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Old 01-08-2012, 02:24 PM   #1
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Default Nibiru? Wow..

So I was just surfing on youtube and I found this video :

Seriously, I've been looking around the internet for every topic/video about Niburu for liek 4 hours now.. I'm totally psyched up.. To think that there would be such a planet, where maybe there's life? WOW, just.. I just can't get it out of my mind.. DAMN. Makes me think about life and death a lot, if there is a god or not.

What do you guys think? Any videos or threads about it are welcome, post as much as you can about it pleasee!
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Old 01-08-2012, 02:38 PM   #2
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Ehem..... What!?
P. S. My imho: That's BS to make us forget about actual problems (you know...)
I heard draconic gem makes people stupid. Now i see it is exactly so.
lol fail \ iFail \ I Am Multirealmer
Good bye RO, the poor players.... have fun
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Old 01-08-2012, 02:41 PM   #3
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DMC is contagious.
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:17 PM   #4
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This "Nibiru" planet doesn't exist, we already went through this nonsense once in 2003, and like every other end of the world crap when it didn't happen the morons/trolls that came up with it went "oops" and pushed the doomsday back 9 years.

If it did exist and was going to hit us in 2012 it would need to be close enough to be seen with the naked eye by now.

There are other life forms in the universe.

Our current understanding of the universe means its unlikely we will ever physically meet any other sentient life.

There is no god.

The world is no more likely to "end" this year than in the past 4 billion.

Any questions?
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:58 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
This "Nibiru" planet doesn't exist, we already went through this nonsense once in 2003, and like every other end of the world crap when it didn't happen the morons/trolls that came up with it went "oops" and pushed the doomsday back 9 years.

If it did exist and was going to hit us in 2012 it would need to be close enough to be seen with the naked eye by now.

There are other life forms in the universe.

Our current understanding of the universe means its unlikely we will ever physically meet any other sentient life.

There is no god.

The world is no more likely to "end" this year than in the past 4 billion.

Any questions?
Haha yes actually,

How do you know if there are other life forms in the universe? Any facts or do you think there are ;p
And why is there no god, what makes you think so?
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:28 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Archonaut View Post
Haha yes actually,

How do you know if there are other life forms in the universe? Any facts or do you think there are ;p
And why is there no god, what makes you think so?

Do you realise Gas Giants are uninhabitable or not? They are mainly made up of Hydrogen. And at 60 AU from the parent star, what kind of temperature do you think that planet will have?

Seriously, stop spamming this bullshit in these forums.
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:54 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Archonaut View Post
How do you know if there are other life forms in the universe? Any facts or do you think there are ;p
And why is there no god, what makes you think so?
Simple probability, even excluding other factors, dictates that if we as one planet in one solar system have life, then of the countless other planets in countless other star systems life must also exist. Infact we suspect there is basic cellular life in the ice on mars, and if I remember correctly all signs point that one of Jupiters icey moons, Europa, probably has liquid water under the surface, which is a great environment for life to develop. If either of these possibility actually hold life then the odds of life elsewhere becomes a certainty. 3 in one system examples of life in one system? Countless other systems? You work out the odds. We are not special, only our vanity could ever have us think that we are the only spark of life in a universe of infinite probability.

I don't believe in any God because there is no proof, and his existence isn't necessarily for the existence of the universe as we understand it. We can't see gravity, yet we can see it in action, we can test its properties, we can understand it and its roll in creation. All Gods are fairy storys written to answer questions that we couldn't at the time, and then used for several hundred years to control people twist facts repress learning and generally hold the world back, really, mass religion should be ashamed, without the dark ages of scientific repression we could well be on Mars by now, who knows?

I reject the ideas of God because they are no more valid than Harry Potter, and far worse for the world than Twilight, those are my reasons

Feel free to counter argue, I actually quite like sharing pro/con reasons for assorted things

"We just don't know." - Scientific community at large.
Excluding everything we do know? Allow me to tweak your quote slightly for religious masses

"We don't want to know"
"We don't know, therefore God did it"
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Old 01-09-2012, 11:18 PM   #8
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I can't believe that there really are people believing in this crap. On the other hand, there are tons of creationists in the USA, too, so... :P :P Believing in Nibiru is quite tame in comparison.

Originally Posted by Archonaut View Post
How do you know if there are other life forms in the universe? Any facts or do you think there are ;p
Statistics. Rare events do happen. Simple math. Counter question: Why should we be something special? The universe is huge.
If you hope to meet them one day though - you should start playing Lotto. Waaaayyyyyyy better chances. ;-P Way better like in... I got nothing. Just forget it.

Originally Posted by Archonaut View Post
And why is there no god, what makes you think so?
What makes you think there's no cosmic teapot?

Oh, and there is no way to move something faster than light. Not matter, not information. Nothing. Yes, there have been neutrinos that seemed to be 0.0025% faster (lol), but that's most likely a measurement error. Anything else?

Originally Posted by Aelonderiel View Post
Moreover, Europa isn't even the best candidate for life in the Solar System. Titan is. Titan is Saturn's largest moon, and unlike Europa, it has a Hydrosphere, making it the only object with one that we know of other than the Earth. It also has seasons. In general, it is stunningly similar to the Earth - other than the fact that its Hydrosphere is made up of Methane, not Water. Too bad. It's still speculated that there might be microorganisms that use Methane in Titan, because its methane levels are constantly being replenished (although it might not come from biological sources). And it probably has a subsurface water ocean like Europa.
I like those kind of theories. There have actually been found organisms made of other stuff than the normal elements (was it boron? lol there's nothing I know less about than chemistry) if I remember correctly, and why should organisms even need water? It is 'assumed' yes, but in fact we know nothing at all.

That's where you can believe if you want to, it might be possible after all, even with everything we know (which obviously isn't that much). Humans tend to make things they don't know up. We made god up because we couldn't imagine how something like life (or anything in this world actually) could ever happen on its own, but now we know, no need for god any more, guys. Believe whatever you want to, as long as it doesn't collide with sanity. :P

Originally Posted by Aelonderiel View Post
If I asked you to prove why 1+1=2, what would you do? If I asked you to explain what 1 means? This is just simple arithmetic, and yet, where does it come from?
It's not that simple. But it can be proven, at least in a way that you can't disprove it. Every maths student has to go through that. :P
That's where science is religious, we believe that there is logic. Is it necessary, that the whole universe follows logic? No, we want to find out. It's the same with religions IMO, they've just stopped waaay earlier. (Religions follow logic, too! Humans need logic)

Interesting thread I've missed here.
Winning a fight doesn't make you a good player, having fun losing one does.


Last edited by Seher; 01-09-2012 at 11:46 PM.
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
I must point out before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, speculation and theories are not conclusive evidence.
"We just don't know." - Scientific community at large.
Dizzy thumbs, itchy fingers
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:18 PM   #10
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A Jupiter sized planet at 60 AU from it's parent?

Right. This is certainly the end of the world, whether it passes by us or not.
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