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Old 12-17-2017, 08:42 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 6
barberians is on a distinguished road
Default Dragon Weapons What we ALL want!

I would like to start with saying that the Dragon Weapons as they are at the moment (in stats) are even more useless than old Warmaster armor. The necessary materials are so super hard to get, yet the weapon is GOOD ONLY FOR FUSING IT.

What many of us want is for You to (please...) make it A LITTLE easier to get them - That is the ANCIENT SOULS/Dragon Hearts and Greater Enchants should NOT be account bound. They need to be at least TRADABLE VIA Action House like rest of the materials.

The reason for that is that so many people have the souls, but don't have any other of the mega ton of needed materials or some simply don't care about crafting them because as I said they are good only as A WEAPON SKIN, yet the amount of materials and everything needed is quite impressive.

IF these three mentioned materials would be made tradable via Action house, then many more people could make use of these shiny but useless weapons. Those, who don't care about them, could trade the Ancient Souls etc for something that they could actually use, therefore letting those few of us who are actually willing to pay what it takes to make them to be able to finally get them.

Let's not mention the fact that Your drop system has made it possible for a VERY FEW of players to drop about 20X souls and to have several weapons while SOME are still waiting for the first one.

PLEASE. This is one of the small things that could make the game a little better. You keep working on the wrong things. We don't want sad 2x quest and no fun events. We want this trend of making everything account bound to END. And no, it can't hurt your profits or anything. The easier things are to get, the more FUSING/ socket engraving etc is done by the players, which means more money to keep developing this game.

P.S. Would be a nice way to kick off the new year.

Last edited by barberians; 12-17-2017 at 09:46 AM.
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