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Old 01-30-2017, 07:26 AM   #1
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Default Introduce Your Characters

Hello, everyone!
It's me, Kipiara! Yes, I'm finally on the forums ok, awesome, cool
So, what this is about is that a number of my friends have been really encouraging me to make this thread, and I've been promising to do it and then not carrying through for long enough So here we go: What you do is copy and fill out the template below for your original character(s) in the world of Regnum, and post it as a reply. Hopefully, we can make this thread a fun character directory of sorts I'll post mine first, as an example. If you want to discuss a character, please make a new thread. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to send me a PM

Required fields have a (+). Optional fields have a (-). Don't hesitate to use creative answers!
+Name: The character’s full name and any public nicknames

+Gender: The character’s gender

+Race: The character’s race (human, dwarf, half-elf etc. non-playable races ARE allowed)

+Age: How old/young the character is, or at least how they appear

+Overview: “In a nutshell” who this character is, and what it is like to be around them

-Title: Any and all titles the character may hold or be known by

-Quote: One or more things the character might say

+Appearance: The character’s physical description (height, build, hair-colour etc.)

+Personality: The character’s personality description (this can include types, traits, likes/dislikes etc.)

-Style: The character’s fashion-sense and any descriptive info not included in the overview, appearance, and personality sections

-Skills: The things this character is particularly good at, or practices a lot, any special strengths

-Weaknesses: The things this character may struggle with, like flaws, bad habits, or just vulnerabilities

+Motives/Goals: The things this character works for, short term, long term, what gets them out of bed in the morning

-Occupation: What the character does for a living, can include hobbies

-Residence: Where the character lives/stays, or not, as the case may be

-Trivia: Any fun fact about the character that does not fit elsewhere on the sheet

-Biography: The character’s backstory, explaining how they got where they are today, can be brief or exhaustive, use creativity, feel free to make a second post for it, remember that this is an OPTIONAL field
| /¯
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Old 01-30-2017, 07:49 AM   #2
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Kipiara is on a distinguished road

Name: Kipiara (known to her friends as Kip, Kipi, or some formation like that)

Gender: Female

Race: Dark Elf

Age: Undeterminable, though not old

Overview: In a word, devoted: an academic, but fun-loving elf with a troubled past and a veritable knack for lucklessness. Loves to discuss the history of magic, especially topics related to the old masters. Wears commemorative neck ornaments. Loyal to a fault. Hates to pick fights. Ready to make friends, but learns more from quiet observation than from talking with others. Has a bit of an obsession with knives, books, and items with magical properties. Generally self-controlled, but prone to physical displays of affection or displeasure. Always ready to laugh.

Title: The Twice-Exiled, Daughter of the Midnight Storm, Tamer of the Spirit-Horse of Golden Falls, Ember of the Last Bonfire, Sorceress of the Shaanarid Order, and High Priestess of the Dragon-god Aurasthor

Quote: “Anyone can be a mage, but a true wizard is at one with magic, strong of both mind and body.”
“Go ahead. Make it complicated. It’ll be more fun that way.”
“Ever heard of Sultar? Essadi? Morons.”
“Aurasthor keep you, Childe.”
“Please, I’m a sorceress. Death is my plaything.”
“By the Three!”

Appearance: Thick but supple and clumsily graceful, with smooth skin of a soft, rich, purplish hue. Middling in height, with dark, shady hair worn short, wavy, and free, and a straightforwardly pretty face, sporting full lips, a plain nose, dramatic, expressive brows, and deep, sparkling, thoughtful, violet eyes. No tattoos, piercings, or visible scars. Hands and feet are wide, strong, and sensitive, with short digits, but delicate movements.

Personality: Kinesthetic, playful, quiet, optimistic, scholarly, and passionate; slightly unpredictable; somewhat given to abandon during pleasurable experiences; quick to forgive, and expects the same from others; tolerant, but can be a little xenophobic toward certain groups; goodhearted, but a rather sadistic fighter; sometimes has a hard time admitting to being wrong; Likes complex spells, starlit beaches, long baths, dense woods, reading, carving, riding, gaming, strong rulinsa, rich wine, amiable companionship, and deep meditation; Dislikes necromancy, lichcraft, and anything else that grossly perverts natural-magical order, also dislikes besotted cretins, tundra climes, Tol-Tars, bureaucrats, hypocrites, warmongers, the Alsirian empire, the Syrtian mage council, Matriarch Rasha Nuri, Sultar the Arcanist, and other inflated egos, along with the systematic suppression of free magical research.

