Thread: What’s Next.
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Old 03-17-2018, 06:48 AM   #31
Mashu's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Stockholm
Posts: 541
Mashu is an unknown quantity at this point

Sorry guys I don't what to blame anyone but

Reasons to hate RO:
  1. Rumor about merge made Haven even more empty to the point 5 players from Alsius keep doing invasions on empty realms at night multiple times (nothing wrong with invading) just this made already dieing server even MORE empty
  2. This triggered another chain of "leave the server which is like Amun now", its just not fun to be empty and invaded over and over
  3. The more players leave, the more players don't care to defend or play, this is also the consequence of invasions being to easy and can be done just with few players
  4. Some players bug Dean or Evendim so its not hitting back. People log just for bosses, and because how boss drops are calcualted its NOT random, current system can be abused so one player keeps dropping every time. This puts off even more people who don't care anymore about bosses and there is no fun left to play on this server. It was empty, bosses were the only thing, but who cares as it is agian the same player multi-logging and dropping with hunter other class. Drop system is abused.

Suggestions to fix the issue
  • Fix invasions, so they down-scale on less populated servers. Make invasions more difficult. In the past, we were defending realm door for hour. Fix espawn camps, they are bugged anyway and don't always work. Make realm door way stronger, so it needs at least 10 players to take down and regenerates otherwise. Stronger self-healing door was great fun, cause invasion took time and you really needed players to keep hitting and team work. This was fun to defend as well and required bigger organized teams involved. I can see being invaded by 2 (barb and conju) is not fun, but being invaded by 10 players requires some arrangement, talking with others and making it happen.
  • Make drops not dependent on type of spells, auras, just give chance to everyone in radius 10m of boss. Than roll random to pick who dropped. Show who dropped in the log, so abuses can be easily diagnosed in future, building players confidence that game is fair (now it's definitely not). Take it Alsius player first boss drop 2 weeks ago, but plays 10 years, another Alsius shit load of rings in stash and not using them. Makes this game pleasant right ? Seeing this might not be something that encourages people to keep playing.
  • Fix TDM-s, on less populated server it can happen that 3 knights join match, then everyone sits and its no fun but frustration. Do not allow the same class to join the same TDM. Also if someone disconnectes from TDM, give penalty 15min of not being able to join again, as picking the convinient team this way ruins the game for all players.

And fuck, hate me for saying this, but abusing game mechanics must stop for this game to be pleasant for others.
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