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Old 12-17-2017, 09:22 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Florida, USA
Posts: 10
Arici is on a distinguished road

+In short, I do not want these weapons to be easier to obtain. But I would be happy to participate in a thread regarding the set backs of Account Bound items(unrelated to dragon weapons, specifically, however).

+Fusing has to happen for a reliable trade between players instead of hoping some random person you never saw and may never notice, doesn't run around with the drac weap you sell in AH. So I think they make relatively the same amount there.

+I disagree with your points of dropping, there is a lot to factor in with dropping and I won't open that problem more than to say, keep trying. Make those late night/early morning boss respawns, do your best to work around your schedule and make the maintenance restart to hit as many(or if you are lucky, all 3 kills) and go the extra mile, because that's what it takes.

I figured this is going to be the least interesting part-
+Admittedly, I was driven enough to make use of the first 3 souls I got and made a weapon, with almost unusable stats, and dropped an additional soul so far.

But I don't want this to be any easier. Dragon weapons are the most impressive option we have, and they at least keep their color and vibrancy and appeal even when fused.

They listened to "all" of the people, and made the weapon pretty difficult, to get the ingredients, follow the questlines, spend uncountable hours crafting and leveling, and I had the help of an amazing group of friends, and the support of a hugely experienced clan to get it all done.

And yet, the weapons are pretty much everywhere, I can't turn without seeing at least one person in a group running with a drac weap. Keep trying, and maybe ask for the stats to be worth the effort we go through to get them, but do not make it any easier.

With sympathy, keep trying, and best of luck.

Spaghetti Monster Please
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