Style: Dark, rich colours; ebony, crimson, emerald, and gold; simple and functional, but subtly bold; primarily robes and short gowns, preferring the lighter, more open designs most suited to the southern regions; footwear should be dramatic, but not distracting; usually barefoot indoors or when riding; might wear a large, floppy, pointed hat, or a deep cowl; often dons a plain, but intimidating mask for auspicious occasions; favours necklaces, bracelets, and anklets for jewelry, chosen based on their magical properties or sentimental value; not much flair, but a little flourish; tends to lounge and sprawl when resting, but knows how to be decorous.

Skills: Energy-manipulation magic, basic enchanting, staff-fighting, alchemy, cooking, storytelling; speaks conversational, though no longer fluent Syrtian, and basic words of the Utghar tribal tongue; brews excellent rulinsa (a traditional Ignite blueberry beer); plays the lute.

Weaknesses: Known to “panic-cast” simple spells that are good on their own, but poorly chosen for the situation; sometimes resorts to physical force just because it “feels better” even though magic would have been more effective; often overlooks a simple solution at first, in favour of a complex one that seems more interesting; personally independent, but heavily reliant on the support of others in high-pressure situations.

Motives/Goals: Sharing and spreading her faith; attaining complete mastery of magic, and making new discoveries in order to someday teach students, passing on the old secrets to a new generation; bringing peace at last to the three realms, possibly by breaking the Alsirian empire’s grip on the continent; supporting and aiding the Ignite peoples, especially the Moloks, and reconciling the elven races; building and growing her personal wealth for the honour of Aurasthor.

Occupation: Woodworker, scholar, Korr-Tabhar merchant, and religious leader.

Residence: Currently staying in Allahed by the sea.

Trivia: Did you know that Kipiara has tasted Utghar milk? Don’t ask how that happened, though…

Last edited by Kipiara; 02-02-2017 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 01-30-2017, 07:50 AM   #3
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Kipiara is on a distinguished road
Default Kipiara's Biography

Kipiara was born sometime during the great exile. Her parents were part of a group of nomadic drifters who refused to accept their exile and settle into the new lands, preferring to remain on the outskirts of the Syrtian realm and brave the full wrath of the desert, but she was separated from them one fateful night when their caravan was caught in a dreadful storm. As it turns out, her mother and father were double renegades; not only had they refused to go along with the rest of the soon-to-be Ignite people, they had also betrayed the tribe they were now members of by taking mystically binding oaths to Matriarch Azzaria, binding their bodies to her service and linking their family to the powerful blood-magic that she would soon unleash. Thus it was that Kipiara’s very essence was fused with dark magics at the time of the Sacrifice of Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight Souls, even though she was but a babe, lying miles from the ritual, unconscious and alone in a horrific sandstorm, and thus it was that she received the dark-elven Curse-Gift of the Ignite gods.

Her story might have ended there, but this was not Fate’s decree. It happened as morning came, after the storm passed, yet before the sun even began to lighten the sky, that a wood-elven couple, a wife and husband team, passed down the great river on their return to Eferias castle from an excursion to the North Sea. It matters not now why they made this trip, or what they sought at first. By some chance, the wife, who was a powerful seer, sensed a weak magical signature coming from the direction of the desert. Now, she could have ignored this insignificant spark, been none the wiser for it, and felt no guilt for what she had done, but she chose to stop the boat and risk the desert to see what might be there. They followed the tiny mana-beacon almost like a baby’s cry, until at last they came upon the source, a small bundle almost buried in the sand, and within, they found an infant elf, small, innocent, helpless, and very much alive. The seer placed her slender, white hand upon the baby’s brow, letting the magic tell her its tale, and then she knew what had transpired. If it had been anyone else, Kipiara might have been destroyed as an abomination even then, but the seer and her husband believed in the right of all to live, grow, love, and be loved, and they could have no children of their own. So it was, that they conferred together and decided to take the baby back with them, protect her, and raise her as their daughter.

The seer and her husband showed Kipiara true love and boundless kindness; she wanted for nothing, had the run of the castle, and ruled the grounds like a little monarch. Her foster parents raised her according to the ancient elven values in every way, and gave her a proper elven education. Her father showed her all the history of the elven peoples, her mother encouraged her affinity for magic, helping her understand how to feel the flow of life and mana, to bend matter and energy to her will. They taught her that her physical differences were a gift, and that she should relish the strength, stamina, and exotic appearance this gift granted her. Kipiara learned, lived, and loved voraciously, savouring everything. She even found a soulmate in a sprightly, grubby, young wood-elven boy who judged her based on who she was, instead of what she was, and so things went on peacefully and undisturbed for many years, but alas, her idyllic childhood was doomed to an untimely end.

