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Old 01-18-2008, 09:43 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 69
asetas is on a distinguished road
Default Guide for everyone

Written by Asetas©

Chapter 1
-3 Realms
-Map And Travelling
-Moving, Hotkeys and Camera
-Option Window and Menu
-Attacking To Enemy and Quests

Chapter 2
-Classes and SubClasses
-Clans and training
-PvP, Hunting and Fort Wars

Chapter 3
-Chat commands
-Little window tricks

Chapter 1

3 Realms
When you start the game you can chooce from 3 different realms:
Every realm has little differences in equipments mostly only in things like rings and amulets and quests.
Biggest differences that you can see are the races. Every realm has their own special races;
Ignis[Dark Elves]
Alsius[Cute little dwarfs]
Syrtis[wood elves]
Land scape difference is big as well but you can't really see it or notice it while playing your own realm because you can't see/go into other realms yet what we have heard they will make something fun to get into other realms!
Every Realm is full of spanish talking people so you can't avoid that, but of course every realm has their english clans and english speaking players as well if you don't understand spanish.

Map And Travelling

Travelling in Regnum can be done in couple of different ways
1. Running to place to a nother
2. Teleport by a scroll [Premium]
3. Use a horse in order to gain extra speed [Premium]
These 3 elements are all useful but the 1st one becomes to be the sheapest one.
By looking the map you can see your current position shown by a red arrow that is pointing to that way you are facing to. Coordinates of your position can be seen by moving your cursor above the compass. There you see 2 different coordinates X and Z.

Moving, Hotkeys and Camera

Moving in Regnum happens with controls of WASD;
A=turn left
D=turn right
You can also toggle run/walk by hitting the button E.
Q toggles Auto run that allows you to run even when AFK and avoid of getting kicked from server due the inactivity (If you don't move in 30 minutes the server will kick you out)

Cameras angel can be changed by right clicking mouse button and dragging it around. If you want to set the camera stay there where it is currently you can't just unhold the mouse button,
if you do this the camera will slowly return to its normal position. But if you hold the right button and drag it into different angel and press left mouse button at the same time while holding the right button down you can let the camera be there and it won't move!

Some other useful hotkeys:

B = displays Power book window
C = displays character window
E = toggle walk/run
H = displays Help : how to play tips (Not included in English version yet)
I = displays inventory
L = removes/enables the event-window
N = displays action window
O = shows options
P = displays community window (party/clan)
Q = toggle Auto walk on/off
T = display chat window on/off
U = displays quest window
M = displays map

Option Window and Menu

Menu can be toggled on by pressing Esc on your keyboard from this menu you can find some important options that you will be needing during the play time.
Example you can adjust the graphics settings by going to options menu. Or log out from the came or change character but if you have hitted the button by accident you can still cancel it by pressing cancel under the time counter.

Attacking To Enemy and Quests

Attacking to enemy in PvE happens by double clicking it, you can also just target any player/mob/npc by clicking it once, this allows you to cast friendly buffs etc.
While you are attacking to a enemy the enemy will attack back and you lose HP so watch out for it.
Skills can be used by clicking on then in spell book or dragging the skills to the hotbar which allows you to use the skills by hitting numbers 1-0 on your keyboard. You can have total of 40 skills in hotbar, to change hotbar slot press f1-f4 or click the arrows right side of the bar.
Using skills costs certain amount of mana as well.
New skills can be gained from your own class trainer You get new skills in following LvLs:
Every disclipe takes certain amount of points and increasing the skills efectivness you can use power points on them by clicking the skills while in trainer.

Available quests can be seen from Town Crier, every town in Regnum has one.
To accept the quests you need to talk with the quest giver and make the tasks you get. As a reward you can get extra EXP, Cash or more rear items such as rings and amulets.
Every realm has story line quests as well in Ignis they start from Tarik in Altaruk.
When you are doing quests and you are looking for a certain person, above this persons head you are looking for will appear yellow shoutmarks "!". Talking to him happens by double clicking the NPC from close distance.

