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View Poll Results: Would formalized alliances between realms be a good idea?
Yes 11 12.09%
No 70 76.92%
Not sure 10 10.99%
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Old 09-17-2010, 02:26 PM   #1
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Default Regnum Alliances

Would formalized alliances between realms be a good idea? And why/why not?

We will soon have an update that hopefully balances classes. But realm balance/population issues remain. Many times there's nothing much to do because we're too few online in Ignis Horus. Other times we are more online, but still outnumbered by both Syrtis and Alsius and kicked out only minutes after we take a fort. And of course, sometimes far and between Ignis has the advantage.

I'd like to see more dynamics in realm balance, so that you're not doomed to frustration or switching realms/servers in case you find you joined a less fortunate realm.

So here's a thought: Regnum Alliances

The aim is to have the possibility to frequently shift the balance of power between realms. An alliance would only be possible when the imbalance reaches a given threshold, and it would only be temporary.

One way of implementing this could be (this is just a sketch, of course):

Alliances are handled in periods of 7 days.

Say we have an active population distribution of 60% + 60% against 100% (the less populated realms against the dominating realm).

For 4 days players who have at least 1 active lvl 45+ character in one of the 2 less populated realms have the option to vote "Yes" or "No" to an alliance with the other realm. 1 vote per account. During this time war rages on as usual between all three realms.

When the voting period ends, if the majority of votes in both realms fell on "Yes" a temporary alliance between the two is formed that lasts 3 days.

If not ”Yes” then nothing special happens until after 3 more days have passed - all 3 realms are still at war.

After a total of 7 days a new round of voting begins in the 2 currently less populated realms.

An alliance between 2 realms gives them the means to coordinate efforts in war:
* Characters from allied realms can not attack each other.
* Guards and fort doors let allies pass (but the realm gate doesn't).
* General chat works between those realms.
* War banners are visible between the two.

...and possibly:
* Beneficial spells like heals/buffs work on allies.
* Parties can consist of members from the two realms.

Possible benefits:
* Less frustration from playing in a less populated realm.
* More action in general.
* More invasions - more players will have the chance to experience all facets of RO (after almost 1 year of playing i haven't seen an Ignean invasion from start to finish).
* More players stay in the game/in their realm because of all the above.
* Another dimension to enhance (?) gameplay: diplomacy (how do you handle gems after a successful joint invasion?).

* How do you handle the case where 1 realm is the underdog and the 2 others are more equal in strength?
* Possible abuse: vote for alliance and then ask your not so active friends to play during the weekend. Though it doesn't really matter – the point is that an overly dominant realm should be the underdog for a period of time.

NOTE: The dominant realm would still be dominant during at least 4 of the 7 days in the above scheme. The difference would be that players in the less populated realms would also be able to take part more in invasions and fun battles more regularly (IF they can/want to get an alliance going for 3 days - which isn't all that certain).
Ina'[sul,gok,wan], Ignis, Horus

Last edited by wizardOfIgnis; 09-17-2010 at 03:20 PM. Reason: Clarifications
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Old 09-17-2010, 02:31 PM   #2
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Depends how you define 'underpopulated'

If we take 100% as a 'good population' and use the following as a totaly fabricated demonstration:

Syrtis: 100%
Alsius: 80%
Ignis: 80%

If Alsius and Ignis are the underpopulated realms and ally, then 80% + 80% = 160% So Syrtis becomes the heavily undermanned realm for several days.

Then take into account timezone differences, realm population fluxuations through the day, and it just dosnt work. So a no here.
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Old 09-17-2010, 02:59 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Depends how you define 'underpopulated'

If we take 100% as a 'good population' and use the following as a totaly fabricated demonstration:

Syrtis: 100%
Alsius: 80%
Ignis: 80%

If Alsius and Ignis are the underpopulated realms and ally, then 80% + 80% = 160% So Syrtis becomes the heavily undermanned realm for several days.

Then take into account timezone differences, realm population fluxuations through the day, and it just dosnt work. So a no here.
Thank you for your input.

But what do you think in principle? If the numbers were like 60% + 60% against 100% (or something else) - would it work then?

