few useful skills in each tree, so we have to really be very careful as to how we spend our points. Warcries still has some decent spells in it and so does 2h, but 1 to 3 spells in each tree that has some good RvR value is not enough. I posted it before, but maybe condensing the weapon trees into general spells and focusing on offensive and defensive side of things would be a good way to get some more use out of warriors.

If anyone is interested its here:

Looking at individual skills. Mages have MANY skills that have value even on level 1, archers a few, and warriors, almost none, meaning that our precious few skill points need to be very carefully allocated and tough decisions need to be made in regards to what needs to be spent where and what is vital and what is not. I have never had this problem on my lock.

Znurre 08-29-2009 04:37 PM

I read your post with big interest until I stumbled across this...

and two hand mastery is useless
Thirst for blood is THE best skill for a Barbarian.
Deafening Roar, stunn another army for up to 15 sec.
Expansive Wave, cause past 1.5k damage with low casting time in an arc area.
Rage of the earth, knock down a group of people for up to 10 seconds.
Whirlwind, the best DoT in the game, also AoE.
Destabilize, cause 100% weapon damage instantly with only 65 mana cost.
Beast Attack, nice damage boost and 50% chance of making your opponent dizzy.
Spirtual Blow...

How can these skills be bad?
Two handed mastery is currently the best tree for Barbarians imo.

Soo... what am I trying to say?
That a Barbarian who consider Two handed mastery as useless should not really talk about balance, imo.


EDIT: Added Beast Attack to the list.

lala110593 08-29-2009 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Znurre (Post 793025)
I read your post with big interest until I stumbled across this...
Thirst for blood is THE best skill for a Barbarian.
Deafening Roar, stunn another army for up to 15 sec.
Expansive Wave, cause past 1.5k damage with low casting time in an arc area.
Rage of the earth, knock down a group of people for up to 10 seconds.
Whirlwind, the best DoT in the game, also AoE.
Destabilize, cause 100% weapon damage instantly with only 65 mana cost.
Spirtual Blow...

How can these skills be bad?
Two handed mastery is currently the best tree for Barbarians imo.

Soo... what am I trying to say?
That a Barbarian who consider Two handed mastery as useless should not really talk about balance, imo.


darn, you beat me to it, what he said XD but you forgot beast attack my second favorite spell XD


UmarilsStillHere 08-29-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Znurre (Post 793025)
Thirst for blood is THE best skill for a Barbarian.
Deafening Roar, stunn another army for up to 15 sec.
Expansive Wave, cause past 1.5k damage with low casting time in an arc area.
Rage of the earth, knock down a group of people for up to 10 seconds.
Whirlwind, the best DoT in the game, also AoE.
Destabilize, cause 100% weapon damage instantly with only 65 mana cost.
Spirtual Blow...

Also Beast Attack, which I use, but because of point limits many of these spells go unused, currently I have

Mindsquasher, Lethal anatomy, Brutal impacts, Frenzy, Berzerk, Overwhelming, Thunder Strike, TFB, and Beast attack at 5,

Feint, Caution, Spring, and UM at 3,

And Roar at 2

Leaving me with 0 skill points and 1DP

Its far from perfect, but the point is all the helpfull skills in the world wont help if you dont have the points to use them, Mages are at an advantage in this way as they get more points (yes they have more skill trees but Enchants/SM/Summons are often left out of war builds all together)

veluchami 08-29-2009 05:53 PM

No matter how bad they nerf a single class you cannot get along without it in a RvR. With all the talk about Syrtis being an archer realm, just a group of archers cant take the forts and hold it by themselves. They have a fine set of warriors with them in battle. Same holds true for the so-called 'warrior' realm Alsius. Just a bunch of warriors cant win battles. They need their complement of locks, conjus and archers. I dont really get why people always equate 'balance' with PvP balance.
As for me, I win if my team wins. That is all that matters at the end. I might die a hundred times but if we manage to take back the fort/castle or if we manage to hold it for a while longer with contributions from everyone, my day is made.
I agree, playability with warriors is bad but just make sure you did everything you can to help your team win or lose putting up a great fight. Ofc, there are frustrating moments but just take it in the stride think what you can do better next time.
If you think you are a warrior(or an archer or a mage) at heart, keep playing the same class no matter how much its nerfed. Just adapt. I have seen one too many people who changed their class because of some nerf, then got bored and totally left the game. Please don't be one of them.

UmarilsStillHere 08-29-2009 06:05 PM

I was perfectly happy with my Barb, I had spent 100's of hours grinding it and was happy to have done so because I enjoyed the end product, now however I have lost my 2 imob spells (Ribs/Balestra) And a large chunck of my speed (onsl) and at the same time archer have become neigh impossible to catch if they play even half decently.

If the "team role" of a Barb is now breaking gates and launching area attacks (mostly at gates...) or otherwise standing around for 90% of the fight because even trying to get in range to hit something is near certain death, then I feal cheated, as that is not the class I leveled.

niclam 08-29-2009 06:13 PM

We usually read and answer from time to time (it only takes a couple of searches to prove that).

But the issue is that some people take reading a suggestion and confuse it with demanding to do what they say. I can't not stress it out enough, most of the things that are implemented right now, usually have some feedback from the community, that can be read in several forms (forums, a frequent bug, an imbalance, etc).

Specifically about your concern, we are paying attention and I can't answer right now what the solution might be because we are working on it (last update had a big improvement towards that) but yes, we want to improve on our warriors take in Regnum Online. This of course means that the idea is to have fun with each and every class. This might take a while but we will get there.


UmarilsStillHere 08-29-2009 06:19 PM

Im noticing far fewer [read] tags on the suggestions forum, maybe you are reading but forgetting to change the Title, maybe you are not reading them at all, but its nice to see that NGD is reading suggestions that are being put forward, some are real gems.

Wodin 08-29-2009 06:30 PM

I maybe been miss understud in some point!

Imo 2 hand mastery is useless as it is... and i tell you why...

Thirst for blood is THE best skill for a Barbarian. <--- Agree, although i use it at lvl 1 cause i dont skill this tree to max

Deafening Roar, stunn another army for up to 15 sec. <---- so does Howl for just more 50 of mana, u dont use points in another skill tree

Expansive Wave, cause past 1.5k damage with low casting time in an arc area. <--- useless due to time of cast and mana wasted, and only got that kind of damage at (5)

Rage of the earth, knock down a group of people for up to 10 seconds. <--- so does lightning strike, u dont use points in another skill tree

Whirlwind, the best DoT in the game, also AoE. <--- i recon thats a good DoT, but to much casting time, can easely be canceled, or worst, in a fort war, you can die before you get it active!

Destabilize, cause 100% weapon damage instantly with only 65 mana cost.
Spirtual Blow...
<--- Agree with this spells, but the casting time (again), by my experience, when i active the power, the enemie is far away from me, no effect on enemies, unless i knock him down, that means that i must skill tactics to max to!

By the end of all this spells, tell me how much points does a barbarian have to weapon tree (in case of a barb, you will try to have streght from blunt and piercing tree), and for tactics tree, wich have spring and caution. Plus... Unstoppable madness is the last skill of warcries tree, more points to get there.

By the end of this, i really dont know where to give points...

Znurre, i understand your point of view, but that is not a good setup for a realm where you have no suport, and you're constantly outnumbered by ranged enemies!


Warriors are the most sensible classes, cause of positioning of the enemies. Any ranged enemie can do damage with auto-aim, but warriors have "enemie not in front" or "to far away from enemie" while being hitted...

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