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Old 08-08-2008, 05:01 PM   #6
cwassall's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 31
cwassall is an unknown quantity at this point

We also have a number of very experienced players; Asreall has done a lot of moving around and playing with different chars, so he knows what he's doing, I have a lvl 50 hunter and a 44 marks on the Ra server, and I know others from our ranks have come from higher lvl chars on Ra, too.

My vision for the clan would be a close-knit community who would help each other both when questing and grinding and when warring. As we know, without realm chat and with the current party-size limit, this will benefit us all.

Edean - Founder of the Forest Guardians of Syrtis (Horus)
CWassall's Champions of Regnum Trainer
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