Originally Posted by Inkster
FINAL comment on this subject....
After a most amusing afternoon in the test server (i was watching whilst playing on the official server)
We have had the problem solved and GUESS WHAT??
She was not cheating, it was actually a problem within the software on the server side. After a lot of time and effort from ngd studios the speed problem will be resolved on the next update. as it is already solved on the experimental server
Those of you who accused twinkle of cheating owe her one huge apology, and i hope that there is some slim chance you may have learnt from your mistakes.
To everyone who have supported us in this matter a huge heartfelt thank you, A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO NGD.
the rest of you can bite my goatee butt :P
Lol well its Still cheating if she used it for bad intention while knowing it is cheating. Besides, haven't I been saying the whole time that is was a server error? And how would YOU know if it was a server error. It all dosen't make sense to me, I know this isn't the last we'll be hearing of this.
If it was a server error, how come none of us felt the effects, seems strange to me only 1 person got it, I have nothing to apoligize until I hear the official side of this.