If the numbers actually are 80% + 80% against 100% there isn't much of an imbalance in my view. In my implementation an alliance would require a bigger imbalance. The exact numbers (the "threshold" i mentioned) would have to be worked out though.
Ina'[sul,gok,wan], Ignis, Horus
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Old 09-17-2010, 02:49 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by wizardOfIgnis View Post
Other times we are more online, but still outnumbered by both Syrtis and Alsius and kicked out only minutes after we take a fort
If people would stop chasing ennemies till the save, Ignis could hold fort for a longer time. Often we have 15 ppl at a fort, and when ennemis show up with 15 ppl too, we are like 2 or 3 in fort. Where are the 12 others Igneans ? at samal save
Server Horus, realm Ignis
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Old 09-17-2010, 03:02 PM   #5
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it seems as if this has already happened between alsius and ignis (on horus). every day, alsius takes menirah, within 15 minutes syrtis are knocking away at samal's door. if we decide to fight the gelfs and leave the goats alone, they just take the tele to shaanarid. it happens at least 10 times per day.
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Old 09-17-2010, 03:46 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Hamster_of_sorrow View Post
it seems as if this has already happened between alsius and ignis (on horus). every day, alsius takes menirah, within 15 minutes syrtis are knocking away at samal's door. if we decide to fight the gelfs and leave the goats alone, they just take the tele to shaanarid. it happens at least 10 times per day.
I'm from Ignis and can't help to say how poor, poor Ignis must be based on what you just said there. Poor Ignis (of course the most recent Invasion by Ignis doesn't count at all). It's as if you were saying Ignis isn't allowed to get beaten up by the bad bullies we all know as gelf's and goats at the same time.

It's a game with 3 different Realms so anything can happen, just learn to deal with it.

Last edited by Raindance; 09-17-2010 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 09-17-2010, 05:50 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Raindance View Post
I'm from Ignis and can't help to say how poor, poor Ignis must be based on what you just said there. Poor Ignis (of course the most recent Invasion by Ignis doesn't count at all). It's as if you were saying Ignis isn't allowed to get beaten up by the bad bullies we all know as gelf's and goats at the same time.

It's a game with 3 different Realms so anything can happen, just learn to deal with it.
I think what hes saying is that it happens all the time. It would be fine if it was constant war. But its a constant farm.
If you truly are from Ignis, you would know the frustrations of logging on with Samal taken by Syrtis and Meni taken by Alsius. Then going to Samal only to find four other Ignis fighting 10+ Syrtis. Then, after a few times of throwing yourself at the fort, killing players only for them to be rezed you see the dreaded words of "Shaanarid is under attack" come up on your screen and you can only hang your head knowing you've neglected Alsius to the point of going to Shaana.
And every day this week that I have logged on. This exact scenario has taken place. Only once, after an hour were we able to pull the player base to take everything back easily.

Hamster wasn't saying that we shouldn't get a beating, because of the nature of the game, of course we should. But when you receive this beating, everyday, the same way. Well... like I said, if you truly are from Ignis, only you would know the frustrations.
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Old 09-20-2010, 08:51 PM   #8
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It just wouldn't work!
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Old 09-21-2010, 01:16 AM   #9
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Great post.
Well the alliance,can require a max limit of player online.
For example Syrtis=20 Alsius= 10 Ignis =8 in that condition,an automatic alliance can be made by a server command.So alsius and ignis vs syrtis.
In the same moment that the population get modified by some logon for ex:
Syrtis 20 Alsius 10 Ignis 14 the same automatic server command can disband the multirealm alliance.
Then an alliance could make for example 6 forts of the same color,and split(just for an haaaaaaaaaard example) all the realm gems in one of the 2 allianced realms.So if syrtis want to invade the alliance "alsius-ignis" he can invade 1 realm only.
But that was just a fantasy^^.
Sorry for my english i hope is readble^^.
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Old 09-17-2010, 04:08 PM   #10
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I don't see how less enemies to fight (because an alliance would make you unable to attack the enemies of one realm) would bring more action in a server, esp in Horus which is dead most of the time...

The other realm awaits...
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