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Old 08-22-2008, 07:45 AM   #1
troyboy1's Avatar
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Default Community issue

OK, I hope the developers read this thread. I don't know if you guys have notice this at all, but your servers which I'm sure can hold 1000 plus users, never seems to have over 300 people connected to any server at anytime. This is a problem, but the biggest issue is I can't tell if you guys care or not and I haven't seen any moves to fix this. Does your team have anyone doing any marketing, I am aware that you guys have a small staff, but I can assure you that you are missing out on a lot of potential customers due to your lack of advertisement. Guys its very simple you need to get in contact with one of these three sites, mmmorpg.com, mmosite.com, or onrpg.com, from there you need to start ad campaign. Even if you guys are in beta, it doesn't not matter, you need to advertise, its the only way your going to get more player and in turn make more money. Go see for yourselves go to any of the three sites or all three, there are plenty of free mmorpgs out there, that are not even half as good as you'll that have packed server with thousands of players. It time to get out of your box and come out of hiding and introduce yourselves to the world, the little community you have can only do so much for you, its time for you guys to advertise your self, do you know what the mmorpg world says about a game with less than 300 people on a server, they call that a "dead game". Listen from what I understand you guys are of a Spanish decent, Im assuming that because the majority of the player speak it. Well let me tell you something, English speaking people, especially Americans will dump some cash on a game, we will spend like crazy, if you don't believe me ask a little company named Nexon and ask them how there North American server is doing and how much people spend in there cash shop. look my point is please I beg you, advertise on one of those 3 sites I named and I can promise you, no I swear to you, you will have so many players on your server you will not know what to do with them. This will also make the game so much more enjoyable with more people to talk to.
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Old 08-22-2008, 07:55 AM   #2
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oh and please no fan boys come in here and try and talk bad about my thread, this is something the developers really need to hear!
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Old 08-22-2008, 07:55 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by troyboy1
OK, I hope the developers read this thread. I don't know if you guys have notice this at all, but your servers which I'm sure can hold 1000 plus users, never seems to have over 300 people connected to any server at anytime. This is a problem, but the biggest issue is I can't tell if you guys care or not and I haven't seen any moves to fix this. Does your team have anyone doing any marketing, I am aware that you guys have a small staff, but I can assure you that you are missing out on a lot of potential customers due to your lack of advertisement. Guys its very simple you need to get in contact with one of these three sites, mmmorpg.com, mmosite.com, or onrpg.com, from there you need to start ad campaign. Even if you guys are in beta, it doesn't not matter, you need to advertise, its the only way your going to get more player and in turn make more money. Go see for yourselves go to any of the three sites or all three, there are plenty of free mmorpgs out there, that are not even half as good as you'll that have packed server with thousands of players. It time to get out of your box and come out of hiding and introduce yourselves to the world, the little community you have can only do so much for you, its time for you guys to advertise your self, do you know what the mmorpg world says about a game with less than 300 people on a server, they call that a "dead game". Listen from what I understand you guys are of a Spanish decent, Im assuming that because the majority of the player speak it. Well let me tell you something, English speaking people, especially Americans will dump some cash on a game, we will spend like crazy, if you don't believe me ask a little company named Nexon and ask them how there North American server is doing and how much people spend in there cash shop. look my point is please I beg you, advertise on one of those 3 sites I named and I can promise you, no I swear to you, you will have so many players on your server you will not know what to do with them. This will also make the game so much more enjoyable with more people to talk to.

The servers do pass 300+ users.

In fact during the day, Ra (International server) reaches 700-800+ users.
Muspell reaches about 500 users.
Nifheim never passes the 200.

And the new server Horus (International english server) reaches about 130 users during the day. Since the server is new its completely understadable, it was launched on August 5 of this month.

And well, I am pretty sure ngd is trying to advertise there game in alot of places, we will see as time passes.
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Old 08-22-2008, 08:06 AM   #4
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what?! Since when? I never seen that many users, ever! And most mmorpgs have that many user at the wee hours of the morning, 700 is still nothing to boast about, I have never seen a advertisement for this game, ever!
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Old 08-22-2008, 08:36 AM   #5
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The small community isn't only down to advertising, it is also down to the game itself and who it is competing against.

Unfortunately, and I hate to say this, Regnum is no different to any other game on the market. Everything that Regnum has to offer a player has been done to death by everyone else and in quite a few cases, done a whole lot better.

If Regnum is to grow then the devs are going to have to throw out the MMORP rule book as it stands which basically states that, in reality a player could be given 1000 points to build their character and go straight to PVP as with FPS's, bypassing all the grind which only serves to delay the inevitable. In fact all the grinding does is seperate out the obsessives from the people who leave to find something else to do. I wonder how much of the player base leaves because of grinding?

The one thing that Regnum does have going for it though is the community and the fact that the devs listen to the players. It is the reason why I keep coming back to it.
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:02 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by troyboy1
what?! Since when? I never seen that many users, ever!
So don't play when everyone are sleeping over 700users on Ra is normal thing and believe me server have problems with such number.
In the future we will jump!
<DkySven> the big problem with balance discussions on the Regnum forum is that a lot of people just suck at playing their class
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:04 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by troyboy1
what?! Since when? I never seen that many users, ever! And most mmorpgs have that many user at the wee hours of the morning, 700 is still nothing to boast about, I have never seen a advertisement for this game, ever!
Since always. Ra has 400-800 users. At night, GMT 1, 700+. For other servers, as Jpicon said.
Server can accept, I believe theoretically, 1500 connections, if I remember correctly.
For advertisment, would be cool, if there is "Send to friend" invitiation or something. I didnt see that on site, I might missed it.

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Old 08-22-2008, 01:11 PM   #8
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There was a fun day onetime at Shaanarid where the total users topped 1100, or maybe it was 1200 if im right. It was some Syrtis "wedding" So almost everyone from Ignis ran down there to kill almost everyone from Syrtis.

There must have been 400 Igneans there, and it was very laggy ^^

Isn't it sad that those kind of large groups are casual for Syrtis though...
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:15 PM   #9
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Hi troyboy1,

As the recently hired Community Manager (the first one in Regnum Online's history) I am preparing to make this step (I'll manage Marketing issues too). In NGD we already know about this problem for a long time, but it is mandatory to be prepared to face a promotion stage, so, we are doing our best for this to happen soon.

Thanks for your concern!

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