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Old 11-22-2011, 11:39 AM   #1
EMIN's Avatar
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Talking exhange ximering for wmc

I was thinking about if NGD could add a premium item with which you can exchange ximerin with a reasonable amount of warmaster coins. I've also noticed that many players who want to be warmasters cant acomplish both quests in a day so its hard for them to become warmasters.Moreover this will beneficial for NGD since they will earn loads of money for this premium item.However,thats just a thought which I hope you like
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Old 11-22-2011, 12:14 PM   #2
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Well it is War Master. Sooo you have to war a little. Before we got 50's who leveled just by staying inside. Good NGD fixed this for upto 60 grind. Now you want to have WM's without joining a single battle?

Hmm we better not have this one.
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Old 11-22-2011, 12:43 PM   #3
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Hell no. At least we have in this game one thing that you cant have with real life money - warmaster. You can get lvl45 with money, you can buy 500% boosters to get lvl60 in few days, you can even get full epic gear with money. You dont actually need to play the game to get lvl60 and the best possible gears, so at least keep the wm like its now...
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:02 PM   #4
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No thanks, as said above, we have enough premium to get a player to level 60 quickly. That is one prerequisite for Warmaster. That is enough.

Accomplishing the quests daily may be difficult depending on time zone yes, however, it is still possible with help from allies. In any case is it such a big deal if you don't finish in a day ? On my way to warmaster there were many, many days I did not complete even in 2 days. I didn't have the luxury of killing the nobles either like many have a chance now.
Enjoy the journey, it is actually more fun than the destination. besides, if you have war master allies, you have access to warmaster powers anyway. You have from 50 to 60 to get there and at least you can say at the end, "I paid my dues to hold the title"

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Old 11-22-2011, 01:07 PM   #5
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Hell no. Premium only armor enhancements is bad enough, might as well just sell a scroll of warmastery if this is introduced.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:12 PM   #6
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Don't you still need to spend money to make the warmaster gears useful?

Yes if ngd implemented this they would make a few extra bucks but money isn't always what's important. What the warmaster gears bring to the game is something to work towards to say you earned instead of plainly bought. Its a reason to stay in the game once the fun of raiding random forts becomes stale. Besides ngd still makes money off enhancements.

the whole idea of being a warmaster is the experience of war you have and your ability to lead your army. I wouldn't want to follow a leader who earned his title by whipping out a credit card.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:51 PM   #7
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This is a bad idea, but there are a few things that I believe would help the situation alot:
1) Make WM coins account-wide, so if you play mutliple characters your chances of getting WM are not lowered.
2) Add more quests that give WM coins. The current ones are boring and repetitive. Perhaps make new quests based upon RvR achievments.

But what about swapping RP with WM coins? Remove the Realm Points system entirely and make it so that WM coins are what is earned from battle.
(But not enough to replace the quests, of course, as that would remove some incentive for horses and teleport scrolls.)

You have defeated johndoe
You earn 10 Warmaster coins

Also, make it so that players can get on the rankings based upon how much WM coins they have. This gives an incentive to do the quests indefinitely.
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:23 PM   #8
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no1. Move this to suggestions !

no2. Bad idea ...

no3. If NgD wants to earn more money ... make market where ppl can sell premium items or ximerin for ingame money aka gold or mags,amber,quartz,rocks etc ...

lvl 60s without gold would put some amount of xim on market for gold for repair bills

Players interested to have mag weapons/armours or whatever would mags be for use -- could sell xim for mags ...

If there would be use of other rock loots ... well guess ...

This is an way how will NgD make more money and players that cant buy xim in their countrys would have chance to get mount,xp boosters,banners etc etc etc ...
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:11 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by gamias7 View Post
I was thinking about if NGD could add a premium item with which you can exchange ximerin with a reasonable amount of warmaster coins. I've also noticed that many players who want to be warmasters cant acomplish both quests in a day so its hard for them to become warmasters.Moreover this will beneficial for NGD since they will earn loads of money for this premium item.However,thats just a thought which I hope you like
rofl... maybe you need premium scroll, around 150k xims, and you got 60 wm for 1 minute of your life?
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Old 11-23-2011, 07:37 AM   #10
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I am not talking about me but many ppl want to get warmaster coins and they cant play all the time.I dont need warmaster coins but just saying
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exchange, wmc, xim

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