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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 01-31-2011, 06:08 PM   #1
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Default Ask NGD - Reply Week 3


The replies to the community questions of the week are:

What are your plans or concepts for an improved user interface? (English Forum)

You haven’t noticed this but during the past year we have changed a lot of the programming functionality behind most of the UI (basically replacing hardcoded GUIs by scripted ones) We plan to do a graphical overhaul during this year (hopefully first half) but we don't have many parts of the UI that we think need to be completely revamped from a usability point of view. We think that Regnum's UI from a usability point of view is quite accessible and clean.
One UI that we don’t like is the NPC conversation screen. A simple modification is being introduced with the February update, but we do have a major refactoring designed for that (to make conversations more like
conversations and less like a verbal ATM).

What changes are you planning for Invasions? (Spanish/ English Forum)

Yes, the first modification for invasions is coming in the February update. It is not a dramatic change from a functionality point of view but a set of rule changes that we think will generate a higher amount and quality of invasion attempts without being so frustrating.
We do have more changes and improvements in our minds but first, we have to try these new dynamics.

By when will the Barbarian be able to use dual wielding weapons? (Spanish Forum)

Even though, the art animation for dual wielding weapons it´s already done, there´s a lot of big changes in the combat system that need to be made before adding this feature in to the game. It´s for that reason that we decided to delay it and work hard in more urgent features (February release launch for example).
Our plan is to launch a new balance version by April/May. We hope to add dual welding weapons by that time.

Also, in Ask NGD - Archive you can find all the answered questions from past weeks.

Last edited by Zombrex; 02-10-2011 at 10:43 PM.
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