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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

View Poll Results: What do u think should be done
Disable sytris while choosing realm 4 11.43%
Giving more bonus in alsius and ignis 7 20.00%
Improve the forts of alsius and ignis 2 5.71%
Shut up and play 22 62.86%
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Old 01-25-2014, 09:14 AM   #1
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Exclamation Unbalanced population

Man i love this game but 1 thing i hate is that the population is not fair. How can 10 players battle with a whole army. This ain't fair and right. Game is fun only when its fair. Can't u guys just block people from joining syrtis until the number of players are balanced

Reading this post many might say that this is an old issue so who cares. To those people - it became a problem for some reason. U didn't pay much of attention so that problem grew and then ........ U know what'll happen

Hope something is done about this mess
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Old 01-25-2014, 10:29 AM   #2
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First of all, you can have fun even when outnumbered

I do agree, that the population imballance has been (and is) a significant issue of RO. Mainly, because game mechanics tend to favor the overpopulated realm.
This does not apply only to syrtis, but also to Alsius and Ignis, who were the dominating realm in the past.

However, the problem is quite difficult to solve.
I agree, that limiting the flow of new players to the overpopulated realm seems as a good & easy solution. However, it's not the new players that cause such a difference in power. It's mainly veteran players, who begin to play more frequently, and possibly also multirealmers playing the stronger realm.
Stopping the influx of new players would teoreticaly stagnate the population increase, but it would take months to make any noticable difference, when the new players level up sufficiently.

NGD representative also made a good point, that many players invite their friends, and want to play in the same realm as themselves. This would then potentially decrease the population of the server. That would be rather unneccecary.

Improving the forts is too vague. I don't know what you mean by that suggestion.

Increasing the bonus is the only option, that gives an advantage to mid-level players, and speeds them up to join the wz. The mid-level population is what can make the difference between overpop and underdog realms.

Higher player retention and decreasing the time between joining the game and joining wz action would also dramatically change the overall population fluctuations.
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Old 01-25-2014, 11:27 AM   #3
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I will NOT vote in this poll as I strongly dislike or disdain all 4 choices ... how about option 5? ... "NGD codes realtime-population-accuated-scalability into CoR's fort & invasion mechanics" (stronger/weaker doors & guards; longer/shorter timers, etc., etc.)? The ONLY truly proper way to address this overly longterm & ongoing issue is NOT with stick &/or carrot measures or by saying STFU (no matter how many out there may want me to). Level the RvR playing field, that's what MUST needs be done .... if NGD will try & do it.

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Old 01-25-2014, 11:36 AM   #4
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The biggest problem with CoR is that it always was, is, but hopefully will not be (fingers crossed*) in the future about numbers.

Also, the stronger realm gets stronger while the weaker even weaker thanks to the broken invasion system, the realm imbalances caused by the imbalanced numbers realms can have and the stupid dragon wishes.
Many suggestions were made about changes, NGD needs to read and work only on the issue.

Relic lock makes these things even worse.

IMO invasions should be disabled until something is done about this issue, relic lock should be lifted (at least during weekends ASAP!!!) and the weaker, outnumbered realm should get something for even trying to face a 25-30 zerged army + a dragon with 5-10 players, they deserve even a better reward than the wining and wishing realm!!! Hell yeah ffs, they do!!! They do...
It's not hard to create quests related to this, but while you're at it please, PLEASE change that stupid quest system too that allows only 5 quests being taken at a time, it's just retarded, in other games you can have up to 40 quests, why not in CoR?! (Sorry for off topic ).
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Old 01-25-2014, 05:39 PM   #5
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I don't think it is right to improve guards / forts of the weaker realms.
The realm which has the big zerg should actually be the strongest one in the warzone. Otherwise, it would be a bit unfair I think.
At the moment, invasions are nearly impossible if the invaders have about the same amount of online players as the defenders have. There has to be this kind of "mass wins - system" in Regnum because it is part of the mechanics.

Though, I agree the situation regularly tends to escalate. Maybe encouraging new players strongly to join the weakest realm is the best idea.

