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Old 01-27-2008, 12:53 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
The 10% rule for xp is a pain for conjurers, yes. But I don't think that 2% rule for rp causes that much problems. Xzorstlok is #30 on the rp ranking list and Lord Victor is #10. I don't how supporting Lord Victor is, but Xzor is full support.
If Xzor is only 30th (in fact i see he isnt anymore in the general ranking) is because i didnt play him much for a while but when i connect him for some battles in Pinos i still earn many RPs probably much more than every one else on the field so i really don't see any reason to whine about rps.

For XP i can't really tell since i leveled long time ago before the contribution limit (which is a very good feature IMHO) but many of my friends leveled a conjurers and they always had good xp amount with support setup so once again people whining should perhaps see if another way of playing it may not be more rewardful. They maybe also should try some other class like knight to see wether there are really the ones that should whine about rp/xp.
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