One day, on an excursion to Fisgael, her parents were betrayed and her secret was discovered. They quickly left the city, and retreated back to their home, hoping against hope that no news would spread, and that their dear daughter would be allowed to live on with them in peace, but it was not to be. Their foes were far from finished, and before long, inquisitors arrived at Eferias castle, demanding the immediate surrender of the “abomination” being nurtured within. The seer and her husband loved Kipiara desperately, and they would give their lives to keep her from the hands of these miscreants. They distracted the inquisitors with half-truths, bluffs, and evasion, spiriting their daughter away by night and bidding her flee to Ignis, but she was so distraught that she would flee without direction, and after a distant, desperate, final farewell from her love, who promised to find her again, she lost all sense of purpose, and merely fled onward, with no thought of where she was going. After some days of aimless wandering, and tense hiding from patrols, she had been continuing in a roughly north-eastern direction, and she came upon a battlefield. She was shocked to come so suddenly onto the grisly scene of the waning fight, but her attention was immediately drawn aside. Under a nearby tent, an elf-woman laboured in childbirth. Her husband, fresh from the fight, was by her side guarding her and trying to help her. He barely gave Kipiara a glance as she appeared at the entrance, in her long travelling cloak, her face shrouded under its cowl. The she-elf’s labour was hard, and when she brought forth, the infant was ashen, and did not cry, yet Kipiara reached out to him. She sensed a small, desperate mote of life within his still form. It spoke to her deeply, in some language she could not understand, but equally could not deny, and it pleaded for help. Without knowing what she was about, she took the baby from his exhausted, sobbing mother, over his father’s confused and angry protests. With desperate tendrils of magic, she seized a nearby dying beast, and drained it of its remaining life-force as she breathed life into the baby elf’s pale, motionless body. He almost immediately caught his breath, and let out a long, healthy cry, at which his mother revived, but Kipiara was horrified to see that the baby’s skin had turned dark, dark as her own.

Feeling cursed and vile, Kipiara left the infant with his mother and ran northwards on foot, never stopping once until at length she came to the basin of Golden Falls, where she collapsed in despair and fatigue. That night, something drew the mighty spirit-horse to her, there at the very waterfall where she had frolicked with her love in times not so long past, and in an amazing moment of healing and resignation, she resonated with the magical apparition, taming him with her mind alone, and ever since, he has been her faithful steed, always ready to come to her aid should she need him, though she has given him his freedom.

Kipiara continued north for many days, into the snow-capped mountains of Alsius. The cold bit her deeply, draining her quickly, as she was not equipped to withstand it. Thinking she had nothing left in this world, she sought oblivion in that icy embrace, but what she found instead was a warm bonfire, and the accepting embrace of a family. She lived many seasons with that small tribe of rogue dwarves and utghars, drowning her sorrows in their hearty company and excellent mead. One of the dwarves spoke some rough Syrtian elvish, and he became her interpreter, mentor, and close friend. She learned to hunt from him, and after some time, began to pick up the tribal dialect spoken by the utghars. However, the small tribe was at a crisis. Beset on one side by unusually harsh winters, and on the other side by persecution from the old empire, their numbers dwindled slowly due to death, desertion, and flight, until Kipiara was left almost alone with her dwarven friend. He advised her that the tribe’s time was at an end, and that she should return to Ignis, that there was the only place she could hope to find acceptance and a home at last. He told her that it was her true realm, and she was needed there. She had thought at first that she would be considered a traitor, and so had believed that she would never return to Ignis, but her friend explained to her that there was no reason for her people to see her as a traitor. She was of their kind, and if she proved loyal and industrious, they would naturally accept her.

Seeing the good-sense of his advice, she agreed at length to make the journey, and together they travelled south to the new lands of Ignis, where she bid him a fond farewell. Due to her differences in dialect and her mysterious origins, she was indeed viewed with some suspicion for a time, but she soon gained the trust of her people and made many new friends. It was in Ignis that she first stepped through the portal and into the domain of Aurasthor the Golden, after which she became his devout worshipper and High Priestess. It was in meditation on the green shores of Ignis that she finally found true healing for her painful losses. Eferias will always be her first home, though it seems strange to say that after so much has changed, but her people are now the Ignites, the only ones upon whom she has not brought ruin because of what she is, or what she is not.
| /¯

Last edited by Kipiara; 02-03-2017 at 08:17 PM.
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:14 AM   #4
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Hey kipiara and wlcome,

Like it, will make my own when i have time , but it is a 800 old years story back when hamters ruled all lower races.
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Old 01-30-2017, 01:23 PM   #5
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Hey and welcome! Would love to do that when il get time :P
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Old 01-30-2017, 01:35 PM   #6
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Oh my god.
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Old 01-30-2017, 02:32 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kipiara View Post
...Ready to make friends...
...Always ready to laugh...
...with smooth skin of a soft, rich, purplish hue
...dark, shady hair worn short, wavy, and free...
...and a straightforwardly pretty face...
...sporting full lips...
...dramatic, expressive brows..
...deep, sparkling, thoughtful, violet eyes...
...but delicate movements...
...Kinesthetic, playful,...
...passionate; slightly unpredictable...
...pleasurable experiences...
...quick to forgive...
...sadistic fighter...
...starlit beaches, long baths, rich wine...
...amiable, companionship...
A better world.
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Old 01-30-2017, 05:25 PM   #8
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Talking Dayron's Legacy

