Thread: What’s Next.
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Old 03-19-2018, 10:39 PM   #37
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 39
Mythox is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Mashu View Post

I think we all agree, that some players log just for bosses, know how to drop, and sit on these items, buying more of them just to sell them off for more $$$.
It is indeed not pleasant situation for others. You come for boss to help, but the same player drops over and over, and than asks for $100 for an item which you helped him to get.
I made one joke in social media and 2 people go on it. I must be the most Important player in Regnum. WoW. So you guys are saying people sell stuff for money. Alright might be right but people insult me so now tell me a name to who i sold anything for money as far i know i just sell stuff for mags or other items. So @Mashu give me one name to who I sold something for money. You can't and why is on this picture worked? Where is the rest? Weird shit you guys take a screen from social media but work on it and show the half. So and mashu I am not allowed anymore to make jokes with Drago ? You guys are a joke. Saying bullshit over and over. You are spaming your text on every post because you are jealous of people who dropp or have Items. Anyways joking is not possible anymore. I noticed. People take all serious. Weird that none toke the screen as I wrote i delete.
Anyways Mashu we know your mind we know you love to be zerged by goats we know you are jealous to others and we know as you also know that you dont want a merge because you will get rekt from ra players.
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