I have seen a lot nerfs on knights, tbh i havent seen any advantage on knights yet. This update isnt exception :/ As chilko said here
"One clarification: warriors will throw an attack animation even if they are not really in range in some cases (its like a failed try...) this is intended."
So i'm asking why this patch got real ? This is one of most annoying thing in this update. Players in posts above said already about the problems with spells. So i wonder how didnt you see that on amun and fix it in time, before the patch get applied. You shouldnt patch broken patches!
Well i'm still playing my sucky knight tried many setups but i still cant find any protection in skill trees :/ Isnt knight supposed to be the class with best protection? Nah seems not.
I'm trying to grind barb. When i heard that berserk will lose armor penalty, i thought - great i could grind faster solo. Now - "wtf im weaker than before even with berserk :/
I just want to say that to make this game proper, you have to listen real players, who are playing this shitty game everyday. Not you who never played it! Oh sorry but i'm pissing off