Dayron came to us, to the realm of alsius, not as a player, but as an angel from the heavens itself.
Dayron started slow, at first he was nothing but a ''daily random'' from most people, but when he started warring, he started chatting in realm chats.
He made friendships, being funny, with many people, but his first friend and nakama was La Zehaha. Those two were the literal example of Bromance, kissing each other every minute while at the same time calling each other Puts.

When Dayron was a little high level player, he got into few clans who helped him, but it seemed that no one could control the beast inside him. In just what might look like a few days, he showed his true nature.

At high level, he was a beast, people saw his true skill coming out, and he surprised and impressed many. But, what was the most amusing of all, was but his language and grammer.
For many, Dayron and his language, went together, and every single person of The alsius realm, knew about him.
The most interesting thing about dayron, as i said before, was the way he spoke. In today's age, we talk about famous quotes from famous people like Gandhi, but in few years, it will all be Dayron and his speakings.
In just a few moments, dayron was a leader, the whole realm talked about dayron, it was as if a Messiah had appeared.
Dayron's most famous quotes were ''put* and stupido'. But one day, it was too much. Him using this too much, got his main Barbarian and main toon perma banned. The whole realm was crying, we pleaded for unban, he pleaded for unban with puts, but it did not happen. At one point, we thought all was lost.

But then, something miraculous happened, it was Dayron's new character.
Dayron Barb.

WE rejoiced, the whole realm cheered, we kneeled down for him, and when he was expected to speak the 'Im back'' words, this instead came out of his mouth ''Sup pts''. It rejoiced us even more.

Dayron, even now continues to protect his dear nakamas, and lives on, always, within our hearts with the words ''put*''.


Name : Dayron Lopiko

Gender :Apachi helicopter 2000

Title : Angel bestowed by the heavens

Race: Demigod

Overview: Devoted to rush and complain about not getting heals

Skill: Best strategist, logically overthinking hs every move to do exactly oposite when it comes to it. Also, he's skilled group gatherer and leader, who always teach his fellow realmmates to improve
by telling them how put they are.

Appearance: Despite of having warm caring heart, dayron's face always looks angry

Weaknesses: Dayron's greatest weakness: his fellow teammates. he can't stand seeing them dying same as he cannot stand not getting heals and mana

Occupation :Being a follower of Fire spirit in exorcism of put entities which he gives relief and then puts about it

Style : 2cul4us guy who always thinks about masks over mags, trading nub 800 mags for a momo but not for a daen slayer, guy who is not so peculiar about how he looks

Personality: Dayron is great reliable teammate as he's fearsome enemy. he cares about his teammates and instantly heel their absence (especially conjs). Dayron is natural-born trader not fearing to take risks, as trading daen slayer for momo mask. by which we can say he supports looks over gear quality found only in 1 person born out of every 100000 people.

Motives: to learn englis, improve alsius, offend alsius conjus, get huge rp and wmc values and, To spread fear and introduce new race Demigods which can only be unlocked after 10k swears and 50k puts

Famous quotes by Dayron :
''Puttt ignis''
''Idiota conj no heals''
''put* no help''
''putt carbona no help''
''stupido saumya aca PN''
''putt draxgo I haven''
''recon - regon I have''
''yes fire spirit fb alsius pm''
''Putt recon correcty''
''calm down respect saum''
PS : We're sorry. this friend of ours doesnt speak english well so we're filling this up for him AS nakamas ~ Me, zehaha, carbona, fire spirit

Last edited by saumya; 01-30-2017 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 01-30-2017, 06:13 PM   #9
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I thought dayron had the dark barbarian syndrome, but he might need more help than I first thought
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Old 01-31-2017, 06:04 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
I thought dayron had the dark barbarian syndrome, but he might need more help than I first thought
No help required methinks. Ichi, it's not at all fair or right to compare Dark Barbarian with Dayron imho. Why you ask? Simple. Ignis doesn't want to claim DB as their own, never did, never will, & think of him as a troll's warty ass & a complete embarrassment (I won't argue the merit of those sentiments). In Alsius however, we (meself included) fully claim Dayron as our own, warts & all, "puts" & all. Are DB & Day so very different really, hmmm, or do We, the Goat People, simply lack discernment, refinement, & good taste? Thus, is the difference here between DB & Day, or between Ignis & Alsius? Everyone will answer these questions according to their own gifts & good-natures ofc....or the lack thereof....

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