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Old 08-16-2007, 11:20 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by adrianpf
It's obvious that if you run and run I can't do anything... and my attacks are the ones that a knight can do, I can't make more damage than that... Use your heads and notice that I did more that could be done, the first time you caught me because I leaned on the other knight, but he ceased and left me alone, when I died I looked after you again, and the result: Refetan dead, and Slim almost dead and running away... I hope that's on the video...

You should say: Good hunt, and fun hunt, not saying that I wasn't using my skills... one I caught each of you, I did well... and remember... the last time I saw you, it was me against you two... and did more than well...

Don't be aggresive on the forum, leave that for the game!

Unfortunately I did not get the other battle on video. Half the time I am in battle, I forget to press record because of the thrill of the fight. You did put up a good fight. Refetan ended up dead by a golem smashing him And I was forced to run. I definitely cannot battle a knight 1vs1 when I can only do about 50 damage per hit with Army of One, especially when after my partner died, I had no mana. I hope to see you in war again, it is always fun! But for now, I must level up.

Slim - Syrtis Marksman Level 50
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