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Orimae 11-17-2010 02:02 PM

Another lost Soul
I have been asked to post an announcement...

Dark Barbarian has left the game, and i dont think he will be coming back :(

He cant post this himself as he has been banned in the forum for 2 weeks... (forum only, not ingame)

Its a sad day for me, i know alot didnt like him, but once you actually get to know him he is a decent person, just badly missunderstood..

He asked me to post this to let you all know that he wont be back in game...

Goodbye DB, maybe we will see you back one day...

(/me now waits for flames, please show a little respect guys )

tikinho 11-17-2010 02:39 PM

Saddest moment in RO history.:crying1:

KKharzov 11-17-2010 02:49 PM

Yeah, heard that one before. He'll be back next week.

Hamster_of_sorrow 11-17-2010 02:53 PM

he will come back. he always comes back. remember when he left for syrtis... or LOTRO.. or when he rage-deleted his charcters..... twice? he was back in a matter of hours. im sure hes just taking a break.

VandaMan 11-17-2010 02:59 PM

I don't know, he hasn't been playing much for almost a month now, maybe this one's for real. Sad to see him go, he's my hero, but maybe playing RL for a while will be nice for him :P

Mattdoesrock 11-17-2010 03:03 PM

He'll be back.

Orimae 11-17-2010 03:06 PM

He may come back, i told him to take a break and calm down abit, he thinks Ignis is pissed because of his Invasion stunt...but i dunno, he did seem more upset than usual this time... :(

I for one do hope he comes back, he is an alright person, like i said, once you get to know him. He will be missed, even by those who dont like him.

mr_scsi 11-17-2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Orimae (Post 1189720)
He may come back, i told him to take a break and calm down abit, he thinks Ignis is pissed because of his Invasion stunt...but i dunno, he did seem more upset than usual this time... :(

I for one do hope he comes back, he is an alright person, like i said, once you get to know him. He will be missed, even by those who dont like him.

He will, he always does. And we are, stupid stunt just for his own glory. It would be worse if we hadn't salvaged it...... still don't quit know how that happened.

RO wouldn't be the same with out our scape goat.

Orimae 11-17-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by mr_scsi (Post 1189724)
He will, he always does. And we are, stupid stunt just for his own glory. It would be worse if we hadn't salvaged it...... still don't quit know how that happened.

RO wouldn't be the same with out our scape goat.

Maybe after a break he will feel better, good enough to play with us again.

Jippy 11-17-2010 03:16 PM

"he thinks Ignis is pissed because of his Invasion stunt..."

Do tell plz... :eek24:

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