Chapter 2

Classes and SubClasses

Currently available classes are: Warrior, Mage and Archer.
You are going to be one of these classes at the beginning from lvls 1 all the way to 10 when you can chooce your subclass from followings:




The ones on top of the class are supportive and opposite the ones under are offensive.
More details about the classes:

-Pet that fights for the Hunter
-Tracking skills to be able to track enemies and allies from a distance
-Hiding skills to hide from a enemy or from ally if needed :P
-Low DMG compared to Marksman not much DMG spells

-Much DMG skills to kill enemy
-Many passive skills to improve abilitys such as range and DMG done
-Biggest range among all classes
-Good normal hit DMG

-Most supportive Subclass
-Abilitys to Heal, Revive, Give mana with out losing your own[Mana communion]
-Nice booster in WZ
-Not made to deal dmg
-Able to summon creatures such as Zarkit that fights for the conjurer
-Alot Friendly buffs

-DMG dealer
-Alot of spells to kill the enemy
-Almost could say infinitive mana
-Alot Debuffs
-Big part in Fort Wards because the AoE spells such as Terror

-Supportive fighter
-Many buffs to increase surviving chances
-Some AoE buffs for allies
-Tanking Subclass
-Able to wield a shield in order to increase Block chance
-Best armors in game

-Massive DMG dealer
-Able to make overkills [4000 crits]
-Able to give friendly buffs such as: Onlaught which improve the movement speed and give DMG bonus for one hit
-Able to Wield 2Handed weapons

Clans and training

Training with quests+mobs is good untill you are around lvl 30 then you move on with only mobs or maybe have some story line quests with it.
Anyway you want to build a build wich deals alot of DMG with minumum mana and in a way that makes the least HP lose. So set up your builds by that while training.
When you finally enter to the world of WZ you want to have a clan to train with things like: PvP skills in the arena and share the information with other clan mates and learn new.
At lvl 32 you most likely start moving into WZ. If you don't have clan untill this start looking for one. Good way is to go Official forums of Regnum and ask for a clan.
Clan can give you help in training as well, while training in WZ it's the best to be with a party of couple players to avoid of getting killed by someone.

PvP, Hunting and Fort Wars

PvP means Player vs. Player which includes you and another player that you are going to fight with.
When you are having PvP with someone you don't want to get interupted by some idiot random hobo so keep in your mind that you wont interupt PvPs if you know that it is one, other ways you go and help your team mate!
Many times the best place to PvP is at your own realms arena with your own clan mates in order to test new builds and improve your styles and find your weaknesses and make them stronger. Sometime they have arranged some PvPs in WZ as well but not so often.

Hunting means in this case going around the WZ looking for players to kill.
Normally this is done by having hunter of two with you but it can be done alone as well but then you might not face so much luck because you are missing the tracking skill.
Usually the best place to hunt is in the land of enemy realms and near their gates and places where you know that they train often.
What I find as a good Hunting party is following Characters:
-2 Warlocks
-2 Conjus
-1 Knight with full def
-1 Marksmen
-1 or 2 hunters
-2 Barbarians mostly to keep up onslaught all the time
But of course more is better. When the people amount raises we face most likely

Fort Wars
Fort Wars are done in enemys fort that you are going to capture or in your own realms fort that your enemies are capturing,
There is 3 forts for each realm so 9 in totall because there is 3 realms.
Every fort has a door which has to be broke down befor you can conquer the fort or castle.
To conquer the fort it takes some time for you to be inside the fort and stay alive.
Sooner or later the flag changes to your own realms flag and the fort is yours and you are free to enter there by double clicking the Door.

Chapter 3

Chat commands
Chatting commands can be entered during the play time.
Here is the few there is

Chat other person who is online:
To chat other person online and you don't have him/her added in your friend list you can type the following; /chat PLAYERNAME
To get rid of this char you can simply write down the following into the chat window you want to close (Only private chats and party chat can be closed); /leave
That will allow you to shut down the chat.
To party someone over the distance type: /party PLAYERNAME
And if you find someone very hard to cooperate with simply type:
If you want to unignore type /unignore PLAYERNAME
Same with clan invites: /ignore clan
In order to use those commands the player you are requesting to chat with must be in the same Realm!

