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Old 02-08-2017, 06:03 PM   #1
Elva Hunter
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Default Considerations about the new skills of the discipline of pets.

Hello guys, as everyone know, i am a pet user since when i started on hunter 5 years ago, always using pet and mastering it.
so, enjoy my haters or not, I will expose here some considerations about those 2 new pet spells.

1- Prominent Sight. The first time the devs anounced about the 1.18 changes and about this spell i commented that i had doubts about that skill, and thanks God, they decided to make this spell activable, which solved in very good part the main problem of this spell.
So now i have less disconfidence of this spell but it does not mean that the spell is effective in it self. the main reason for this, is that for the Prominent Sight worth the power points spent, the user will have to spend at least 4 power points, and to it become "decent" for the wz situations (hunt, fort wars, pvp, etc) lvl 5 is a must.
And as everyone knows, pet users suffer so much with the lack of power points, so, if you are planing to use this skill, think twice and you must have very clear in your mind which finality you will give to this. The fact of this spell be activable is a very good aspect, again, was a big hit from the devs, well done.

2- Nature's Fury

Now here comes the complain...

I suggest you to fasten your seat belts because the ride will be long and turbulent.

Nature's Fury has a good side, of finally after years, the devs finaly listen and give for the hunter's pet, a skill. which is awesome!
Hunters is a natural stealth class, specially the pet user, who have less range, less damage and less defense, so he have to get close of the foe to attack and kill fast making sure of the success.
the problem is that, is not from today that we have problems with spells that are made "of one hour for another" and that later just become a reason for complains and cries for nerfs in the forums; The most recent example of this was the new arcane strike that just got nerfed on this update.
What i want mean here is that, the intention from the devs in finally give spells for pets is good, but the execution of that intention, in my point of view, did not was that good, specially if we think that soon we probably will have people complaining in the forums and asking for nerfs in the nature's fury.
But ofcourse, if i came here to down the wood over the Nature's Fury, i have to give some "solution" for the problem, and in fact there have many, many options and many ways to do that, so let me suggest here some ideas that may can help.
but for help, first i would like to ask to the devs "okay guys, please tell me, do you want to keep nature's fury or do you want try something new?.

If they answer is to "keep nature's fury". then the solution that could help is. (i am proposing the changes considering in a hypothesis that you guys will apply the changes, just for purposes of exemplification).

1- Decrease the damage. 900 area damage in unchallenge mobs and about 600 in players, seems a bit too much for me, and in pvp situations will be a problem. i think a pet causing around 400 damage in players fully bufed is enough. after all, it's a pet, you have to use it wisely, is a gameplay completely different of the easy and boring job of be a barbarian or a warlock and just have to press buttons to win.

2- A thing very wrong in the spell actually is that the spell is from and for the pets, BUT the responsible for it's casting still is the hunter.

That's wrong and is completely old! No one pet now days have offensive spells that the owner who have to cast or spend mana. The pet has it own mana, and it's own offensive spells, so, the pet should be responsible for the casting, and for the mana consumtion aswell. This is the basic. but what the hunter should control is, if he want or not, his pet to use the spell and when. so, instead of when you click in the spell, the hunter who be the responsible for cast the skill, the pet that should start to cast. and ofcourse, if the pet get under the effect of some crowd control spell, then the casting would be interrupted as happens with any player. as the pet is the second hand of the hunter, make the pet responsible for the casting of it's offensive spells would make the gameplay more dinamic, because sometimes the hunter is under dizzy or knocked down, and having his pet able to do that crutial blow in the enemy even if the hunter is knocked is very usefull. how often my god....how often, my pet did not saved my life doing that last blow in the barbarian that had knocked me down on the floor. the same must be with the offensive spells from the spet. the difference from a normal hit of the pet and a offensive spell is just the casting and the damage, but the concept should be the same.

3- After make the pet responsible for the casting (execution) of the nature's fury, what should be done is make the visual emotion of the pet casting very well clear, for any user know when the pet is casting a skill; This way he could be able to run away or use some defensive measure. actually i find the visual emotion very poor and hard to make the user know if the pet is casting or not.

4- decrease the casting time to 1.5 secs, like bestial wrath. I say this because the pet don't have extra casting speed, so 1.5 secs of casting time for the pet will delay more than enough for the foe have a chance to react.

5- decrease the reload. maybe a reload of 90 seconds would be enough for this spell, specially now with the reduced damage ( i am considering if you make the changes proposed )

6- increase the knock down time to 4 seconds. hunters lack of crowd control spells. this is a fact. allowing this nature's fury to become not just an area spam damage, but also an skill that can be wisely used to "save" or help the user of pet, in a crutial situation is very welcome.

7- add more 3 power points for the hunter automaticaly everytime he/her, skill the pet discipline to lvl 19. This would help to recover part of those 5 power points spent in the "Natural Dominance". and help the hunter to try skill the Nature's Fury without prejudice the set up so much.
Those are the pourposes of changes in case of the developers wish to keep nature's fury.

Now let's consider that they wanted to try something new. so here are the options:

1- Each pet, creatures, beasts, and Monsters, should have an skill, or at least keep it's main skill that it had before be tamed. with same system.
so for example, trols have the trols roar, which paralizes the foe for 3 seconds, or so right?. so, what the NGD should do is allow the pet, after be tamed, keep its natural spells. with the same chance of use or not. Here is a option, the NGD can create a spell to increase the % chance of the pet use it's natural skill, or even make it active, like nature's fury, is up to the devs. the point is, allow the pets to keep their main skills even after be tamed.

For the pets as the great spectral snake which does not have any skill (don't need) but they could create some basic skill, as a poison, or compression/strangulation, as the real snakes does to kill its prey.

That's a way to make the pet skills not so "powerfull" and still makes the pet a bit more usefull.

2- Add more 3 power points for the hunter automaticaly everytime he/her skill the pet discipline to lvl 19. This would help to recover part of those 5 power points spent in the "Natural Dominance". and help the hunter to try skill the Nature's Fury without prejudice the set up so much. I repeat this here, because this is a change that should have been done since ages, and is essential for the pet user. Also, i doubt that some pet less hunter would skill the discipline of pets to lvl 19 only to get more 3 power points. who will do that are the pet users and they realy are in need of this.

3- Create a pet dispel for stuns (only for stuns) . so the pet user could use his pet to dispel stuns on him. the coldown could be of no less than 60 seconds. this way the hunter would not abuse of this skill, the casting and mana, again, by the spences and responsability of the pet.
There have many others options of skills and changes for pets, but to be specific and to stay in the topic which was only about the two new spells, i finish my contribution here.
Best regards,

OBS: Most of the hate commentators are already on my ignore list, so if you comment and I do not respond, it's probably because you're there.

Best Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis

"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Last edited by Elva Hunter; 02-08-2017 at 06:15 PM.
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