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Old 09-02-2007, 09:30 PM   #1
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Default I love goatmilk because I'm a spy

well lately there have been floating rumors around by me being a spy for alsius :), I got advised to put the truth in here and thought it was a really good one so here you go everyone.

Originally Posted by gopforums
I was goign to approach valorius, the first part is just us trying to find a meeting spot and trying to convince yrweakness to join in. But htis is where the prank starts, oh and I mentioned a secret order that I was a part of.

second part

last sentence said by me is "and they won't kill you if they are a member of the order" or something like that

and of course after that I approached her with the too serious about gaming thing. She didn't trust me though and now believes the thing before fully.
My intention in this was to make her not taking this so serious... I've had some frustrated guys speaking very very filthy of her after they got booted for example having a friend in another realm.

Note that this is a thread of the truth and not a whining thread or whatever else you think thread... my english sucks today and I have a cold... take care everyone
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Old 09-02-2007, 10:37 PM   #2
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ok this is the most wierd posting i read in a while.

But i wanted to say something to the realm spying thing in general, cause it was brought up on another thread as well.
This threat i completly overrated. Its never worth the hassle to read the enemy main chat or count enemy numbers at the fort.
I strongly doubt this is done on regular basis or has any impact on war.
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Old 09-02-2007, 11:07 PM   #3
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I just wanted to thank you for the good laugh. I'll try that greeting
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Old 09-02-2007, 11:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by NightTwix
ok this is the most wierd posting i read in a while.
You haven't been on the Spanish forum for a long time

Going ontopic again, I was a well known Ignis player for those in the beta, now I'm almost unknown by the mojority of users here (at least for the ones who don't check the forums ). Now I'm in Syrtis, I know a lot about Ignis and I can tell you that spying is worth nothing because there's nothing really important... What do people want to know from the other realms? I mean, there are no mass destruction weapons (well, Twix is one, but we all know that )... The point of this game is to kill the enemy, not to play Metal Gear Solid (), and you don't need any "secret" info for that.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 09-02-2007, 11:28 PM   #5
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The point here and the reason the rumour perpetuated was NOT because of spying itself... but because of the mention of players intentionally being lead to the slaughter.

It would be bad leadership for Valorius NOT to tell her guild to avoid following you (specifically) into battle after that bizarre conversation... and when asked why, to explain what was said.
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Old 09-02-2007, 11:45 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Drah
The point here and the reason the rumour perpetuated was NOT because of spying itself... but because of the mention of players intentionally being lead to the slaughter.

It would be bad leadership for Valorius NOT to tell her guild to avoid following you (specifically) into battle after that bizarre conversation... and when asked why, to explain what was said.

Hey, I made my best to understand this chat session after an entire weekend of leveling on a new realm ¬¬ ()
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 09-03-2007, 09:41 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Drah
The point here and the reason the rumour perpetuated was NOT because of spying itself... but because of the mention of players intentionally being lead to the slaughter.

It would be bad leadership for Valorius NOT to tell her guild to avoid following you (specifically) into battle after that bizarre conversation... and when asked why, to explain what was said.
I tried to make that conversation as silly as possible so it would be easy to see for anyone that it was a joke. But as my friend said when he got told I was a spy. "Impossible, he leads raids, helps defend lot's of syrtis levellers against those hunters around" I think there was something more but I forgot that ö.
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Old 09-03-2007, 10:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Xephandor
Going ontopic again, I was a well known Ignis player for those in the beta, now I'm almost unknown by the mojority of users here (at least for the ones who don't check the forums ). Now I'm in Syrtis, I know a lot about Ignis and I can tell you that spying is worth nothing because there's nothing really important... What do people want to know from the other realms? I mean, there are no mass destruction weapons (well, Twix is one, but we all know that )... The point of this game is to kill the enemy, not to play Metal Gear Solid (), and you don't need any "secret" info for that.
how could you defect to syrtis? grrrrrrr
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Old 09-04-2007, 01:02 PM   #9
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I believe somewhere NGD stated that using other accounts for spying is illegal... not sure where, but one of my clan leaders was told so...

in any case why not send a hunter out to scout? He can go invisible and do what he does best.
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:21 PM   #10
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Default Defending our Realm


Friends, this concerns the Syrtis Realm, but has lessons to be taken to
heart for all the Realms of Regnum. We all love and defend our Realms unto
death. Again, and again and again. LOL !

I know both Angelwinged Devil (AwD) of the Guardians of Power(GoP), and
Valorius Rageway of the Order of Daggers(OoD). I have followed both AwD
and Val into battles, and found them both to be honorable, brave and resourceful
clan leaders. Some background, both clans moved over from the online game
PlaneShift, GoP, before OoD. In PlaneShift there is rivalry between guilds, and
the guilds sometimes go to war, it's all good fun ! I was a PlaneShift player,
after GoP had left and before OoD had left for Regnum. I know Valorius to be
very competitive, and truely you would want her on your side in any battle.
The same can be said of AwD, he and his clan have a proven war record, I do
not think anyone can claim otherwise.
From what I gather this "misunderstanding" developed from a previous
encounter in the arena, where the more seasoned Regnum player, AwD was
matched against Valorius, then Valorius and Romaria, then against Val, Rom &
one other. There were disputes, both principle fighters defending thier honor.
It should have ended there, in the arena. It didn't. Now it has developed from
there into more of a clan rivalry. Since we don't have clan wars, but have a
common need to defend our Realm, there is just a tense sort of grudgeing
cooperation when the need arises, I hope that after some time the two clans
can get back to the business at hand, leveling and fighting the enemy in the
way of comrades-in-arms! Side by Side, shielding each other, from those who
confront us !

Celtus (Not in either Clan)
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