When you get bored to your current build and you want to change it type /reset_powers, this will allow you to reset all the power points and points you had again everywhere where you want.
/users is a useful command as well with this you can see how many players is currently on!

Little window tricks
By pressin ALT+Enter you can force your window between window mode and full screen.
And if you got any other programs on and you want to check them in that exact same moments pressing ALT+TAB will allow you to move between other softwares on!
Edit: Asetas, Added the following: Camera useage and simple menu guide [19th of january, 00.20]
Edit: Asetas, Added the following: 3 Realms part and summary [19thth of January, 13.38]
(All times are shown gmt +2)

Last edited by asetas; 01-19-2008 at 12:46 PM.
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Old 01-18-2008, 09:47 PM   #2
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wow this a great guide im sure this would help a lot of people
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:22 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2007
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asetas is on a distinguished road

I'm very glad to hear that!
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:39 PM   #4
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Alt+Enter doesn't work for me anymore...
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Old 01-19-2008, 04:16 AM   #5
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good job dude
might be a good idea to enter how to exit the game
lol love the copyright symbol down the bottom
Brad - after a year of not playing I have no idea how to play my character, no clue what's going on and have to ask questions every few minutes.... I am the born again noob.
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Old 01-19-2008, 05:08 AM   #6
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You should also add in under the knight's description that they have area buffs that helps to protect allies.
*end.transmission - amade*

FoV Clan Inventory Listing
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Old 01-19-2008, 08:43 AM   #7
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asetas is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Necrovarus
Alt+Enter doesn't work for me anymore...
It works only if you are using windows XP and your settings are right in configuration files :P

Last edited by asetas; 01-19-2008 at 09:00 AM.
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Old 01-19-2008, 08:57 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by asetas
Hunting means in this case going around the WZ looking for players to kill.
Normally this is done by having hunter of two with you but it can be done alone as well but then you might not face so much luck because you are missing the tracking skill.
Usually the best place to hunt is in the land of enemy realms and near their gates and places where you know that they train often.
What I find as a good Hunting party is following Characters:
-2 Warlocks
-2 Conjus
-1 Knight with full def
-1 Marksmen
-1 or 2 hunters
-2 Barbarians mostly to keep up onslaught all the time
But of course more is better.
Hey, that's not a hunting party, it's an invasion army. What's your realm... Syrtis?

Nice guide though
The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind.
-- Chapter 1.1 of The Tale of Heike, Helen Craig McCullough's translation
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Old 01-19-2008, 09:05 AM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 69
asetas is on a distinguished road

I'm in Ignis, but by that "army" it's themost fun I think. everyone has their own opinions!

And I would like to get this into stickies as well as lawie
Thank you to everyone
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Old 01-19-2008, 10:13 AM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2007
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padreigh is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by asetas
Coordinates of your position can be seen by moving your cursor above the compass. There you see 2 different coordinates X and Y.
/me sights

Its X and Z :

Reasons for that:

not a big deal, only for those wondering why most fan pages give out X and Z

For searching NPCs orient yourself looking in north direction, running forward/backward will increase/decrease one of the X&Z axis, turning 90 degrease and running back /forth the other (i just didnt bother to remember wich is wich, afair looking N will increase X and looking west increases Z).

Good pages to look after (the one i use, there are more around, use forum search): http://www.regnumzg.com.ar/index.php look for Oracle.
You'll find Skilldescriptions (sleightly out of date but 91.927% accurate), a offline trainer for testing skill-sets on any lvl and a citicen finder if you cant find a named npc youre looking for.

And there is one more way of movement: teleporters. Check out this thread for maps, screenshots and some(not yet all) teleporters.

And 2 more ingame shortcuts: Alt+I and Alt+P one gives you more accurate Position (with Y = Height too if you feel like reinhold messner and want to climb the steepest one) as well as Frames/Second and Polygons in your view. The other reaveales Pingrates.
Running Gag,Amenotil F., Gundar F., Jaspis U., Lance Lost, Tinman of Oz. (H,C,W,M,B,K)
Internally processed, nutritioally-drained biological output happens - it's called update

Last edited by padreigh; 01-19-2008 at 10:51 AM.
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