Originally Posted by Eli2
@ Xephandor:
What do you need the code for ?
You don't even have to use a Neural network.
Getting computer written text is very easy to do because every letter displayed is exactly the same.
And since you don't know the alpha channel only rgb you have to convert an int to a bool and hope there is enough information left. ^^
It is really no rocket science.
Of course this method sits nicely in a RegnumInterface Class. 
Oh and YES i used Strings instead of booleans, my XMLEncoder thanked me and my cpu/ram did not mind.
I forgot, the whitespace detection is not implemented jet.
The parameters:
img is a Small part of the screenshot containing the text.
r,b,g is the text color.
if true, lines not containing to a letter are colored red.
if false, the detected text parts are white the rest is black.
I just want to learn, I'm studying programming languages and I thought it would be something new to me (in fact, it is :P) and maybe useful in my future... And since I'm a noob on this any help would be most welcomed!
So thanks a bunch for the code!!!! I really appreciate when people share their work. It seems clean, simple and effective. The kind of work I'd like to do
Don't worry about ram or CPU, people have plenty of this