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Old 09-04-2007, 09:20 PM   #47
c0wb0y's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: U.S.A
Posts: 183
c0wb0y is on a distinguished road

well It is great to know NGD has worked this out . way to go ngd.

While the last few days have been some what hard. I'm very glad to have stood by ya twink . As I knew the true lady you are and would never cheat.

It was great to see those who supported you and our clan. Tho sad to say most were from other realms I have gained a great respect for them . those few from alsius who stood with us I know you are a credit to our realm. And I will always be honored to stand beside you .
I remmber atime when this was the friendlest realm in the game and honor was something held high . Now its lets call names and run away . hummm what do ya call that? .........? You decide . Alsius remmber when it wasn't all about rp for us? We use to fight with pride for pride. rp was just extra. wouldn't be great if it was that way again. ??
ask not what your realm can do for you but what you can do for your realm
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