Last edited by schachteana; 01-25-2014 at 06:27 PM.
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Old 01-25-2014, 10:51 PM   #6
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this is a really excellent question and i feel realm numbers imbalance is the biggest issue constraining growth in player numbers.

one idea i thought about more was this: A REAL-TIME RELIC LOCK which only goes into effect whenever population numbers are too imbalanced. For example: if number of players logged into Syrtis is say 50% more than the combined total of ignis and alsius players logged in, then relic lock occurs.

This will automatically defeat deliberate multirealming just to join a zerging realm.

It could also be woven into some sort of storyline that the Gods of the Realm intervene to ensure mortals do not upset the balance of power etc etc.

ps - i dont like any of the other ideas suggested in the poll yet.

Last edited by leafdale; 01-25-2014 at 11:41 PM.
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Old 01-25-2014, 11:19 PM   #7
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too bad that we cant select 2 options.
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Old 01-28-2014, 05:12 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by schachteana View Post
I don't think it is right to improve guards / forts of the weaker realms.
The realm which has the big zerg should actually be the strongest one in the warzone. Otherwise, it would be a bit unfair I think.
At the moment, invasions are nearly impossible if the invaders have about the same amount of online players as the defenders have. There has to be this kind of "mass wins - system" in Regnum because it is part of the mechanics.

Though, I agree the situation regularly tends to escalate. Maybe encouraging new players strongly to join the weakest realm is the best idea.
BTDT (for years now) & the ol' stick-&-carrot approach had it's chance & still has yet to work. It doesn't work "best" ... it doesn't work at ALL ... never did ... never will. Encourage noobs to join beaten-down realms all u want, but it changes appreciably nothing. No if's, and's, but's or "maybe's"....

Btw, how dafuq does any rational being proclaim that the idea of 'leveling the playing field to keep things balanced/interesting' is "UNFAIR". I know that a very vocal & dominance-addicted minority here truly LIKE this shitty "mass wins - system" & being in the zerg realm & steamrolling over the weaksauce realms ... make u feel big & strong? ... a 'real' He-Man? ... it's all pixels, bros ... but, well, tbph idky YOU prefer it, schachteana, so I'd like to hear a complete explanation of this seemingly UNtenable position, p & ty....

All that being said tho ... yes, invasion mechanics ARE thoroughly broken (it does take 3 or 4 to 1 odds to have a solid chance to successfully invade ... which is total bs imbalance ... & thus, it really needs a thorough re-balancing overhaul by the devs ... /me crosses fingers for umpteenth time) & secondly, yes, the really drawn-out & delaying zerg-realm-rewarding relics' scheme of things & also the relic/invasion lock originally were & both still remain VERY bad ideas ... some other form of invasion-NOW-concept requiring no preliminary time-consuming hurdle-races would be better. It's all academic ... for the zerg-realm, it's an exercise in waiting around for the timers & keeping the zerg together, whether standing around or on occasion, moving ... & for the weaksauce realms, it's all a not-gonna'-hap'n exercise in utter futility.

Proof? As is, only the current-zerg-realm tends to invade at all now & is definitely the only one who can do so successfully ... & both because only overwhelming numbers & total overkill get's it done now ... bleh. (completely predictable + long-&-drawn-out - any real balance = unfair/trite/boring ... just sayin', folks ....).

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Old 01-29-2014, 12:49 AM   #9
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Lebeau on allowing zerging-
Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
...It doesn't work "best" ... it doesn't work at ALL ... never did ... never will. Encourage noobs to join beaten-down realms all u want, but it changes appreciably nothing. No if's, and's, but's or "maybe's"....
I agree with Lebeau's attitude on zerging. It just doesn't contribute to the game.

Imho (and ive supported this position no matter which realm is dominant): realm numbers (and even skill imbalance) is the number one impediment to growth in haven player numbers.
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Old 01-26-2014, 12:30 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
First of all, you can have fun even when outnumbered
I strongly disagree with this because:

1. Last night when Alisus was without relics, and Syrtis were attacking Ignis all the time Alsius was dead. Like - all empty. No one online. For hours. No communication, no action, nothing.

2. Sensless farming by outnumbered realm. Many players just give up. Why? Being killed XY times without benefit is - guess what? Senless. People logs off and do some fun thing, like cooking dinner, walking the dog, logging into winning realm...

3. Etc.. We all know it, has been writting many times before on forum.
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