Thread: A sad goodbye
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Old 07-26-2017, 09:00 PM   #10
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 322
Valour is on a distinguished road

In the 'old times' on the game, gear was more balanced, but realms were imbalanced (as always).

I miss my friends who have quit the game, but I am trying to play with new people often to make it fresh. There is however a massive defeatist attitude to whomever is on the 'losing side' when it is going on - but the fun of the game for me is to try and overcome the odds and win in some way (even if by accident ). RO can be a challenging game and I really like that.

The premium gear 'divide' is a big thing for me. If decent gear were available to buy for ximerin directly (like a champion gear item but for ximerin), it could fix that side of things and allow people to feel as though it's not 'the gear' holding them back from winning the fight (especially now that WM jewellery exists).
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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