Thread: PC Reboots
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Old 06-12-2011, 07:59 PM   #38
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I would like to second the gentle suggestion by Ieti. That video card needs a fair amount of power (450w base) . Even if you don't change it now, it is a good idea to consider it for a future upgrade.
I would hate to see any lack of power leading to a knock on problem of affecting the motherboard. A 500 watt power supply is something you could consider for the future.

You could enter the BIOS of the motherboard by entering Esc, F2 or DEL (depending on board) before the operating system starts. Inside there and usually at the last tab there is a setting to reset to defaults. That would set the board to factory accepted defaults (no time/date change) There may be another option to set to optimal defaults. Either one should remove any over-clocking sets. Using the jumper is the last of the last option to try.

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